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An application for white box load testing

Recording a trace

Capture a single invocation of :io.format("foo",[])

Recording a trace Elixir example

ExBench.Capturer.capture("/tmp/foo.txt" , [ trace_pattern: {:io, :format, 2}, count: 1])

Recording a trace Erlang example

'Elixir.ExBench.Capturer':capture("/tmp/foo.txt" , [ {trace_pattern, {io, format, 2}}, {count, 1}]).

Invocation (Elixir)

You will invoke - with no arguments - you can verify that the supervision system is working correctly, the default test run will be executed. Stop the run with ExBench.stop.

Or, to actually have it do something useful, initialize %ExBench.Args{} with custom arguments, and pass it to

Invocation example - Elixir

iex(12)> args = %ExBench.Args{bench_fun: fn(x) -> IO.puts("foo: #{inspect(x)}") end}
  bench_fun: #Function<6.99386804/1 in :erl_eval.expr/5>,
  concurrency: 3,
  delay: 1000,
  overflow: 2,
  producer: ExBench.FileProducer,
  producer_argument: %{
    filename: "/code/bryanhuntesl/ex_bench/_build/dev/lib/ex_bench/priv/example.consult"
  workers: 10

Invocation example - Erlang API

Erlang interface - Elixir example,10,5,fn(x) -> IO.inspect(x) end, ExBench.FileProducer, %{filename: "/tmp/example.consult"},1000)

Erlang interface - Erlang example

ex_bench:run(10,10,5,fun(X) -> io:format("~w~n",[X]) end, 'Elixir.ExBench.FileProducer', #{filename => <<"/tmp/example.consult">>},1000)

Stopping an ExBench run (Elixir)


Stopping an ExBench run (Erlang)


Application design / Supervision structure

Supervision hierarchy

Supported Elixir/OTP versions

See travis build for definitive, up-to-date, test matrix.

As of July 2019 - these are the tested versions:

Elixir OTP
1.6 19
1.6 20.3
1.6 21
1.7 19
1.7 20.3
1.7 21
1.7 22
1.8.1 20.3
1.8.1 21
1.8.1 22
1.9.0 20.3
1.9.0 21
1.9.0 22
------ ------


Make a bigger input arguments file

for i in `seq 1 10000` ;  do echo "{test1,{\"$i\", <<7,166>>, #{},[],false, #{<<\"x\">> => <<\"y\">>}}}." ; done >> test/