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Common database scripts. These scripts require a postgres db container to be running. You can start these here infra-le-local-dev


See example PR, or follow instructions below:

yarn add -D @luxuryescapes/lib-db


You can optionally create a file called .lib-db.config to specify configuration This file format should be key value like below



Easiest way is to use in your repository's npm scripts

  "scripts": {
    "db:pull:test": "lib-db heroku-pull-test my_app my_heroku_app_name"


Note: If the DB you are backing up is large, please consider using the heroku-capture-test, heroku-backup-test & heroku-restore-test commands instead.

lib-db heroku-pull-test <app_name> <heroku_app_name>

This script will pull down the database from the specified heroku app into a database called <app_name>_development

So for example if you do the following

lib-db heroku-pull-test svc_users test-svc-users

It will pull down the database from the heroku app named test-svc-users into a local db named svc_users_development

You can omit the arguments if you have APP_NAME and TEST_HEROKU_APP_NAME defined in your .lib-db.config file

You can omit table data by setting the EXCLUDE_TABLES env var in .lib-db.config this is a ; seperated list of table names. Make sure you quote this list so the ; character is escaped. If you are using a wildcard * this will need to be explicitly escaped


lib-db heroku-pull-prod <app_name> <heroku_app_name>

This script just prints an error at the moment


lib-db heroku-capture-test <app_name> <heroku_app_name> This script will generate a manual backup in heroku for downloading.


lib-db heroku-backup-test <app_name> <heroku_app_name> This script will download a backup of the database from the specified heroku app.


lib-db heroku-restore-test <app_name> <heroku_app_name> This script will restore a backup of the database of the specified heroku app that is stored in your local container. Please run heroku-backup-test first to download the backup.


lib-db create <app_name>

Will create your db named <app_name>_development

You can omit the argument if you have APP_NAME defined in your .lib-db.config file

If you want to create a db for a different environment use the env var APP_ENV

e.g running APP_ENV=spec lib-db create my_app will create a db named my_app_spec


lib-db drop <app_name>

Will drop your db named <app_name>_development

You can omit the argument if you have APP_NAME defined in your .lib-db.config file

If you want to drop a db for a different environment use the env var APP_ENV

e.g running APP_ENV=spec lib-db drop my_app will drop a db named my_app_spec


lib-db schema <app_name>

Will export the schema of db named <app_name>_development to repo/schema.sql

You can omit the argument if you have APP_NAME defined in your .lib-db.config file

If you want to export the schema for a db for a different environment use the env var APP_ENV

e.g running APP_ENV=spec lib-db schema my_app will export the schema from the db named my_app_spec Alternatively you can define a different location using the REPO_DIRECTORY in your .lib-db.config file


lib-db snapshot <app_name>

Will snapshot your db named <app_name>_development into <app_name>_development_snapshot

You can omit the argument if you have APP_NAME defined in your .lib-db.config file


lib-db snapshot-restore <app_name>

Will restore your snapshot in <app_name>_development_snapshot into <app_name>_development

You can omit the argument if you have APP_NAME defined in your .lib-db.config file


lib-db migrate-create <migration_name> <app_name>

This will create a migration sql file. By default it will put it in the migrations folder within the repo folder which is relative to where you ran the command Alternatively you can define a different location using the REPO_DIRECTORY in your .lib-db.config file

You can omit the app_name argument if you have APP_NAME defined in your .lib-db.config file

No Postgres with Docker usage

lib-db heroku-pull-test-no-docker Use this command if you are not running the Postgres DB in Docker, but still want to be able to pull from the DB in test environment for you service