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Analyzing homologous loci trajectories

In collaboration with the Burgess lab at UC Davis, we have compiled an example data set that involves measurements of pairs of homologous loci diffusing throughout the nucleii of S. cerevisiae cells at different stages of meiosis I.

In the following sections, we lay out the process of

  1. extracting the nuclear radius, diffusivity, and other parameters from this kind of data.
  2. analyzing the time it takes the loci to colocalize, and how long they stay colocalized.
  3. comparing these results to analytical theory from the wlcsim module.

In order for our plots to have the same styling as in our paper, we first set our matplotlib style, and import our data:

>>> from multi_locus_analysis.examples import burgess >>> from multi_locus_analysis.examples.burgess.styles import * >>> use_pnas_style()

Description of the data

Our study used yeast strains containing chromosomes carrying FROS tags, comprised of chromosomally-integrated tet operator arrays of 112 repeats bound by fluorescent TetR-GFP protein. Operators were inserted at either the URA3 locus---which is on the short arm of chr.~V near the centromere, or the LYS2 locus---which is in the center of the long arm of chr. II.

On the population level, these loci are known to start off largely colocalized at the end of G0, then separate at the start of meiosis, before becoming colocalized again during prophase I:

A schematic of the relative timing of the chromosome events of meiosis in SK1 strains of budding yeast, padmore1991,weiner1994,cha2000,tesse2003,brar2009,borner2004,peoples2002. (a) Chromosomes in pre-meiotic cells arrested in G0 are in the Rabl configuration with centromeres tethered to the nuclear periphery. (b) Early to mid prophase is marked by DSB formation and the initiation of synapsis. (c) Late prophase is marked by the end-to-end alignment of homologs by the synaptonemal complex. (d) Fraction cells over time that demonstrate colocalization of the URA3 locus and completion of meiosis I (MI). The x-axis measures the time T_i (i hours) after induction of sporulation that the cells in question were prepared for imaging. Pre-meiotic colocalization is lost during DNA replication and is restored during meiotic prophase, culminating in the full-length alignment of homologs joined by the synaptonemal complex (SC). Soon afterwards, cells begin to complete meiosis I (MI). (e) The relative positions along the chromosome of our tagged loci are shown. These loci were chosen to probe the dependence of colocalization on centromere proximity.

A schematic of the relative timing of the chromosome events of meiosis in SK1 strains of budding yeast, padmore1991,weiner1994,cha2000,tesse2003,brar2009,borner2004,peoples2002. (a) Chromosomes in pre-meiotic cells arrested in G0 are in the Rabl configuration with centromeres tethered to the nuclear periphery. (b) Early to mid prophase is marked by DSB formation and the initiation of synapsis. (c) Late prophase is marked by the end-to-end alignment of homologs by the synaptonemal complex. (d) Fraction cells over time that demonstrate colocalization of the URA3 locus and completion of meiosis I (MI). The x-axis measures the time Ti (i hours) after induction of sporulation that the cells in question were prepared for imaging. Pre-meiotic colocalization is lost during DNA replication and is restored during meiotic prophase, culminating in the full-length alignment of homologs joined by the synaptonemal complex (SC). Soon afterwards, cells begin to complete meiosis I (MI). (e) The relative positions along the chromosome of our tagged loci are shown. These loci were chosen to probe the dependence of colocalization on centromere proximity.

We wish to uncover what the forces are pulling these loci together. In order to do so, we must first establish a baseline model for what the diffusion of these loci would look like in the absense of any force.

Confined Rouse polymer with linkages

The Rouse model is the most basic possible model for a diffusing polymer, and applies even to semiflexible polymers such as DNA at long enough length and time scales (significantly longer than the persistence length).

TODO: describe the model more in detail, especially linkages, and relevant parameters.

Running the Simulation

The code used to run our simulations (including the final parameters chosen) can be reproduced by running:

>>> python -m multi_locus_analysis.examples.burgess.simulation

In short, this calls ~.simulation.run_homolog_param_scan, which parallelizes the running of ~.simulation.run_interior_sim for various values of the mean linkage density mu. These calls are wrapped in the ~.simulation.save_interior_sim function to ensure that each individual simulation is saved to its own sub-directory (making the parallelization thread-safe, and even multi-node safe). The output of this command will be a directory structure that looks like:

>>> tree homolog-sim | head
├── params
│   └── shared.csv
├── homolog-sim.tower13.1
│   ├── all_beads.csv
│   └── params.csv
├── homolog-sim.tower13.10
│   ├── all_beads.csv
│   └── params.csv

where each folder is named "{base_name}/{base_name}.{hostname}.{i}", and the code guarantees a unique folder name "{base_name}.{hostname}.{i}" per simulation. The params.csv file holds the parameters that were passed to, and the shared.csv file tabulates those parameters that will be the same for all the replicates. You can rerun the simulation script at any time to generate more replicates in the same "{base_name}" folder, and it will check shared.csv to ensure that you are haven't changed any parameters between runs.

Each all_beads.csv file contains a Pandas dataframe, a representative example might look like:

>>> all_beads.head()
    t  bead         X1   ...         Z2  is_loop  is_tether    FP
0  0.0     0   0.000000  ...  23.677611        0          0  0.04
1  0.0     1  -0.357303  ...  27.119501        0          0  0.04
2  0.0     2 -14.284399  ...  12.135141        0          0  0.04
3  0.0     3 -29.879801  ...  16.638270        0          0  0.04
4  0.0     4 -71.418055  ... -61.567177        0          0  0.04

where 't' is the simulation time, 'bead' is the bead index, 'X{i}' is the x-coordinate of polymer i (since we're simulating a homologous pair, i ∈ 1, 2), 'is_loop' is true if that bead is a linkage, 'is_tether' is true if that bead is tethered to the nuclear envelope, and 'FP' is the fraction of beads that are linkages on average, in this simulation run.

Processing simulation output

In order to extract the relevant bits of the simulation output (i.e. the bead closest to our experimental tag location, and simulation times that correspond to those that we measured in our movies), the burgess.simulation module provides quite a few convenience functions.

First, to collate just the bead we're interested in, we can pass the relevant bead index to ~burgess.simulation.get_bead_df to have it loop through all the all_beads.csv files to make an 'all_bead_{i}.csv' file containing just the positions at each time in the simulation of bead with index i, with a new column identifying which simulation folder the data is from:

>>> # warning, this can take several hours depending on hdd speed
>>> df = simulation.get_bead_df(base_dir, bead_id=20)  # ura3
>>> # or, if you've already run the above at least once...
>>> # the output will have been automatically saved to this file
>>> df = pd.read_csv(base_dir / Path('all_bead_20.csv')
>>> df.head()
    FP              sim_name  bead         t         X1  ...  right_neighbor  min_bead  max_bead
0  0.0  homolog-sim.tower0.0    20  0.000000  49.516035  ...             NaN         0       100
1  0.0  homolog-sim.tower0.0    20  0.000025  70.466497  ...             NaN         0       100
2  0.0  homolog-sim.tower0.0    20  0.000050  82.758519  ...             NaN         0       100
3  0.0  homolog-sim.tower0.0    20  0.000076  93.888488  ...             NaN         0       100
4  0.0  homolog-sim.tower0.0    20  0.000101  90.400716  ...             NaN         0       100
>>> df.columns
Index(['FP', 'sim_name', 'bead', 't', 'X1', 'Y1', 'Z1', 'X2', 'Y2', 'Z2',
    'is_loop', 'is_tether', 'left_neighbor', 'right_neighbor', 'min_bead',

Notice that we've added some new information columns so that we don't have to go and refer back to the original all_beads.csv file. left_neighbor and right_neighbor track the nearest linkage point to the left and right of the bead of interest, respectively. min_bead and max_bead recall the length of the polymer that was simulated (here, they typically are just a constant value of 0 and num_beads-1, respectively, across all simulations).

Finally, to get the positions of our bead of interest only at times that correspond to the experiment, we can call ~burgess.simulation.select_exp_times.

>>> df_exp = simulation.select_exp_times(df)
>>> df_exp.head()
 FP               sim_name  bead   t  ...  max_bead
0.0  homolog-sim.tower13.0    20   0  ...       100
0.0  homolog-sim.tower13.0    20  30  ...       100
0.0  homolog-sim.tower13.0    20  60  ...       100
0.0  homolog-sim.tower13.0    20  90  ...       100

Notice that now only t that match the experimentally observed times of burgess.t_data, i.e. np.arange(0, 1501, 30).

Parameterization of Rouse model

Importing Raw Data

First, we import the raw data from the examples module. For a complete description of each column, see the documentation in .multi_locus_analysis.examples.burgess.

>>> from multi_locus_analysis.examples import burgess
>>> burgess.df[['X', 'Y', 'Z']].head()
locus genotype exp.rep meiosis cell frame spot
HET5  WT       2       t0      1    1     1     2.13328  3.19992  7.75
                                    2     1     2.53327  1.99995  7.75
                                    3     1     2.66660  2.39994  7.50
                                    4     1     2.79993  2.53327  7.50
                                    5     1     2.93326  2.39994  7.50

Justification for the Kuhn length

TODO: copy in justifications for both 15nm and 50nm.

Determining nuclear radius

The budding yeast nucleus is typically described as being a sphere with radius of around 1μm, phillips2012. However, the nucleur size can change drastically between strains berger2008, and between growth conditions jorgensen2007. In addition, the nucleus grows two-fold, along with the cell, between the G1 and S phases jorgensen2007.

In addition, the nucleus is almost never percisely spherical, however, recent measurements have shown that the nucleus is typically approximately spherical throughout the cell cycle (with a mild elongation at the start of mitosis) once spherical abberations from the typical imaging setup are corrected for wang2016. To our knowledge, no reliable measurements of this same type exist for cells entering meiosis, so we will instead use the convex hull of the volume explored by our tagged loci to estimate the nuclear radius (more precisely, to set a lower bound on this radius).

>>> from multi_locus_analysis.stats import convex_hull >>> fig, ax = plt.subplots(constrained_layout=True) >>> chull_volume = burgess.df >>> .groupby(burgess.cell_cols) >>> .apply(convex_hull, xcol='X', ycol='Y', zcol='Z', volume=True) >>> volume_to_r = lambda V: np.power(3/4/np.pi*V, 1/3) >>> chull_volume.loc['HET5', 'WT', :, 't5'] >>> .apply(volume_to_r) >>> .hist(ax=ax) >>> ax.set_xlabel(r'Nuclear Radius ($mu{}m$)') >>> ax.set_ylabel('Count')

Phenomenological MSCD Correction

Unlike in our analytical theory, in order to compute the MSCDs from our experimental data, we must exclude all time points for which the distance between the loci is less than 250nm, since below this resolution threshold we cannot be certain how close together the two loci are.

While this skews our MSCDs to be larger than they actually are, we can show using our simulation data that the bias is simply a constant multiplicative factor, which we can then simply account for.

First, we define some simple code for plotting the mscds of our simulation data:

import pandas as pd
import multi_locus_analysis as mla
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from multi_locus_analysis.examples.burgess.styles import (sim_cmap,
def plot_mscd(df):
    df = df.reset_index()
    fp = df['FP'].iloc[0]*100
    df = df.sort_values('delta')
    df = df[df['delta'] > 0]
    plt.errorbar(df['delta'], df['mean'], df['std']/np.sqrt(df['count']), c=sim_cmap(sim_cnorm_continuous(fp)))

Now we load in the simulation data:

df_exp = pd.read_csv('_static/homologs/bead_20_exp.csv'))
df_exp = simulation.add_paired_cols(df_exp)

We compute the "real" MSCDs first:

all_dvel = df.groupby(['FP', 'sim_name']).apply(mla.stats.pos_to_all_vel,
    xcol='dX', ycol='dY', zcol='dZ', framecol='t')
dV = (all_dvel['vx']**2 + all_dvel['vy']**2 + all_dvel['vz']**2)
mscd_fp = dV.groupby(['FP', 'delta']).agg(['mean', 'std', 'count'])

they look like:

cb = plt.colorbar(sim_sm_continuous)
cb.set_label('Linkages per chromosome')
plt.xlabel('time (s)')
plt.ylabel('Ensemble MSCD ($\mu{}m^2$)')
plt.savefig(_static_dir / 'SuppFig_MSCD-correction_a.svg')

Then we can compute the MSCDs again, giving the simulation the same treatment that our experimental data gets:

all_dvel_skipna = df[~df['pair250']] \
    .groupby(['FP', 'sim_name']) \
           xcol='dX', ycol='dY', zcol='dZ', framecol='t')
dV_skipna = all_dvel_skipna['vx']**2 + all_dvel_skipna['vy']**2 \
    + all_dvel_skipna['vz']**2
mscd_fp_skip_na = dV_skipna.groupby(['FP', 'delta']) \
                           .agg(['mean', 'std', 'count'])

they do in fact look like rescaled versions of each other, and we can check this directly by dividing one by the other:

for fp, data in mscd_fp_skip_na.groupby('FP'):
    (data['mean'] / mscd_fp.loc[fp]['mean']).plot(
    cb = plt.colorbar(sim_sm_continuous)
    cb.set_label('Linkages per chromosome')
    plt.xlabel('time (s)')

The multiplicative factor can be found by averaging these curves. Here, we only average the parts of the curve that are least likely to suffer from other systematic bias due to the fact that we extract the MSCDs via a procedure that includes time-averaging. It turns out that the multiplicative factor follows a very nice power law:

>>> import scipy
>>> def get_plateau(df):
>>>     df = df.reset_index()
>>>     return df[(df['delta'] > 250) & (df['delta'] < 650)]['mean'].mean()
>>> plateau_actual = mscd_fp.groupby(['FP']).apply(get_plateau)
>>> plateau_skipna = mscd_fp_skip_na.groupby(['FP']).apply(get_plateau)
>>> slope, intercept, rvalue, pvalue, stderr = \
>>>     scipy.stats.linregress(np.log10(plateau_actual), np.log10(plateau_skipna))
>>> print(f'slope={slope}, intercept={intercept}')
slope=0.6871366517395089, intercept=2.1876785072363103

We can visualize this power law as follows:

plt.scatter(plateau_actual, plateau_skipna)
xlim = plt.xlim()
plt.plot([0, 10e6], [0, 10e6], 'k.-')
plt.plot(xlim, 10**(slope*np.array(np.log10(xlim)) + intercept), 'g.-')
plt.xlabel('Actual Plateau (nm$^2$)')
plt.ylabel('Plateau from Unpaired Loci (nm$^2$)')

The green line is the power law fit. The black line is y=x.

The green line is the power law fit. The black line is y = x.

Determining linkage density

With this quantitative correction factor in hand, and knowledge of the nuclear radius (the other source of confinement), we can now use the confinement levels of the ensemble average MSCD curves to extract the mean linkage density along the chromosome for each of our time points.

First, we must extract the plateau levels (printed in μm2):

>>> locus = 'URA3'
>>> strains_for_plateau = [(locus, 'WT'), (locus, 'SP')]
>>> msds_file = burgess.burgess_dir / Path('msds_dvel_unp.csv')
>>> if not msds_file.exists():
>>>     burgess.msds.precompute_msds()
>>> mscds = pd.read_csv(msds_file) \
>>>         .set_index(['locus', 'genotype', 'meiosis'])
>>> def average_end_times(df):
>>>     return np.mean(df.loc[df['delta'] > 800, 'mean'])
>>> plateaus = pd.DataFrame(index=[f't{i}' for i in range(7)])
>>> for strain in strains_for_plateau:
>>>     d = mscds.loc[strain]
>>>     averages = d.groupby('meiosis').apply(average_end_times)
>>>     plateaus[strain] = averages.loc['t0':'t6']
>>> plateaus.head()
    (URA3, WT)  (URA3, SP)
t0    0.906255    0.866363
t1    1.106019    1.020559
t2    1.276101    1.175226
t3    1.266145    1.303145
t4    1.173193    1.315637

we then need to generate the mapping between the average linkage density μ and the expected MSCD plateau value from our analytical theory

mus = np.linspace(0, 10, 100)
theory_plateaus = np.zeros_like(mus)
N_cells = 10000
for i, mu in enumerate(mus):
    for j in range(N_cells):
        theory_plateaus[i] += (1/N_cells) * homolog.mscd_plateau(
            homolog.generate_poisson_homologs(mu, chr_size=burgess.chrv_size_effective_um),
            nuc_radius=burgess.nuc_radius_um, b=burgess.kuhn_length_nuc_chain

Then, we can apply our phenomenological correction for the experimental MSCD computation:

slope = 0.686798088540447
intercept = 2.189713913621381
theory_plateaus_nm = theory_plateaus * 1000**2
plateau_observed_nm = 10**(slope*np.log10(theory_plateaus_nm) + intercept)
plateau_observed = plateau_observed_nm / 1000**2
plt.scatter(mus, plateau_observed)
plt.xlabel('Average linkages per chromosome')
plt.ylabel('Observed MSCD plateau ($\mu{}m^2$)')

Allowing us to extract estimates for the number of linkages per chromosome:

>>> fit_mus = plateaus.applymap(lambda p:
>>>     np.interp(p, plateau_observed[::-1], mus[::-1]))
    ('URA3', 'WT')  ('URA3', 'SP')
t0        2.568580        2.661584
t1        2.023971        2.225883
t2        1.712329        1.881599
t3        1.727523        1.669743
t4        1.885805        1.650072
t5        2.476930        1.962244
t6             NaN        1.705559

Repeating the same exercise with the alternative set of parameters that correspond to bare DNA instead of a nucleosome chain results in a separate set of estimates:

>>> wlc_fit_mus
    ('URA3', 'WT')  ('URA3', 'SP')
t0       42.518713       45.592926
t1       31.632718       35.980398
t2       25.149340       28.886685
t3       26.037688       24.398155
t4       28.973497       23.958810
t5       40.102647       30.355243
t6             NaN       25.068711

Determining diffusivity

Now that we have estimates for the Kuhn length of the polymer, its total length, and the average radius of the nucleus, all of the relevant length scales of the problem are fixed.

It would be difficult to extract any relevant time scales from the single-cell trajectories, since they are largely plateaus even at the shortest time scales of our experiment (t = 30s). Therefore, in order to determine the time scale, we can look to the ensemble averaged MSCD curves.

Since we've now determined the mean linkage density for each time point, we can simply compute an ensemble average of our analytical MSCD curves to correspond to the ensemble average measurement, and fit the single parameter D to set the appropriate time scale. first, we load the data, and define an objective function that seeks to minimize the L2 error between our analytical result and the experiment.

# load in experimental data
msds_file = burgess.burgess_dir / Path('msds_dvel_unp.csv')
if not msds_file.exists():
mscds = pd.read_csv(msds_file) \
        .set_index(['locus', 'genotype', 'meiosis'])
# fit just against t3
mscd_ura_t3 = mscds.loc['URA3', 'WT', 't3'].sort_values('delta')
# from the plateaus array defined above
plateau = plateaus[('URA3', 'WT')]['t3']
# and the results of fitting mu with nuc_chain parameters
mu = fit_mus[('URA3', 'WT')]['t3']
t_data = burgess.t_data[:-1]  # mscd 'delta' only up to 1470
def compare_to_ura3(logD, N_cells=1000):
    D = 10**logD
    theory_mscds = np.zeros_like(t_data)
    for j in range(N_cells):
        theory_mscds += (1/N_cells) * homolog.mscd(
            homolog.generate_poisson_homologs(mu, chr_size=burgess.chrv_size_nuc_chain_um),
            nuc_radius=burgess.nuc_radius_um, b=burgess.kuhn_length_nuc_chain,
    theory_mscds = theory_mscds/theory_mscds[-1]*plateau
    return -np.linalg.norm(theory_mscds - mscd_ura_t3['mean'])

Now, we can perform optimization. Due to noisiness of the data, Gaussian Process-based optimization works the best:

>>> from bayes_opt import BayesianOptimization
>>> # Bounded region of parameter space
>>> pbounds = {'logD': (-1, 1)}
>>> optimizer = BayesianOptimization(
>>>     f=compare_to_ura3,
>>>     pbounds=pbounds,
>>>     random_state=1,
>>> )
>>> optimizer.maximize(
>>>     init_points=5,
>>>     n_iter=5,
>>> )
|   iter    |  target   |   logD    |
|  1        | -0.9102   | -0.166    |
|  2        | -0.3911   |  0.4406   |
|  3        | -2.313    | -0.9998   |
|  4        | -1.647    | -0.3953   |
|  5        | -1.857    | -0.7065   |
|  6        | -0.2305   |  0.9042   |
|  7        | -0.8142   |  0.1631   |
|  8        | -0.8154   |  0.1631   |
|  9        | -0.1691   |  0.69     |
|  10       | -0.2272   |  1.0      |

We can plot the output of this optimization procedure:

def plot_bayes_opt(optimizer):
    x = np.linspace(-1, 1, 1000)
    mean, sigma = optimizer._gp.predict(x.reshape(-1, 1), return_std=True)
    plt.plot(10**x, mean)
    plt.fill_between(10**x, mean + sigma, mean - sigma, alpha=0.1)
    plt.scatter(10**,, c="red", s=50, zorder=10)
    plt.xlabel('D ($\mu{}m^2$)')
    plt.ylabel('$-||$ Theory -- Experiment $||^2$')

Then we can run a few more random steps in the vicinity of the best point to get a really good value:

>>> optimizer.set_bounds(new_bounds={'logD': [np.log10(2), np.log10(4)]})
>>> optimizer.maximize(
>>>     init_points=10,
>>>     #     n_iter=5,
>>>     )
|   iter    |  target   |   logD    |
|  21       | -0.2238   |  0.4838   |
|  22       | -0.1486   |  0.537    |
|  23       | -0.2712   |  0.4409   |
|  24       | -0.2372   |  0.5756   |
|  25       | -0.3245   |  0.4055   |
|  26       | -0.2692   |  0.444    |
|  27       | -0.1219   |  0.5425   |
|  28       | -0.2419   |  0.5696   |
|  29       | -0.2531   |  0.5269   |
|  30       | -0.2056   |  0.4961   |

Finally, let's compare the MSCD we've calculated to the one we're fitting against:

D = 10**optimizer.max['params']['logD']  # ~3.4
theory_mscds = np.zeros_like(t_data)
for j in range(N_cells):
    theory_mscds += (1/N_cells) * homolog.mscd(
        homolog.generate_poisson_homologs(mu, chr_size=burgess.chrv_size_nuc_chain_um),
        nuc_radius=burgess.nuc_radius_um, b=burgess.kuhn_length_nuc_chain,
theory_mscds = theory_mscds/theory_mscds[-1]*plateau
plt.loglog(mscd_ura_t3['delta'], mscd_ura_t3['mean'])
plt.loglog(t_data, theory_mscds, 'k--')
plt.xlabel('t (s)')
plt.ylabel('MSCD ($\mu{}m^2$)')

Example "cells"

Given all of these parameters, we can now use our model to visualize how heterogeneity between individual cells affects the single-cell MSCD curves, and compare that to what we see in the experiments. Consider the following example cells:

>>> from wlcsim.analytical import homolog >>> from multi_locus_analysis.examples.burgess import plotting as mplt >>> cells = [homolog.generate_poisson_homologs(4, burgess.chrv_size_bp) >>> for i in range(5)] >>> mplt.draw_cells(cells)

Waiting time distributions

Extracting simulation wait times

.burgess.simulation has helper functions for quickly extracting experiment-like waiting times. We first load the single-bead simulation data we created above:

>>> df_exp = pd.read_csv('bead_20_exp.csv')
>>> df_exp = simulation.add_paired_cols(df_exp)
>>> sim_waits = df.groupby(['FP', 'sim_name']).apply(
>>>     fw.discrete_trajectory_to_wait_times,
>>>     t_col='t', state_col='pair0.25'
>>> )
>>> sim_waits.head()
                                        start_time  end_time  wait_time  wait_state  min_waits  max_waits wait_type  window_size
FP  sim_name                rank_order
0.0 homolog-sim.tower13.100 1                  570       600         30        True          0         60  interior         1500
    homolog-sim.tower13.115 1                   30        60         30       False          0         60  interior         1500
                            2                   60        90         30        True          0         60  interior         1500
                            3                   90      1440       1350       False       1320       1380  interior         1500
                            4                 1440      1470         30        True          0         60  interior         1500

Since we used the pair0.25 column to compute the wait times, then wait_state will be True if the wait time corresponds to a "residence time" (aka "time spent paired" or "paired time" or "time spent colocalized") and False if it corresponds to a "search time" (aka "time spend unpaired" or "unpaired time" or "time spent apart").

Extracting experimental wait times

Similarly, we can extract the analogous wait times from our experimental data, which come with a 'foci' column that tells us whether they are colocalized at a given time point.

>>> waitdf = df_flat \
>>>     .groupby(burgess.cell_cols + ['na_id']) \
>>>     .apply(mla.finite_window.discrete_trajectory_to_wait_times,
>>>            t_col='t', state_col='foci')
>>> waitdf.dropna(inplace=True) # get rid of NaN waits (buggy window sizes)
>>> pair_df = waitdf[(waitdf['wait_type'] == 'interior') & waitdf['wait_state']]
>>> unpair_df = waitdf[(waitdf['wait_type'] == 'interior') & ~waitdf['wait_state']]
