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A Clojure library to provide sane REST defaults for a Compojure project.

Clojars Project

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I often want to write quick JSON rest APIs. Doing this with plain Compojure can be a bit of a headache at first, there are a couple dependencies that need to be added to get everything wired together (at least the way I like it) and I often found myself writing very similar code multiple times.

Orchid aims to just be a simple batteries included Compojure library and nothing more. Orchid may not work for everyone, but it is very easy to go to a traditional Compojure application from an Orchid one.

Minimum Application

To get started from a blank slate:

lein new app myproject

Then just add orchid as a dependency in your project.clj file. Place the following inside your core.clj file.

(ns myproject.core
  (:require [orchid.core :refer [GET grow defroutes not-found]]))

(defroutes app
  (GET "/" [] "hello world!")
  (not-found "not found"))

(defn -main []
  (grow app 8080))

To immediately start working with an application you can start the server with:

lein run

Orchid will automatically reload code changes, so you won't need to run lein run very often. If you prefer working from a REPL or using Cider just execute grow from the REPL.


Routes are handled just like they are in Compojure. If you want information about them I recommend the following links:


I included some sample requests using httpie:

JSON Response

Any collection returned by a handler will get coerced to JSON.

(GET "/json" [] {:message "hello world!"})
;; http get localhost:8080

Query Parameters

(GET "/hello" [name] (str "hi " name))
;; http get localhost:8080/hello?name=Brian

URL Parameters

(GET "/hello/:name" [name] (str "hi " name))
;; http get localhost:8080/hello/Brian


We can access the body like this:

(POST "/hello" {body :body} (str "hi " (:name body)))
;; echo '{"name": "Brian"}' | http post localhost:8080/hello --json

Or we can use destructuring to pull out specific keys we want.

(POST "/hello" {{:keys [name]} :body} (str "hi " name))
;; echo '{"name": "Brian"}' | http post localhost:8080/hello --json


Copyright © 2016 Brian Dawn

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.