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PostIdent SDK

A Kotlin based SDK for the PostIdent and E-Signature service of Deutsche Post. Allows for creating, managing and retrieving the results of signing and ident cases.

Table of Contents


  • Create SigningCase
  • Retrieve SigningCaseData
  • Retrieve IdentCaseData
  • Retrieve Ident Video File

How to use

Include the dependency

Include the JAR in your classpath, either with maven


or gradle


or any other build method of your likings.

Configure an API-Object

Now create a PostIdentConfiguration object and pass it into a PostIdentApi.

  import com.broeskamp.postident.PostIdentConfiguration

/* ... */
    username = "foo",
    password = "bar",
    clientId = "1234",
    baseUrl = "",
    dataPassword = "XYZABC123BC",
    privateKey = "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY----- /*...*/ -----END PRIVATE KEY-----",
    publicKey = "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY----- /*...*/ -----END PUBLIC KEY-----",
    sftpConfig = null

username: String: required. The PostIdent Username given by Deutsche Post.
password: String: required. The PostIdent Password given by Deutsche Post.
clientId: String: required. The Client ID given by Deutsche Post.
baseUrl: String: required. The baseUrl of the PostIdent API. Used to target different environments and might differ for your tenant.
dataPassword: String: required. The password that is used to encrypt the transmitted ZIP archives.
privateKey: String: optional. A PKCS8 private key in PEM-Format to encrypt the transmitted data. Might include the typical pre- and suffix for private keys and (unix) linebreaks.
publicKey: String: optional. An X.509 public key in PEM-Format to encrypt the transmitted data. Might include the typical pre- and suffix for public keys and (unix) linebreaks.

The keypair for encryption is optional and can be automatically generated if you leave them null. You can also just provide a privateKey and omit publicKey. The public key will then be generated. If you provide a publicKey you also have to provide a fitting privateKey.

Optionally you can provide a PostIdentSftpConfiguration if you want to actually download the ident-files within the application. This is only used for the video files that are captured during the identification process. This is not needed to download the signed documents.

  import com.broeskamp.postidentPostIdentSftpConfiguration

/* ... */
    billingNumber = "123456",
    host = "ftps://",
    path = "/598",
    privateKey = "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- /*...*/ -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----",
    publicKey = "ssh-rsa AAAAB3N /*...*/",
    keyPassword = null

billingNumber: String: required. The billing number given by Deutsche Post. It is used to locate the correct files as they include the billing number.
host: String: required. The domain to connect to via FTPS. Given by Deutsche Post.
path: String: required. Your customized folder name / path on the FTP server. Connect once by hand to find out this name.
privateKey: String: required. A private key in openssh-Format to encrypt the transmitted data. Might include the typical pre- and suffix for private keys in openssh-format and (unix) linebreaks.
publicKey: String: required. A public key in openssh-Format to encrypt the transmitted data. Might include the typical pre- and suffix for public keys in openssh-format and (unix) linebreaks.
keyPassword: String: optional. The password that was used to decrypt the private key. Can be null if the private is not encrypted.

The keypair used for the SFTP-transfer might or might not be the same as used by the PostIdentConfiguration object.

Afterwards you can create the API access object

val api = PostIdentApi(postIdentConfiguration)


fun createSigningCase(signingCaseRequest: SigningCaseRequest): CompletableFuture<SigningCaseResponse>

Creates a Signing Case (and implicitly an IdentCase) (asynchronously). On success sends an email with further instructions to the customer. The request contains the documents to sign, a list of all signers, custom data (for case identification when retrieving an updating webhook) and customization options like the webhook URL, name of the document, validity dates and label of the signing button.

fun retrieveIdentCaseResult(identCaseId: String): CompletableFuture<IdentCaseResult>

Retrieves the current state of an Ident Case. This is not to be confused with a Signing Case Uses the keypair provided in the configuration for encryption.

fun retrieveSigningCaseResult(caseId: String): CompletableFuture<SigningCaseResult>

Retrieves the current state of a Signing Case. This is not to be confused with an **Ident Case **. Uses the keypair provided in the for encryption.

fun retrieveVideoIdentZip(caseId: String): PostIdentFile

Gets the file containing the video of the ident process. Needs the configuration to contain an PostIdentSftpConfiguration or else it will throw a ConfigurationMissingException.


PostIdent requires encryption to be present when fetching data from SigningCases or IdentCases. To use encryption you need to generate an RSA 3072 bit KeyPair and use the PKCS8 format for the private key. Furthermore, to connect to the SFTP-Server you need to provide a public key via the Post Dashboard to authenticate via the corresponding private key.

Generating KeyPairs


  • Generate private RSA key: openssl genrsa -out private_key.pem 3072
  • Generate public key from private key: openssl rsa -in private_key.pem -pubout -out public_key.pem
  • Convert private Key to PCKS8 format: openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -inform PEM -in private_key.pem -out private_key -nocrypt


For the generation we use PuTTY Key Generator.

  • At the bottom in the field 'Number of bits generated key' enter 3072
  • Hit on Generate
  • Afterwards the public key is shown in the OpenSSH format at the top
  • To save the private key in the OpenSSH format go to Conversions -> Export OpenSSH key

You can test the connection and keys in FileZilla, which takes a .ppk and can be generated with the button 'Save private key'


  1. Currently, it is not possible to create an IdentCase on its own, without a SigningCase.
  2. You have to provide keypairs for encryption, although those could be precomputed by the SDK. Future updates will contain this feature.