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303 lines (276 loc) · 12.1 KB
(ns lambdakube.testing-test
  (:require [midje.sweet :refer :all]
            [lambdakube.testing :as lkt]
            [lambdakube.core :as lk]
            [lambdakube.util :as lku]
            [lambdakube.util-test :as lkut]
            [ :as json]
            [ :as xml]
            [ :as sh]
            [clojure.string :as str]))

Lambda-Kube brings software to the cluster level. This raises an important question: How do we test cluster-level software? In this section we try to answer this question.

What are we Testing?

The first thing we would like to test at the cluster level, we would like to test integrations between components. We trust that each component (e.g., microservice) is tested by itself, but at the cluster level we would like to see that the assumption one microservice makes on all others are sound.

However, this is not enough. As we moved the cluster level to become software by itself, we need to test that software. We need to see that the Kubernetes objects we create are indeed valid (Lambda-Kube does not replicate Kubernetes's validation logic, so it is possible to create illegal Kubernetes objects). Moreover, we would like to see that the way we configured these objects provides the correct functionality. For example, we would like to know we have exposed the correct ports, that we wait for the right services, etc.

Test Support in Lambda-Kube

Lambda-Kube's testing support consists of two parts. A test function, used to register tests from within modules, and a run-tests function, which uses kubectl to run all tests, each within its own namespace, and return the results.

Defining Tests

The test function adds a test definition to the given injector. It takes the following paramters:

  1. An injector (named $ by convention).
  2. A name for the test (a keyword, needs to be unique within the same injector).
  3. A configuration map for building the system under test.
  4. A list of dependencies (as in a rule).
  5. A function which takes the dependencies as arguments and constructs a pod for running the test.

test returns an injector with a new test and a new rule. The rule has an extra (first) dependency named :run-<testname>, which is later added to the configuration to make sure only this test runs when it needs to. The parameter is then ignored by the function.

 (let [$ (-> (lk/injector)
             (lkt/test :my-test
                       {:some :config}
                       [:foo :bar]
                       (fn [foo bar]
                         (lk/pod :my-own-name-for-this-pod
                                 {:foo foo
                                  :bar bar}))))]
   (:tests $) => {:my-test {:some :config}}
   (let [[[func deps res]] (:rules $)]
     deps => [:run-my-test :foo :bar]
     res => :my-test
     ;; The pod is wrapped with a job named `:test`
     (func true :FOO :BAR) => (-> (lk/pod :test {:foo :FOO
                                                 :bar :BAR})
                                  ;; We wrap the given pod with a job, and
                                  ;; make sure it never restarts on
                                  ;; failures. This applies both to the pod
                                  ;; restarting itself, and the job
                                  ;; creating a new pod.
                                  (lk/job :Never {:backoffLimit 0})))))

Running a Single Test

The function run-test takes an injector, a name of a test (keyword), and a prefix (string) as parameters, and runs a single test in its own namespace.

Consider for example module2, which defines a test for the service defined in module1 (see here).

(defn module2 [$]
  (-> $
      (lkt/test :my-test {:some-dep :goo}
                (fn [some-service]
                  (-> (lk/pod :this-name-does-not-matter {})
                      (lku/add-clj-container :cont
                                             '[[org.clojure/clojure "1.9.0"]]
                                             '[(ns main)
                                               (defn -main []
                                                 (println "Hello, World"))])
                      (lku/wait-for-service-port some-service :web))))))

Now, to execute this test we need to create an injector and register both modules. Then we call run-test on this injector.

 (let [$ (-> (lk/injector)
   (lkt/run-test $ :my-test "foo") => {:log "this is the log"
                                       :status :pass}
    ;; Creation of the namespace
    (lkt/log "Creating namespace foo-my-test") => nil
    (sh/sh "kubectl" "create" "ns" "foo-my-test") => {:exit 0}
    ;; Creation of the YAML file for the test setup
    (lk/get-deployable $ {:some-dep :goo
                          :run-my-test true}) => ..deployable..
    (lk/to-yaml ..deployable..) => ..yaml..
    (spit "foo-my-test.yaml" ..yaml..) => nil
    ;; Apply the YAML within the namespace
    (lkt/log "Deploying test :my-test") => nil
    (sh/sh "kubectl" "-n" "foo-my-test" "apply" "-f" "foo-my-test.yaml") => {:exit 0}
    ;; Polling for the job status. In this scenario, the job is active
    ;; for two iterations, and then becomes completed.
    (sh/sh "kubectl" "-n" "foo-my-test" "get" "job" "test" "-o" "json")
    =streams=> [{:exit 0
                 :out (json/write-str {:status {:active 1}})}
                {:exit 0
                 :out (json/write-str {:status {:active 1}})}
                {:exit 0
                 :out (json/write-str {:status {:succeeded 1}})}] :times 3
    ;; Collect the logs
    (sh/sh "kubectl" "-n" "foo-my-test" "logs" "-ljob-name=test")
    => {:exit 0
        :out "this is the log"}
    (lkt/log "Test :my-test completed. Status: :pass") => nil
    ;; Delete the deployment and the namespace
    (lkt/log "Deleting namespace foo-my-test") => nil
    (sh/sh "kubectl" "-n" "foo-my-test" "delete" "-f" "foo-my-test.yaml") => {:exit 0}
    (sh/sh "kubectl" "delete" "ns" "foo-my-test") => {:exit 0})))

If kubectl returns a non-zero exit code, an exception is thrown, taking the content of the standard error as the exception message.

 (let [$ (-> (lk/injector)
   (lkt/run-test $ :my-test "foo") => (throws "This is an error")
    (spit "foo-my-test.yaml" irrelevant) => nil
    (lkt/log "Creating namespace foo-my-test") => nil
    (sh/sh "kubectl" "create" "ns" "foo-my-test") => {:exit 22
                                                      :err "This is an error"})))

If the job fails, we return a :fail status

 (let [$ (-> (lk/injector)
   (lkt/run-test $ :my-test "foo") => {:log "this is the log"
                                       :status :fail}
    (lkt/log "Creating namespace foo-my-test") => nil
    (sh/sh "kubectl" "create" "ns" "foo-my-test") => {:exit 0}
    (lk/get-deployable $ {:some-dep :goo
                          :run-my-test true}) => ..deployable..
    (lk/to-yaml ..deployable..) => ..yaml..
    (spit "foo-my-test.yaml" ..yaml..) => nil
    (lkt/log "Deploying test :my-test") => nil
    (sh/sh "kubectl" "-n" "foo-my-test" "apply" "-f" "foo-my-test.yaml") => {:exit 0}
    ;; After the job is not active anymore, it fails.
    (sh/sh "kubectl" "-n" "foo-my-test" "get" "job" "test" "-o" "json")
    =streams=> [{:exit 0
                 :out (json/write-str {:status {:active 1}})}
                {:exit 0
                 :out (json/write-str {:status {:active 1}})}
                {:exit 0
                 :out (json/write-str {:status {:failed 1}})}] :times 3
    (sh/sh "kubectl" "-n" "foo-my-test" "logs" "-ljob-name=test")
    => {:exit 0
        :out "this is the log"}
    (lkt/log "Test :my-test completed. Status: :fail") => nil
    ;; If the test fails, we do not delete the namespace to allow
    ;; investigation of the root cause.    
    (sh/sh "kubectl" "delete" "ns" "foo-my-test") => {:exit 0} :times 0)))

Running All Tests

The function run-tests runs some or all registered tests. It takes an injector and a prefix, and iterates over all the tests it contains. It then calls run-test on each one.

 (let [$ {:tests {:foo {:foo :config}
                  :bar {:bar :config}}}]
   (lkt/run-tests $ ..prefix..) => {:foo ..foores..
                                    :bar ..barres..}
    (lkt/run-test $ :foo ..prefix..) => ..foores..
    (lkt/run-test $ :bar ..prefix..) => ..barres..)))

An optional third parameter is a predicate on the configuration.

 (let [$ {:tests {:foo {:foo :config}
                  :bar {:bar :config}}}]
   (lkt/run-tests $ ..prefix.. #(contains? % :foo)) => {:foo ..foores..}
    (lkt/run-test $ :foo ..prefix..) => ..foores..)))

Writing Test Results

To facilitate integration with external CI tools, Lambda-Kube's testing framework is able to produce XUnit-like XML result files.

The function to-xunit takes a results map, as returned by run-tests, and generates an XML file, to be written to the given file name.

 (let [res {:foo {:log "Log for foo"
                  :status :pass}
            :bar {:log "Log for bar"
                  :status :fail}}]
   (lkt/to-xunit res "res.xml") => nil
    (xml/sexp-as-element [:assemblies
                          [:assembly {:name "lambda-kube tests"
                                      :passed 1
                                      :failed 1}
                           [:collection {:name "tests"
                                         :passed 1
                                         :failed 1}
                            [:test {:name "foo"
                                    :result "Pass"}]
                            [:test {:name "bar"
                                    :result "Fail"}]]]]) => ..xml..
    (xml/indent-str ..xml..) => ..str..
    ;; We assign a stylesheet to the XML. To do so, we first find the
    ;; end of the `<?xml?>` declaration.
    (str/index-of ..str.. "?>") => 10
    ;; Then we insert the stylesheet declaration to it
    (lkt/insert-stylesheet-pi ..str.. 12) => ..xml-with-style..
    (spit "res.xml" ..xml-with-style..) => nil)))

Top-Level Function

kube-tests takes an injector, a prefix and (optionally) a predicate function, and does the following:

  1. Calls run-tests to execute all registered tests (filtered by the predicate function if provided).
  2. Calls to-xunit with the result, to write a results file named <prefix>-results.xml.
  3. Returns a concatenation of the logs of all the failing cases. For a successful run, this should be an empty string.
 (let [$ {:tests {:foo {:foo :config}
                  :bar {:bar :config}}}]
   (lkt/kube-tests $ "prefix") => "Test :bar\nbar log\n==="
    (lkt/run-tests $ "prefix" (constantly true))
    => {:foo {:status :pass
              :log "foo log"}
        :bar {:status :fail
              :log "bar log"}}
    (lkt/to-xunit {:foo {:status :pass
                         :log "foo log" }
                   :bar {:status :fail
                         :log "bar log"}} "prefix-results.xml") => nil)

   (lkt/kube-tests $ "prefix" ..some-filter..) => ""
    (lkt/run-tests $ "prefix" ..some-filter..)
    => {:foo {:status :pass
              :log "foo log"}}
    (lkt/to-xunit {:foo {:status :pass
                         :log "foo log"}} "prefix-results.xml") => nil)))