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Braintree iOS Development Notes

This document outlines development practices that we follow while developing this SDK.

Development Merchant Server

The included demo app utilizes a sandbox sample merchant server hosted on Heroku.


Ensure that you have SwiftLint installed as we utilize it within our project.

To install via Homebrew run:

brew install swiftlint

Our Xcode workspace has a Run Phase which integrates in SwiftLint so the only prerequisite is installing via Homebrew.


Each module has a corresponding unit test target. These can be run individually, or all at once via the UnitTests scheme.

To run the tests:

  1. Fetch test dependencies
    • pod install
  2. Run tests
    • xcodebuild test -workspace Braintree.xcworkspace -scheme UnitTests -destination 'platform=iOS Simulator,name=iPhone 14'
    • OR via the Xcode UI by selecting the UnitTests scheme + ⌘U

Note: Running the UI and IntegrationTests schemes follows the same steps as above, just replacing the UnitTests scheme name in step 3.


Refer to the ios/releases section in the internal SDK Knowledge Repo.