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How to submit to Brainhack Proceedings

Submission guidelines for authors.

To create a paper for your project, simply follow the instructions in the Brainhack Proceedings template. It will take you through all the steps up to the submission based on a rich template that you can easily adapt to the needs of your paper. Once your paper is ready, you can submit it by creating an issue in this repository, using the "Submission" template, and fill in all the information.

  • Our team will fork your repository on
  • We will configure a new github page, and make the paper information and pdf available on The page will be refreshed every time a new version of the paper is released (revision1, revision2, etc).
  • A review issue will be opened on the fork, inviting some reviewers.
  • Reviewers will create issues. You will need to submit pull requests to address these issues. The editor will close each issue after reviewing they have been properly addressed.
  • After all issues have been addressed, a "publish" release will be made by the editor.
  • All versions of the paper will be posted on right after the initial submission.

Who are the Authors?

  • Authors are considered as any active local or remote contributors to the project at the time of the project developed and finalised, who had a substantial contribution to the project, not only during the time of the project development taken place for a limited time of the Brainhack but until the project has been finalised or came to a stage to publish the results.

  • The project leaders are to decide who should be getting credit as being the co-author.

  • The co-authors' consent to be listed should be taken before they are administrated as the co-authors with the publication.

  • The consent should guarantee of the co-authors should be ready to take the responsibilities regarding the any queries and support for the publication.

  • Purely financial contributors should not be considered as co-authors but considered as funding supports and needs to be acknowledged at the Acknowledgement section of the paper as necessary.


Brainhack proceedings welcomes submissions along the following tracks:

  • Brainhack Global
  • Standalone Brainhack Events
  • OHBM Hackathons
  • BrainWeb Hackathons
  • Neurohackademy
  • Worldwide Brainhack Schools (e.g. MTL Brainhack School)


We recommend proceedings to remain under two pages.

How are submissions reviewed?

Please read our review guidelines for more information.

How to submit?

  • Create a public account on GitHub.
  • Go to Brainhack Proceedings Template repository.
  • Follow the instructions given in the repository README to create a copy of the template repository at your own local, and edit as necessary.
  • Create an issue in this repository, using the "Submission" template, and fill in all the information.
  • Our team will fork your repository on
  • We will configure a new github page, and make the paper information and pdf available on The page will be refreshed every time a new version of the paper is released (revision1, revision2, etc).
  • A review issue will be opened on the fork, inviting some reviewers.
  • Reviewers will create issues. You will need to submit pull requests to address these issues.
  • The editor will close each review issue after reviewing they advised was properly addressed.
  • After all issues have been addressed, a "publish" release will be made by the editor.
  • All versions of the paper will be posted on right after the initial submission.
  • Make sure that you archieve your repository in Zenodoor Figshare together with your submission to Brainhack Proceedings. Doing so, you will get a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) for your repository while providing a time-free representation to your paper and associated code repositories.

Examples of Brainhack proceedings

The examples from the previous years' Brainhack Proceedings can be found in Proceedings menu of the Brainhack webpage


Some material in this section was adapted from the Neurolibre publication guidelines, released under an MIT license.