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Bahá'í Reference Library Overlay

Browser add-on to overlay the official Bahá'í Reference Library site with links back to collaboratively editable wiki pages (at,,, and as well as linking to and

The wikis allow compilation of quotations and resources pertaining to any given work. Next to the heading title of each work are links which, when clicked, will visit the page dedicated to collecting resources for the given book (authoritative quotations and resources, Bahá'í encyclopedic, public encyclopedic, or source text, tags leading to chronological or scholarly publication, and index entries, respectively).

Where available, even individual paragraphs can be clicked to visit a wiki page dedicated to that specific paragraph (at present, this functionality is only available for:

  • The Kitáb-i-Aqdas
  • The Hidden Words

Per paragraph links only lead to (which provides links to topical compilation pages or provides other background on the verse in question) and to (the indexes in the back of printed Bahá'í books).

Currently works for English only. Volunteers to localize are most welcome, especially for Persian (given the site content being in English and Persian).

This add-on is an individual initiative, not sponsored by any Bahá'í administrative institution.

Rationale for manual tracking of pages

Note that there is a file, Writings-map.js which manually keeps track of which items at have corresponding wiki pages. Although the code ought to have been more maintainable if we were to make HTTP HEAD requests or use the Mediawiki API to detect whether a page had been created or not, this would have added undue burdens on the servers, especially when the finite number of pages (at least till now!) could easily be tracked. But this does periodically require updates since we have not created and cannot or do not wish to create stub pages on all of the wikis when the content is not yet ready.


The older incarnation of this add-on worked in Firefox as well as Chrome, but it ceased working at least for the latest browsers, and in all likelihood because the old site ( was migrating parts of its content to the new site (

Older browser add-on packages can be found at, e.g.:

Information is also available at

Local testing

  1. git clone
  2. Go to chrome://extensions/
  3. Click "Load unpacked" and choose the bahai-reference-library-wiki-overlay directory
  4. Try out:
    1. The toolbar icon (if not visible, click on the Jigsaw puzzle piece icon). Try the search and the "jump to page"
    2. Go to and after visiting some pages, see the links at the top.
    3. Go to the main Kitáb-i-Aqdas paragraphs, and see the per-paragraph links on the left hand side which can be clicked or hovered over for a popup iframe view. You may have to wait a few seconds to see them.


  1. Update add-ons to use WebExtensions.
    1. Populate missing, redirects, etc. per group
    2. Submit to add-ons site
  2. Allow for mouse drag to obtain a precise citation (as could be forwarded to an annotation site; might in fact store this locally as we do with or store in remotely)

Lower-priority to-dos

  1. Add sub-sub-sections, e.g., for individual talks of
  2. Get localized into Persian
  3. Option to hide specific sites
  4. Could create wiki links for documents without paragraph numbers (including the opening line ones) just by ID and an auto-number
  5. We might add links for Bahá'u'lláh, 'Abdu'l-Bahá, Shoghi Effendi, etc. at the top of their respective pages.
  6. Add
  7. If adding Q&A site, perhaps add links to that. Add tags, indexes?
  8. Update per release.