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File metadata and controls

1177 lines (1084 loc) · 40.2 KB
(ns lambdakube.core-test
  (:require [midje.sweet :refer :all]
            [lambdakube.core :as lk]
            [ :as io]
            [ :as sh]))

Basic API Object Functions

The following functions create basic API objects.


The pod function creates a pod with no containers.

 (lk/pod :foo {:app :bar})
 => {:apiVersion "v1"
     :kind "Pod"
     :metadata {:name :foo
                :labels {:app :bar}}
     :spec {}})

pod can take a third argument with additional spec parameters.

 (lk/pod :foo {:app :bar} {:foo :bar})
 => {:apiVersion "v1"
     :kind "Pod"
     :metadata {:name :foo
                :labels {:app :bar}}
     :spec {:foo :bar}})


The deployment function creates a deployment, based on the given pod as template. The deployment takes its name from the given pod, and removes the name from the template.

 (-> (lk/pod :foo {:bar :baz})
     (lk/add-container :bar "some-image")
     (lk/deployment 3))
 => {:apiVersion "apps/v1"
     :kind "Deployment"
     :metadata {:name :foo
                :labels {:bar :baz}}
     :spec {:replicas 3
            {:matchLabels {:bar :baz}}
             {:labels {:bar :baz}}
              [{:name :bar
                :image "some-image"}]}}}})

Stateful Set

The stateful-set function wraps the given pod with a Kubernetes stateful set.

 (-> (lk/pod :foo {:bar :baz})
     (lk/add-container :bar "some-image")
     (lk/stateful-set 5))
 => {:apiVersion "apps/v1"
     :kind "StatefulSet"
     :metadata {:name :foo
                :labels {:bar :baz}}
     :spec {:replicas 5
            {:matchLabels {:bar :baz}}
            :serviceName :foo
             {:labels {:bar :baz}}
              [{:name :bar
                :image "some-image"}]}}
            :volumeClaimTemplates []}})


The job function wraps a pod with a Kubernetes job. It takes a pod to wrap, and a :restartPolicy parameter, which needs to be either :Never or :OnFailure.

 (-> (lk/pod :my-job {:app :foo})
     (lk/add-container :bar "some-image")
     (lk/job :Never))
 => {:apiVersion "batch/v1"
     :kind "Job"
     :metadata {:labels {:app :foo}
                :name :my-job}
     :spec {:template {:metadata {:labels {:app :foo}}
                       :spec {:restartPolicy :Never
                              :containers [{:image "some-image" :name :bar}]}}}})

An optional attrs parameter takes additional attributes to be placed in the job's :spec.

 (-> (lk/pod :my-job {:app :foo})
     (lk/add-container :bar "some-image")
     (lk/job :OnFailure {:backoffLimit 5}))
 => {:apiVersion "batch/v1"
     :kind "Job"
     :metadata {:labels {:app :foo}
                :name :my-job}
     :spec {:template {:metadata {:labels {:app :foo}}
                       :spec {:containers [{:image "some-image" :name :bar}]
                              :restartPolicy :OnFailure}}
            :backoffLimit 5}})

Config Map

The config-map function creates a Kubernetes configmap out of a Clojure map.

 (lk/config-map :my-map {"config.conf" (lk/to-yaml [{:foo :bar}])})
 => {:apiVersion "v1"
     :kind "ConfigMap"
     :metadata {:name :my-map}
     :data {"config.conf" "foo: bar\n"}})

Modifier Functions

The following functions augment basic API objects by adding content. They always take the API object as a first argument.

Add Functions

The add-container function adds a container to a pod. The function takes the container name and the image to be used as explicit parameters, and an optional map with additional parameters.

 (-> (lk/pod :foo {})
     (lk/add-container :bar "bar-image" {:ports [{:containerPort 80}]}))
 => {:apiVersion "v1"
     :kind "Pod"
     :metadata {:name :foo
                :labels {}}
     :spec {:containers [{:name :bar
                          :image "bar-image"
                          :ports [{:containerPort 80}]}]}})

add-env augments the parameters of a container, and adds an environment variable binding.

 (-> (lk/pod :foo {})
     (lk/add-container :bar "bar-image" (-> {:ports [{:containerPort 80}]}
                                            (lk/add-env {:FOO "BAR"}))))
 => {:apiVersion "v1"
     :kind "Pod"
     :metadata {:name :foo
                :labels {}}
     :spec {:containers [{:name :bar
                          :image "bar-image"
                          :ports [{:containerPort 80}]
                          :env [{:name :FOO
                                 :value "BAR"}]}]}})

If an :env key already exists, new entries are added to the list.

 (-> (lk/pod :foo {})
     (lk/add-container :bar "bar-image" (-> {:env [{:name :QUUX :value "TAR"}]}
                                            (lk/add-env {:FOO "BAR"}))))
 => {:apiVersion "v1"
     :kind "Pod"
     :metadata {:name :foo
                :labels {}}
     :spec {:containers [{:name :bar
                          :image "bar-image"
                          :env [{:name :QUUX
                                 :value "TAR"}
                                {:name :FOO
                                 :value "BAR"}]}]}})

add-init-container adds a new init container to a pod.

 (-> (lk/pod :foo {})
     (lk/add-init-container :bar "my-image:tag"))
 => {:apiVersion "v1"
     :kind "Pod"
     :metadata {:name :foo
                :labels {}}
     :spec {:initContainers [{:name :bar
                              :image "my-image:tag"}]}}

 ;; And with additional params...
 (-> (lk/pod :foo {})
     (lk/add-init-container :bar "my-image:tag" {:other :params}))
 => {:apiVersion "v1"
     :kind "Pod"
     :metadata {:name :foo
                :labels {}}
     :spec {:initContainers [{:name :bar
                              :image "my-image:tag"
                              :other :params}]}})


The add-volume function takes a pod, a name, a spec for a volume and a map, mapping from container names to paths, and adds the volume to the pod, mounting it to the specified containers.

 (-> (lk/pod :foo {:bar :baz})
     (lk/add-container :bar "some-image")
     (lk/add-container :baz "some-other-image")
     (lk/add-volume :my-vol
                    {:configMap {:name :my-config-map}}
                    {:bar "/path/in/bar"
                     :baz "/path/in/baz"}))
 => {:apiVersion "v1"
     :kind "Pod"
     :metadata {:labels {:bar :baz}
                :name :foo}
     :spec {:containers [{:image "some-image"
                          :name :bar
                          :volumeMounts [{:name :my-vol
                                          :mountPath "/path/in/bar"}]}
                         {:image "some-other-image"
                          :name :baz
                          :volumeMounts [{:name :my-vol
                                          :mountPath "/path/in/baz"}]}]
            :volumes [{:name :my-vol
                       :configMap {:name :my-config-map}}]}})

A common special case for a volume is when we wish to inject files into a specific container. We can do so using a config-map.

The add-files-to-container function takes a pod, a container name, a unique name, a base path and a map from relative paths to strings, representing the content of files. It does the following:

  1. Creates a config map (with the unique name).
  2. Adds a volume to the pod, referencing this config-map, specifying the relative paths.
  3. Mounts the volume to the container, at the base path.
 (-> (lk/pod :foo {:bar :baz})
     (lk/add-container :bar "some-image")
     (lk/add-container :baz "some-other-image")
     (lk/add-files-to-container :bar :unique1234 "/path/on/bar"
                                {"conf/config.conf" (lk/to-yaml {:foo :bar})
                                 "bin/" "echo hello world"}))
 => {:apiVersion "v1"
     :kind "Pod"
     :metadata {:labels {:bar :baz} :name :foo}
     :spec {:containers [{:image "some-image"
                          :name :bar
                          :volumeMounts [{:name :unique1234
                                          :mountPath "/path/on/bar"}]}
                         {:image "some-other-image"
                          :name :baz}]
            :volumes [{:name :unique1234
                       :configMap {:name :unique1234
                                   :items [{:key "c0"
                                            :path "conf/config.conf"}
                                           {:key "c1"
                                            :path "bin/"}]}}]}
     :$additional [(lk/config-map :unique1234
                                   {"c0" (lk/to-yaml {:foo :bar})
                                    "c1" "echo hello world"})]})

The add-volume-claim-template function takes a stateful-set, adds a volume claim template to its spec and mounts it to the given paths within the given containers.

 (-> (lk/pod :foo {:bar :baz})
     (lk/add-container :bar "some-image")
     (lk/add-container :baz "some-other-image")
     (lk/stateful-set 5 {:additional-arg 123})
     (lk/add-volume-claim-template :vol-name
                                   ;; Spec
                                   {:accessModes ["ReadWriteOnce"]
                                    :storageClassName :my-storage-class
                                    :resources {:requests {:storage "1Gi"}}}
                                   ;; Mounts
                                   {:bar "/var/lib/foo"}))
 => {:apiVersion "apps/v1"
     :kind "StatefulSet"
     :metadata {:name :foo
                :labels {:bar :baz}}
     :spec {:replicas 5
            {:matchLabels {:bar :baz}}
            :serviceName :foo
             {:labels {:bar :baz}}
              [{:name :bar
                :image "some-image"
                [{:name :vol-name
                  :mountPath "/var/lib/foo"}]}
               {:name :baz
                :image "some-other-image"}]}}
            [{:metadata {:name :vol-name}
              :spec {:accessModes ["ReadWriteOnce"]
                     :storageClassName :my-storage-class
                     :resources {:requests {:storage "1Gi"}}}}]
            :additional-arg 123}})

If the :volumeMounts entry already exists in the container, the new mount is appended.

 (-> (lk/pod :foo {:bar :baz})
     (lk/add-container :bar "some-image" {:volumeMounts [{:foo :bar}]})
     (lk/stateful-set 5)
     (lk/add-volume-claim-template :vol-name
                                   ;; Spec
                                   {:accessModes ["ReadWriteOnce"]
                                    :storageClassName :my-storage-class
                                    :resources {:requests {:storage "1Gi"}}}
                                   ;; Mounts
                                   {:bar "/var/lib/foo"}))
 => {:apiVersion "apps/v1"
     :kind "StatefulSet"
     :metadata {:name :foo
                :labels {:bar :baz}}
     :spec {:replicas 5
            {:matchLabels {:bar :baz}}
            :serviceName :foo
             {:labels {:bar :baz}}
              [{:name :bar
                :image "some-image"
                [{:foo :bar}
                 {:name :vol-name
                  :mountPath "/var/lib/foo"}]}]}}
            [{:metadata {:name :vol-name}
              :spec {:accessModes ["ReadWriteOnce"]
                     :storageClassName :my-storage-class
                     :resources {:requests {:storage "1Gi"}}}}]}})

Update Functions

While add-* functions are good for creating new API objects, we sometimes need to update existing ones. For example, given a deployment, we sometimes want to add an environment to one of the containers in the template.

update-* work in a similar manner to Clojure's update function. It takes an object to be augmented, an augmentation function which takes the object to update as its first argument, and additional arguments for that function. Then it applies the augmentation function on a portion of the given object, and returns the updated object.

update-template operates on controllers (deployments, stateful-sets, etc). It takes a pod-modifying function and applies it to the template. For example, we can use it to add a container to a pod already within a deployment.

 (-> (lk/pod :foo {:bar :baz})
     (lk/deployment 3)
     ;; The original pod has no containers. We add one now.
     (lk/update-template lk/add-container :bar "some-image"))
 => {:apiVersion "apps/v1"
     :kind "Deployment"
     :metadata {:name :foo
                :labels {:bar :baz}}
     :spec {:replicas 3
            {:matchLabels {:bar :baz}}
             {:labels {:bar :baz}}
              [{:name :bar
                :image "some-image"}]}}}})

update-container works on a pod. It takes a container name, and applies the augmentation function with its arguments on the container with the given name. It can be used in conjunction with update-template to operate on a controller.

 (-> (lk/pod :foo {:bar :baz})
     (lk/add-container :bar "some-image")
     (lk/add-container :baz "some-other-image")
     (lk/deployment 3)
     ;; We add an environment to a container.
     (lk/update-template lk/update-container :bar lk/add-env {:FOO "BAR"}))
 => {:apiVersion "apps/v1"
     :kind "Deployment"
     :metadata {:name :foo
                :labels {:bar :baz}}
     :spec {:replicas 3
            {:matchLabels {:bar :baz}}
             {:labels {:bar :baz}}
              [{:name :bar
                :image "some-image"
                :env [{:name :FOO
                       :value "BAR"}]}
               {:name :baz
                :image "some-other-image"}]}}}})

Exposure Functions

In Kubernetes, to make a network interface in one pod available outside that pod, two things need to be defined. First, the necessary ports need to be exported from the relevant container(s). Second, a service must be defined, forwarding these ports to either a virtual IP address (in the case of a :ClusterIP service, or a port of the hosting node, as in the case of a :NodePort service.

Lambda-Kube takes a two-step approach to allow the exposure of network interfaces. The first step involves the port function. This function takes a name of a container, a name for the port, a port number on that container and (optionally) a port number to be exported. It returns a function that transforms both a pod and a service.

 (let [p (lk/port :my-cont :web 80 8080)
       ;; Based on the kind of service, we provide a function that
       ;; updates the service with the new ports.
       edit-svc (fn [svc podname podport svcport]
                  (update svc :spec lk/field-conj :ports
                          {:port svcport :targetPort podport :name podname}))
       pod (-> (lk/pod :my-pod {})
               (lk/add-container :my-cont "some-image"))
       svc {:metadata {:name :foo}
            :spec {}}
       [pod svc] (p [pod svc edit-svc])]
   pod => (-> (lk/pod :my-pod {})
              (lk/add-container :my-cont "some-image" {:ports [{:containerPort 80
                                                                :name :web}]}))
   svc => {:metadata {:name :foo}
           :spec {:ports [{:port 8080
                           :targetPort 80
                           :name :web}]}}))

port is composable through functional composition (comp).

 (let [p (comp (lk/port :my-cont :web 80 8080)
               (lk/port :my-cont :https 443 443))
       edit-svc (fn [svc portname podport svcport]
                  (update svc :spec lk/field-conj :ports
                          {:port svcport :targetPort podport :name portname}))
       pod (-> (lk/pod :my-pod {})
               (lk/add-container :my-cont "some-image"))
       svc {:metadata {:name :foo}
            :spec {}}
       [pod svc] (p [pod svc edit-svc])]
   pod => (-> (lk/pod :my-pod {})
              (lk/add-container :my-cont "some-image" {:ports [{:containerPort 443
                                                                :name :https}
                                                               {:containerPort 80
                                                                :name :web}]}))
   svc => {:metadata {:name :foo}
           :spec {:ports [{:port 443
                           :targetPort 443
                           :name :https}
                          {:port 8080
                           :targetPort 80
                           :name :web}]}}))

The second step involves a family of expose* functions, which create different kinds of services.

The basic expose function takes a deployment-like API object (deployment, stateful-set, job), a name, a function like the one returned from port, a map with additional properties and a function for editing the service, adding a port mapping.

It returns the deployment-like object augmented such that:

  1. A new service object is added in an :$additional field.
  2. The :template is augmented according to the port function(s).
 (-> (lk/pod :foo {:bar :baz})
     (lk/add-container :quux "some-image")
     (lk/deployment 3)
     (lk/expose :foo-srv
                (lk/port :quux :web 80 30080)
                {:type :NodePort}
                (fn [svc portname podport svcport]
                  (update svc :spec lk/field-conj :ports
                          {:port podport :nodePort svcport}))))
 => {:apiVersion "apps/v1"
     :kind "Deployment"
     :metadata {:name :foo
                :labels {:bar :baz}}
     :spec {:replicas 3
            :selector {:matchLabels {:bar :baz}}
            :template {:metadata {:labels {:bar :baz}}
                       :spec {:containers [{:name :quux
                                            :image "some-image"
                                            :ports [{:containerPort 80
                                                     :name :web}]}]}}}
     :$additional [{:apiVersion "v1"
                    :kind "Service"
                    :metadata {:name :foo-srv}
                    :spec {:type :NodePort
                           :selector {:bar :baz}
                           :ports [{:port 80
                                    :nodePort 30080}]}}]})

The expose function is not intended to be used directly. Instead, expose-* functions cover the different service types.

ClusterIP Services

To create ClusterIP services, use the expose-cluster-ip function. It takes a deployment, a name, and a port function, and returns a ClusterIP service.

 (-> (lk/pod :foo {:bar :baz})
     (lk/add-container :quux "some-image")
     (lk/deployment 3)
     (lk/expose-cluster-ip :foo-srv
                           (lk/port :quux :web 80 8080)))
 => {:apiVersion "apps/v1"
     :kind "Deployment"
     :metadata {:name :foo
                :labels {:bar :baz}}
     :spec {:replicas 3
            :selector {:matchLabels {:bar :baz}}
            :template {:metadata {:labels {:bar :baz}}
                       :spec {:containers [{:name :quux
                                            :image "some-image"
                                            :ports [{:containerPort 80
                                                     :name :web}]}]}}}
     :$additional [{:apiVersion "v1"
                    :kind "Service"
                    :metadata {:name :foo-srv}
                    :spec {:type :ClusterIP
                           :selector {:bar :baz}
                           :ports [{:port 8080
                                    :targetPort :web
                                    :name :web}]}}]})

Headless Services

expose-headless creates a :ClusterIP service, but sets :clusterIP to be :None.

 (-> (lk/pod :foo {:bar :baz})
     (lk/add-container :quux "some-image")
     (lk/deployment 3)
     (lk/expose-headless :foo-srv
                         (lk/port :quux :web 80 8080)))
 => {:apiVersion "apps/v1"
     :kind "Deployment"
     :metadata {:name :foo
                :labels {:bar :baz}}
     :spec {:replicas 3
            :selector {:matchLabels {:bar :baz}}
            :template {:metadata {:labels {:bar :baz}}
                       :spec {:containers [{:name :quux
                                            :image "some-image"
                                            :ports [{:containerPort 80
                                                     :name :web}]}]}}}
     :$additional [{:apiVersion "v1"
                    :kind "Service"
                    :metadata {:name :foo-srv}
                    :spec {:type :ClusterIP
                           :clusterIP :None
                           :selector {:bar :baz}
                           :ports [{:port 8080
                                    :name :web
                                    :targetPort :web}]}}]})

NodePort Services

expose-node-port creates a service of type :NodePort.

 (-> (lk/pod :foo {:bar :baz})
     (lk/add-container :quux "some-image")
     (lk/deployment 3)
     (lk/expose-node-port :foo-srv
                          (lk/port :quux :web 80 30080)))
 => {:apiVersion "apps/v1"
     :kind "Deployment"
     :metadata {:name :foo
                :labels {:bar :baz}}
     :spec {:replicas 3
            :selector {:matchLabels {:bar :baz}}
            :template {:metadata {:labels {:bar :baz}}
                       :spec {:containers [{:name :quux
                                            :image "some-image"
                                            :ports [{:containerPort 80
                                                     :name :web}]}]}}}
     :$additional [{:apiVersion "v1"
                    :kind "Service"
                    :metadata {:name :foo-srv}
                    :spec {:type :NodePort
                           :selector {:bar :baz}
                           :ports [{:targetPort :web
                                    :name :web
                                    :port 80
                                    :nodePort 30080}]}}]})

If the target port is omitted, a :nodePort is not specified in the service.

 (-> (lk/pod :foo {:bar :baz})
     (lk/add-container :quux "some-image")
     (lk/deployment 3)
     (lk/expose-node-port :foo-srv
                          (lk/port :quux :web 80)))
 => {:apiVersion "apps/v1"
     :kind "Deployment"
     :metadata {:name :foo
                :labels {:bar :baz}}
     :spec {:replicas 3
            :selector {:matchLabels {:bar :baz}}
            :template {:metadata {:labels {:bar :baz}}
                       :spec {:containers [{:name :quux
                                            :image "some-image"
                                            :ports [{:containerPort 80
                                                     :name :web}]}]}}}
     :$additional [{:apiVersion "v1"
                    :kind "Service"
                    :metadata {:name :foo-srv}
                    :spec {:type :NodePort
                           :selector {:bar :baz}
                           :ports [{:targetPort :web
                                    :name :web
                                    :port 80}]}}]})

Dependency Injection

Functions such as pod and deployment help build Kubernetes API objects. If we consider Lambda-Kube to be a language, these are the common nouns. They can be used to build general Pods, Deployments, StatefulSets, etc, and can be used to develop other functions that create general things such as a generic Redis database, or a generic Nginx deployment, which can also be represented as a function.

However, when we go down to the task of defining a system, we need a way to define proper nouns, such as our Redis database and our Nginx deployment.

This distinction is important because when creating a generic Nginx deployment, it stands on its own, and is unrelated to any Redis database that may or may not be used in conjunction with it. However, when we build our application, which happens to have some, e.g., PHP code running on top of Nginx, which happens to require a database, this is when we need the two to be connected. We need to connect them by, e.g., adding environment variables to the Nginx container, so that PHP code that runs over it will be able to connect to the database.

This is where dependency injection comes in. Dependency Injection (DI) is a general concept that allows developers to define proper nouns in their software in an incremental way. It starts with some configuration, which provides arbitrary settings. Then a set of resources is being defined. Each such resource may depend on other resources, including configuration.

Our implementation of DI, resources are identified with symbols, corresponding to the proper nouns. These nouns are defined in functions, named modules, which take a single parameter -- an injector (marked as $ by convention), and augment it by adding new rules to it.

(defn module1 [$]
  (-> $
      (lk/rule :my-deployment []
               (fn []
                 (-> (lk/pod :my-pod {:app :my-app})
                     (lk/deployment 3))))))

This module uses the rule function to define a single rule. A rule has a name, a vector of dependencies, and a function that takes the dependency values and returns an API object. In this case, the name is :my-deployment, there are no dependencies, and the API object is a deployment of three pods.

The injector function creates a fresh injector. This injector can be passed to the module to add the rules it defines. Then the function get-deployable to get all the API objects in the system, according to the given configuration.

 (-> (lk/injector)
     (lk/get-deployable {}))
 => [(-> (lk/pod :my-pod {:app :my-app})
         (lk/deployment 3))])

Rules may depend on configuration parameters. These parameters need to be listed as dependencies, and then, if they exist in the injector's configuration, their values are passed to the function. In the following example, the module has two rules: :my-deployment, and :not-going-to-work. The former is similar to the one defined in module1, but takes the number of replicas from the configuration. The latter depends on the parameter :does-not-exist.

(defn module2 [$]
  (-> $
      (lk/rule :not-going-to-work [:does-not-exist]
               (fn [does-not-exist]
                 (lk/pod :no-pod {:app :no-app})))
      (lk/rule :my-deployment [:my-deployment-num-replicas]
               (fn [num-replicas]
                 (-> (lk/pod :my-pod {:app :my-app})
                     (lk/deployment num-replicas))))))

Now, if we provide a configuration that only contains :my-deployment-num-replicas, but not :not-going-to-work, :my-deployment will be created, but not :not-going-to-work.

 (-> (lk/injector)
     (lk/get-deployable {:my-deployment-num-replicas 5}))
 => [(-> (lk/pod :my-pod {:app :my-app})
         (lk/deployment 5))])

When an API object contains nested objects (a :$additional attribute), the nested objects are recursively extracted, and added to the returned list.

(defn module3 [$]
  (-> $
      (lk/rule :my-service [:my-deployment-num-replicas]
               (fn [num-replicas]
                 (-> (lk/pod :my-service {:app :my-app})
                     (lk/add-container :my-cont "some-image")
                     (lk/deployment num-replicas)
                     (lk/expose-cluster-ip :my-service (lk/port :my-cont :web 80 80)))))))

 (-> (lk/injector)
     (lk/get-deployable {:my-deployment-num-replicas 5}))
 => [(-> (lk/pod :my-service {:app :my-app})
         (lk/add-container :my-cont "some-image"
                           {:ports [{:containerPort 80
                                     :name :web}]})
         (lk/deployment 5))
     {:apiVersion "v1"
      :kind "Service"
      :metadata {:name :my-service}
      :spec {:ports [{:port 80
                      :targetPort :web
                      :name :web}]
             :selector {:app :my-app}
             :type :ClusterIP}}])

Resources may depend on one another. The following module depends on :my-service.

(defn module4 [$]
  (-> $
      (lk/rule :my-pod [:my-service]
               (fn [my-service]
                 (lk/pod :my-pod {:app :my-app})))))

 (-> (lk/injector)
     (lk/get-deployable {:my-deployment-num-replicas 5}))
 => [(-> (lk/pod :my-service {:app :my-app})
         (lk/add-container :my-cont "some-image"
                           {:ports [{:containerPort 80
                                     :name :web}]})
         (lk/deployment 5))
     {:apiVersion "v1"
      :kind "Service"
      :metadata {:name :my-service}
      :spec {:ports [{:port 80
                      :targetPort :web
                      :name :web}]
             :selector {:app :my-app}
             :type :ClusterIP}}
     (lk/pod :my-pod {:app :my-app})])

Rules can compete with each other. For example, two rules can define the resource :foo, and give it two different meanings.

(defn module5 [$]
  (-> $
      (lk/rule :foo [:use-bar]
               (fn [use-bar]
                 (lk/pod :bar {})))
      (lk/rule :foo [:use-baz]
               (fn [use-baz]
                 (lk/pod :baz {})))))

Assuming the requierements for only one of these rules is met, this rule will take effect.

 (-> (lk/injector)
     (lk/get-deployable {:use-bar true}))
 => [(lk/pod :bar {})])

If two or more competing rules can be applied, an exception is thrown.

 (-> (lk/injector)
     (lk/get-deployable {:use-bar true
                         :use-baz true}))
 => (throws "Conflicting prerequisites for resource :foo"))

Describers and Descriptions

When one resource depends on another, it often needs information about the other in order to perform its job properly. For example, if the dependency is a service, the resource depending on this service may need the host name and port number of that service.

One option would be to provide the complete API object as the dependency information. However, that would defeat the purpose of using DI. The whole idea behind using DI is a decoupling between a resource and its dependencies. If we provide the API object to the rule function, we force it to know what its dependency is, and how to find information there.

But almost any problem in computer science can be solved by adding another level of indirection (the only one that isn't is the problem of having too many levels of indirection). In our case, the extra level of indirection is provided by describers.

Describers are functions that examine an API object, and extract descriptions. A description is a map, containing information about the object. Describers are defined inside modules, using the desc functions. All describers are applied to all objects. If a describer is not relevant to a certain object it may return nil. If it is, it should return a map with some fields representing the object.

For example, the following module defines three describers. The first extracts the name out of any object. The second returns the port number for a service (or nil if not), and the third extracts the labels.

(defn module6 [$]
  (-> $
      (lk/desc (fn [obj]
                 (when (contains? #{"Pod" "Deployment"} (:kind obj))
                   {:name (-> obj :metadata :name)})))
      (lk/desc (fn [obj]
                 (when (= (:kind obj) "Service")
                   {:hostname (-> obj :metadata :name)})))
      (lk/desc (fn [obj]
                 (when (contains? #{"Pod" "Deployment"} (:kind obj))
                   {:labels (-> obj :metadata :labels)})))
      (lk/rule :dependency [:use-simple-pod]
               (fn [use-simple-pod]
                 (lk/pod :my-first-pod {})))
      (lk/rule :dependent [:dependency]
               (fn [dep]
                 (lk/pod :my-second-pod {:the-name (:name dep)
                                         :the-hostname (:hostname dep)
                                         :the-labels (:labels dep)})))))

The module also defines two rules for two pods. The second pod depends on the first one, and populates its labels with information about the first pod (not a real-life scenario). When we call get-deployable, we will get both pods. The labels in the second pod will be set so that the name will be there, but not the port.

 (-> (lk/injector)
     (lk/get-deployable {:use-simple-pod true}))
 => [(lk/pod :my-first-pod {})
     (lk/pod :my-second-pod {:the-name :my-first-pod
                             :the-hostname nil
                             :the-labels {}})])

When an API object contains nested objects (:$additional fields), describer functions are applied to all nested objects.

Consider for example an alternative rule that defines the above :dependency, and this time, uses expose-cluster-ip to attach a service.

(defn module7 [$]
  (-> $
      (lk/rule :dependency [:use-depl-with-svc]
               (fn [use-depl-with-svc]
                 (-> (lk/pod :my-depl {})
                     (lk/add-container :foo "some-image")
                     (lk/deployment 3)
                     (lk/expose-cluster-ip :my-svc (lk/port :foo :web 80 80)))))))

Now, if we use this module in conjunction with module6, and provide the configuration parameter that triggers our new definition, the :dependent pod should see the :hostname parameter contributed by the nested service.

 (-> (lk/injector)
     (lk/get-deployable {:use-depl-with-svc true})
 => (lk/pod :my-second-pod {:the-name :my-depl
                            :the-hostname :my-svc
                            :the-labels {}}))

Standard Describers

While users are free to define their own describers, Lambda-Kube provides a standard-descs module, containing some standard describers.

Interacting with Kubernetes

All the above functions are pure functions that help build Kubernetes API objects for systems. The following functions help translate these objects into a real update of the state of a Kubernetes cluster.

to-yaml takes a vector of API objects and returns a YAML string acceptable by Kubernetes.

 (-> (lk/pod :nginx-deployment {:app :nginx})
     (lk/add-container :nginx "nginx:1.7.9")
     (lk/deployment 3)
     (lk/expose-cluster-ip :nginx-svc (lk/port :nginx :web 80 80))
     ((fn [x] (cons x (-> x meta :additional))))
     (lk/to-yaml)) =>
 "apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: nginx-deployment
    app: nginx
  replicas: 3
      app: nginx
        app: nginx
      - name: nginx
        image: nginx:1.7.9
        - containerPort: 80
          name: web
kind: Service
apiVersion: v1
  name: nginx-svc
  type: ClusterIP
    app: nginx
  - port: 80
    name: web
    targetPort: web

kube-apply takes a string constructed by to-yaml and a .yaml file. If the file does not exist, it creates it, and calls kubectl apply on it.

 (let [f (io/file "foo.yaml")]
   (when (.exists f)
     (.delete f))
   (lk/kube-apply "foo: bar" f) => irrelevant
    (sh/sh "kubectl" "apply" "-f" "foo.yaml") => {:exit 0})
   (.exists f) => true
   (slurp f) => "foo: bar"))

If the file already exists, and has the exact same content as the given string, nothing happens.

 (let [f (io/file "foo.yaml")]
   (lk/kube-apply "foo: bar" f) => irrelevant
    ;; Not called
    (sh/sh "kubectl" "apply" "-f" "foo.yaml") => {:exit 0} :times 0)))

If the file exists, but the new content is different than what was stored in that file, the file is updated and kubectl apply is called.

 (let [f (io/file "foo.yaml")]
   (lk/kube-apply "foo: baz" f) => irrelevant
    (sh/sh "kubectl" "apply" "-f" "foo.yaml") => {:exit 0})
   (.exists f) => true
   (slurp f) => "foo: baz"))

If kubectl fails (returns a non-zero exit status), an exception is thrown with the content of the standard error, and the file is deleted, to make sure it is applied next time.

 (let [f (io/file "foo.yaml")]
   (when (.exists f)
     (.delete f))
   (lk/kube-apply "foo: bar" f) => (throws "there was a problem with foo")
    (sh/sh "kubectl" "apply" "-f" "foo.yaml")
    => {:exit 33
        :err "there was a problem with foo"})
   (.exists f) => false))

Under the Hood

Flattening Nested API Objects

API objects constructed in lambda-kube can have a :$additional field anywhere in their structure, containing a vector of additional API objects. The extract-additional function takes an API object (as a Clojure map), and returns the same object with all nested :$additional fields removed, and a meta-field -- :additional, containin a list of all nested objects.

For a map that does not contain :$additional, the map is returned as-is, and the :additional meta-field is empty.

 (let [ext (lk/extract-additional {:foo :bar})]
   ext => {:foo :bar}
   (-> ext meta :additional) => empty?))

For a map containing :$additional, the underlying objects are placed in the :additional meta-field, and the field itself is removed from the map.

 (let [ext (lk/extract-additional {:foo :bar
                                   :$additional [{:x 1}
                                                 {:y 2}]})]
   ext => {:foo :bar}
   (-> ext meta :additional) => [{:x 1}
                                 {:y 2}]))

If the nested maps contain :$additional, their respective content is also added to the :additional meta-field.

 (let [ext (lk/extract-additional {:foo :bar
                                   :$additional [{:x 1
                                                  :$additional [{:z 3}]}
                                                 {:y 2}]})]
   ext => {:foo :bar}
   (set (-> ext meta :additional)) => #{{:x 1}
                                        {:y 2}
                                        {:z 3}}))

:$additional fields can appear anywhere in the structure.

 (let [ext (lk/extract-additional {:foo :bar
                                   :baz {:x 1
                                         :$additional [{:z 3}]}
                                   :quux [{:p 1
                                           :$additional [{:y 2}]}]})]
   ext => {:foo :bar
           :baz {:x 1}
           :quux [{:p 1}]}
   (set (-> ext meta :additional)) => #{{:z 3}
                                        {:y 2}}))