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box events

Get events

box events

Get events

  $ box events

  -e, --enterprise
      Get all enterprise events form a given criteria.
      CLI will use the `next_stream_position` automatically to fetch all records.

  -h, --help
      Show CLI help

  -q, --quiet
      Suppress any non-error output to stderr

  -s, --save
      Save report to default reports folder on disk

  -t, --token=token
      Provide a token to perform this call

  -v, --verbose
      Show verbose output, which can be helpful for debugging

  -y, --yes
      Automatically respond yes to all confirmation prompts

      Provide an ID for a user

      File path to bulk .csv or .json objects

      Return enterprise events that occurred after a time. Use a timestamp or shorthand syntax 0t, like 5w for 5 weeks. If 
      not used, defaults to 5 days before the end date

      Return enterprise events that occurred before a time. Use a timestamp or shorthand syntax 0t, like 5w for 5 weeks. 
      If not used, defaults to now

      Output formatted CSV

      Return enterprise events filtered by event types. Format using a comma delimited list: 

      Comma separated list of fields to show

      Output formatted JSON

      The maximum number of items to return.
      When using it with `enterprise` events, it determines the number of items to return per API call. The CLI will 
      automatically use the `next_stream_position` to fetch all records.

      Turn off colors for logging

      Override default file path to save report

      The location in the event stream from which you want to start receiving events

      Stream type admin_logs or admin_logs_streaming.
      Unless specified `admin_logs` stream type is used.

      The emphasis for `admin_logs` stream is on completeness over latency, which means that Box will deliver admin events 
      in chronological order and without duplicates, but with higher latency. You can specify start and end time/dates.

      The emphasis for `admin_logs_streaming` feed is on low latency rather than chronological accuracy, which means that 
      Box may return events more than once and out of chronological order. Events are returned via the API around 12 
      seconds after they are processed by Box (the 12 seconds buffer ensures that new events are not written after your 
      cursor position). Only two weeks of events are available via this feed, and you cannot set start and end time/dates.

  $ box events:get

  box events
  box events --enterprise --created-after 2019-01-01

See code: src/commands/events/index.js

box events:poll

Poll the event stream

  $ box events:poll

  -e, --enterprise                       Get enterprise events
  -h, --help                             Show CLI help
  -q, --quiet                            Suppress any non-error output to stderr
  -s, --save                             Save report to default reports folder on disk
  -t, --token=token                      Provide a token to perform this call
  -v, --verbose                          Show verbose output, which can be helpful for debugging
  -y, --yes                              Automatically respond yes to all confirmation prompts
  --as-user=as-user                      Provide an ID for a user
  --bulk-file-path=bulk-file-path        File path to bulk .csv or .json objects
  --csv                                  Output formatted CSV

  --end-date=end-date                    Return enterprise events that occured before this time. Use a timestamp or
                                         shorthand syntax 00t, like 05w for 5 weeks.

  --event-types=event-types              Return enterprise events filtered by event types. Format using a comma
                                         delimited list: NEW_USER,DELETE_USER,EDIT_USER

  --fields=fields                        Comma separated list of fields to show

  --json                                 Output formatted JSON

  --no-color                             Turn off colors for logging

  --polling-interval=polling-interval    Number of seconds to wait before polling for new events. Default is 60 seconds.

  --save-to-file-path=save-to-file-path  Override default file path to save report

  --start-date=start-date                Return enterprise events that occured after this time. Use a timestamp or
                                         shorthand syntax 00t, like 05w for 5 weeks. If not used, defaults to now

See code: src/commands/events/poll.js