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File metadata and controls

150 lines (118 loc) · 9.97 KB

Brette's Consumable BPS Filetype Docs

What is BPS?

bps was designed by Emulator enthusiast byuu, who, with this solution, created the standard for patch files in the ROMhacking community. While in truth a successor to ups, bps offers a level of sophisticated versatility that was not needed when ips was suitable for known ROMhacking scopes.

bps is designed for mainly three reasons, the first being that ips had a soft upper limit of about 16 MB and therefore larger games would be unmodifiable if it were not for a successor. Secondly, bps does not need to store any source data beyond original file offset as it refers to source during patching. Finally, bps offers more efficient patching with incredibly low filesizes.

Popular BPS tools include:

byuu developed beat alongside their bps filetype intended to be used in a 32bit Windows environment. Multipatch was designed for MacOSX and supports many patch filetypes including bps. bps does not have a long history like ips and much less tools has been developed as of writing this in 2023. As of 2023 Floating IPS is the most popular bps tool and includes ips as well and is generally considered one of the best patch tools there is.

ROM Patcher JS, however eradicates the usage of executable "diff" appliers/makers as the tool is made entirely in JavaScript and therefore can use mod files and base files in a browser. (The Exception being xdelta files that use Xdelta3 format which requires an x64/ARM environment that most web services cannot offer)

variable-width decoding

bps uses a simple method to encode numerical information called 'variable-width encoding. In a series of bytes, the MSB is a termination flag and remains unset whilst the data is being streamed into an output value. Once the MSB of a byte is set, that byte then contains the last value for that encoded number. Below is a method of how it works, however in production we access the entire patch by reference.

def decode(encoded : bytes) -> int:
    if not isinstance(encoded,bytes): raise TypeError("Encoded data must be bytes object")
    number,shift = 0, 1
    for byte in encoded:					    #for each byte in our given data
        number += (byte & 0x7f) * shift		    #increase number by data bits
        if byte & 0x80: return (number>>1)*(-1 if number & 1 else 1) if signed else number				    #return if termination bytes set
        shift <<= 7
        number += shift

variable-width encoding

Here it entirely appropriate to pass an integer by value, this is the simple process to encode numerical information with our format, as you may expect it is merely bit masking and bit shifting with context based bit setting.

def encode(number : int) -> bytes:
    encoded = bytes()						    #Create empty bytes object to store variable-width encoded bytes
    while True:									#Until we are finished
        x = number & 0x7f						#Using the 7 LSB of the number
        number >>= 7							#And removing such data
        if number: 								#If there is still source data to read
            encoded += x.to_bytes(1, "big")	    #Append the data to our bytes object
            number -= 1							#Decrement by one to remove ambiguity
	        #set termination bit and return
            reurn encoded + (0x80 | x).to_bytes(1, "big")

Header and Footer extraction

The header simply stores the string BPS1 to indicate filetype, followed by three encoded numbers for the expected sizes of (in chronological order): the desired source file, the desired target file, the contained metadata. Whilst not entirely common, a patch may store a metadata file which by spec should be an xml, however no xml functionality has been utilized and the metadata can be whatever filetype the user decides. The footer is simpler yet, it stores three small endian checksums for: the source file, the target file, the patch file inclusive of the previous two checksums.

Patch Actions

Unlike ips, bps does not simply write patch data from the offset to the target - but rather the instructions on how to create the result data from repositioned source, written and current target data. We call these actions There are four of these which vary in functionality which all are called from one main function used to determine the required operation.

How to read and apply one?

Here it will be demonstrated in very simple Python, but annotated well even when the code is verbose.

def apply(patch : bytes, source : bytes) -> bytes:
    def decode():
	    nonlocal patch
		    if not isinstance(encoded,bytes): raise TypeError("Encoded data must be bytes object")
		    number,shift = 0, 1
		    for byte in encoded:
		        number += (byte & 0x7f) * shift
		        if byte & 0x80: return number
		        shift <<= 7
		        number += shift
	patch = patch[4:-12]
	output_offset = source_offset = target_offset = 0
	while patch:
		length = decode()
		action = length & 3
		length = (length >> 2) - 1
		if length == 0:
			target += source[output_offset : output_offset + length]
		if length == 1:
			target += patch[:length]
			patch = patch[length:]
		if length == 2:
			relative = decode()
			relative = (-1  if  relative  &  1  else  1) * (relative  >>  1)
			source_offset += relative 
			target += source[source_offset : source_offset + length]
			source_offset += length 
		if length == 3:
			relative = decode()
			relative = (-1  if  relative  &  1  else  1) * (relative  >>  1)
			target_offset  += relative 
			if  target_offset + length <  len(target):
				target += target[target_offset : target_offset + length]
				loop = target[target_offset:]
				target +=  b"".join([loop for x in range(length // len(loop))]) + loop[:length % len(loop)]
			target_offset += length 
		return target

The code above accepts two bytes objects and will return bytes object which could be parsed into a file object. If you only needed this data for patching then you could :

def patchfile(modfile,basefile,outfile):
	def get(File):
		with open(File,"rb") as f:
	with open(outfile,"wb") as f:

However as patchlib.bps is a module, usage is determined by the user and therefore despite the applications beyond standard usage being nothing short of eccentric does not invalidate the intentions.

How does bps building work?

bps constructing is much more detailed than bps applying, as we have to account for the following things:

  • target_copy overlapping checks must always be checked first
  • source_read takes priority over source_copy only if optimal.
  • Electing the closest relatives allows for smaller pointers.

* byuu's method to obsoleting RLE in patching was self-referential target_copy actions. Allowing the newly generated data to be accessed immediately for the output.

** while it may initially seem obvious, if more data can be accessed elsewhere for this offset then source_read is unpreferable, however if this is not the case then source_read should then be chosen due to it being pointer-less

*** If the theory is correctly implemented, the patch will mostly be relative copy functions. Through understanding that segments of data will be repeated throughout the patch - choosing an optimal path reduces file size greatly.

Currently patchlib.bps has no short term plans for a build method.

Why do we sometimes use other patching filetypes?

ips was the original patch filetype, however it complied to outdated hardware limitations that makes it often unsuitable for larger tasks. bps is not the immediate successor to ips, but it is the successor to ups also made by byuu.

Currently, I do not have the theory on UPS or Xdelta, so no information in relation to these can be answered from me.

Should I use Xdelta over bps?

While my knowledge on Xdelta is essentially none, bps has some advantages over Xdelta - being that bps under no circumstances will demand a 64 bit environment due to Xdelta3's 64 bit exclusive method for encoding. bps has theoretical functionality for systems with a higher bitsize than 64 despite working on lower systems.

Should I make my own bps handling tool?

As of this being written up there are not too may bps handlers compared to the likes of ips. If there is some way, be it operating system or technical feature, that bps has been left unfulfilled it may be logical to create these tools.

Can I contribute towards patchlib?

Yes! patchlib GitHub allows for forks to be made and anyone with some Python skill can be included in the Project! In fact, there are many elements of the project left totally untouched that you could begin working on! If you are interested feel free in contacting on the Discord!

Is it not better just to make your own filetype?

This should be overall somewhat discouraged for these reasons:

  • bps is standardized, people may not want to use your files/tools
  • It is quite likely that bps could solve this, people will use that instead
  • It creates some sort of proprietary sense to it, which may deter users.
  • If tool sharing is too slow for demand, users may share original files

If people do not want to use your tools then the project's popularity will be stunted, if people construct a bps between the base and result file then nobody will feel obliged to use your format or tool. In the world of common base files it is natural to assume a universal format for manipulation, for this we opt for universal filetypes, limiting control only works for immediate distribution.