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EventFilter using combobox doesn't work as expected in timeAxisHeaderMenu #6477

taauntik opened this issue Mar 28, 2023 · 4 comments
bug Something isn't working forum Issues from forum invalid This doesn't seem right


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taauntik commented Mar 28, 2023

Forum post

We have the following TimeAxisHeaderMenu on a Scheduler component that works flawlessly in v5.1.3:

timeAxisHeaderMenu: {
    items: {
        currentTimeLine: {
            text: 'Highlight today'
        eventsFilter: {
            text: 'Filter absence types',
            menu: {
                items: {
                    nameFilter: {
                        clearable: true,
                        cls: "b-eventfilter b-last-row",
                        label: 'By type',
                        type: 'combo',
                        store: { data : [ { id : 1, absenceType : 'A1' }, { id : 2, absenceType : 'A2' }, { id : 3, absenceType : 'A3' } ] },
                        valueField: 'id',
                        displayField: 'absenceType',
                        editable: false,
                        listItemTpl: (item) => {
                            return `<div><div style="font-size: 80%">${item.absenceCategory}</div><div>${item.absenceType}</div></div>`;
                        width: 250

After updating to v5.3.0, this produces the correct UI elements, but upon selecting an option from the combo box, all events in the Scheduler suddenly disappear, regardless of the option chosen. Opening the context menu again and clearing the filter does not fix this, but if the user then attempts to set another filter, the events magically reappear again when hovering the mouse over the "Filter absence types" menu item!

I have attached a screen recording of all of this in action for your greater understanding.

Many thanks in advance for any help with this

Here is a video of reproduction

@taauntik taauntik added bug Something isn't working forum Issues from forum labels Mar 28, 2023
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Correct version

eventsFilter : {
                    text : 'Filter absence types',
                    menu : {
                        items : {
                            nameFilter     : false,
                            categoryFilter : {
                                clearable    : true,
                                label        : 'By type',
                                type         : 'combo',
                                store        : { data : [{ id : 1, absenceType : 'A1' }, { id : 2, absenceType : 'A2' }, { id : 3, absenceType : 'A3' }] },
                                valueField   : 'id',
                                displayField : 'absenceType',
                                editable     : false,
                                listItemTpl  : (item) => {
                                    return `<div><div style="font-size: 80%">${item.absenceCategory}</div><div>${item.absenceType}</div></div>`;
                                listeners : {
                                    change({ value }) {
                                        const { eventStore } = this.up('menu').owner;
                                        if (value) {
                                            eventStore.filter('absenceCategory', value);
                                        else {

@matsbryntse matsbryntse added the invalid This doesn't seem right label May 13, 2023
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Thanks for the reply @matsbryntse, but that still doesn't work for me. Same issue as before persists. Please let me know if you need any further information to reproduce this. Thanks :-)

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Works for me, can you please post a full test case?

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@matsbryntse Sure, here's the entire scheduler:

this._scheduler = new Scheduler({
    appendTo: 'scheduler-panel',
    minHeight: '20em',
    rowHeight: 70,
    emptyText: 'No personnel specified',
    enableRecurringEvents: true,
    eventColor: 'orange',
    //set start and end dates to the past, seems to fix recurring event rendering issue - #361
    startDate: DateHelper.add(currentDate, -6, 'month'),
    endDate: DateHelper.add(DateHelper.add(currentDate, -6, 'month'), 1, 'day'),
    viewPreset: 'monthAndYear',
    readOnly: this.configuration.readOnly,
    features: {
        eventDrag: {
            disabled: true
        eventResize: {
            disabled: true
        timeRanges: {
            enableResizing: false,
            showCurrentTimeLine: true,
            showHeaderElements: false
        sort: 'name',
        labels: {
            top: {
                field: 'absenceType'
        eventEdit: {
            editorConfig: {
                title: 'Absence',
                autoClose: false,
                cls: 'absence-editor'
            dateFormat: this.dateFormat,
            timeFormat: 'HH:mm',
            showRecurringUI: true,
            items: {
                nameField: {
                    hidden: true
                resourceField: {
                    hidden: true
                startDateField: {
                    format: this.dateFormat,
                    editable: false,
                    listeners: {
                        change: () => {
                            // noop
                startTimeField: {
                    step: '15min',
                    editable: false,
                    listeners: {
                        change: () => {
                            // noop
                endDateField: {
                    format: this.dateFormat,
                    editable: false,
                    listeners: {
                        change: (e) => {
                            const newValue = e.userAction ? e.value : (e.source.owner.widgetMap.endDateField.value !== undefined ? e.source.owner.widgetMap.endDateField.value : e.source.owner.widgetMap.startDateField.value);  //new Date(e.source.owner.record.originalData.endDate);
                            //calculate duration
                            const durationField = e.source.owner.widgetMap.durationField;
                            durationField.unit === undefined ? 'hour' : durationField.unit;
                            const newDuration = this.calculateDuration(e.source.owner.widgetMap.startDateField.value, e.source.owner.widgetMap.startTimeField.value, newValue, e.source.owner.widgetMap.endTimeField.value, durationField.unit);
                            this.validateDuration(newDuration, e.source.owner.widgetMap);
                            durationField.value = { magnitude: newDuration, unit: durationField.unit };
                endTimeField: {
                    step: '15min',
                    editable: false,
                    listeners: {
                        change: (e) => {
                            const newValue = e.userAction ? e.value : (e.source.owner.widgetMap.endDateField.value !== undefined ? e.source.owner.widgetMap.endDateField.value : e.source.owner.widgetMap.startDateField.value); //e.source.owner.widgetMap.endTimeField.value;
                            //calculate duration
                            const durationField = e.source.owner.widgetMap.durationField;
                            durationField.unit === undefined ? 'hour' : durationField.unit;
                            const newDuration = this.calculateDuration(e.source.owner.widgetMap.startDateField.value, e.source.owner.widgetMap.startTimeField.value, e.source.owner.widgetMap.endDateField.value, newValue, durationField.unit);
                            this.validateDuration(newDuration, e.source.owner.widgetMap);
                            durationField.value = { magnitude: newDuration, unit: durationField.unit };
                absenceTypeIdField: {
                    type: 'combo',
                    name: 'absenceTypeId',
                    label: 'Type',
                    store: this._eventTypeStore,
                    valueField: 'id',
                    displayField: 'absenceType',
                    editable: false,
                    listItemTpl: (item) => {
                        return `<div><div style="font-size: 80%">${item.absenceCategory}</div><div>${item.absenceType}</div></div>`;
                    weight: -100,
                    required: true,
                    listeners: {
                        action: (e) => {
                            const combo = e.source;
                            if (e.record) {
                                if (!e.record.showTime) { //clear the existing time
                                    combo.owner.widgetMap.startTimeField.value = '00:00:00';
                                    combo.owner.widgetMap.endTimeField.value = '00:00:00';

                                combo.owner.widgetMap.startTimeField.disabled = !e.record.showTime;
                                combo.owner.widgetMap.endTimeField.disabled = !e.record.showTime;
                                //make sure we update the showTime flag
                                combo.owner.record.showTime = e.record.showTime;
                durationField: new DurationField({
                    name: 'duration',
                    label: 'Duration',
                    unit: 'hour',
                    allowedUnits: 'hour',
                    weight: 650,
                    required: true,
                    disabled: true
                commentField: new TextAreaField({
                    name: 'comment',
                    label: 'Comment',
                    height: 70,
                    weight: 675,
                    required: false,
                    placeholder: 'Please enter a comment',
                    cls: 'b-comment-field'
        eventTooltip: {
            template: (data) => {
                const isPMKeySFlag = data.eventRecord.readonly && data.eventRecord.absenceTypeId !== 19 ? `<span class="label label-info" style="position:absolute; right:10px; width:60px">PMKeyS</span>` : ``;

                const occuranceIndicator = data.eventRecord.isRecurring ? `<span class="b-fa b-fa-star" style="position:absolute; right:10px;"></span>` : data.eventRecord.isOccurrence ? `<span class="b-fa b-fa-sync" style="position:absolute; right:10px;"></span>` : '';

                const startDateFormatted = data.eventRecord.showTime ? `${DateHelper.format(data.startDate, this.dateTimeFormatNoSeconds)}` : `${DateHelper.format(data.startDate, this.dateFormat)}`;
                const endDateFormatted = data.eventRecord.showTime ? `${DateHelper.format(data.endDate, this.dateTimeFormatNoSeconds)}` : `${DateHelper.format(data.endDate, this.dateFormat)}`;

                return `
					<div style="overflow:hidden;" class="b-sch-event-tooltip">
						<div style="float:left;min-width:250px;" class="b-sch-event-title">${data.eventRecord.absenceType}</div>
                        <div style="float:left;">
						<div style="float:left; min-width:250px;" class="b-sch-clockwrap b-sch-clock-day b-sch-tooltip-startdate">
							<div class="b-sch-clock">
								<div class="b-sch-hour-indicator" style="transform: none;">${DateHelper.format(data.startDate, 'MMM')}</div>
								<div class="b-sch-minute-indicator" style="transform: none;">${DateHelper.format(data.startDate, 'D')}</div>
								<div class="b-sch-clock-dot"></div>
							<span class="b-sch-clock-text">${startDateFormatted}</span>
						<div style="float:left;min-width:250px;" class="b-sch-clockwrap b-sch-clock-day b-sch-tooltip-enddate">
							<div class="b-sch-clock">
								<div class="b-sch-hour-indicator" style="transform: none;">${DateHelper.format(data.endDate, 'MMM')}</div>
								<div class="b-sch-minute-indicator" style="transform: none;">${DateHelper.format(data.endDate, 'D')}</div>
								<div class="b-sch-clock-dot"></div>
							<span class="b-sch-clock-text">${endDateFormatted}</span>
						<div style="float:left;margin-top:5px; font-size:0.85em">${StringHelperExtensions.trimWithEllipse(data.eventRecord.comment, 100)}</div>
        eventMenu: {
            items: {
                unassignEvent: false,
                copyEvent: false,
                cutEvent: false
            processItems({ eventRecord, items }) {
                if (items.editEvent) {
                    items.editEvent.text = "Edit Absence";

                if (items.deleteEvent) {
                    items.deleteEvent.text = "Delete Absence";

                return !eventRecord.readonly;
        scheduleMenu: {
            items: {
                addEvent: {
                    text: 'Add Absence'
                pasteEvent: false
        timeAxisHeaderMenu: {
            items: {
                currentTimeLine: {
                    text: 'Highlight today'
                eventsFilter: {
                    text : 'Filter absence types',
                    menu : {
                        items : {
                            nameFilter     : false,
                            categoryFilter : {
                                clearable    : true,
                                label        : 'By type',
                                type         : 'combo',
                                store        : this._eventTypeStore,
                                valueField   : 'id',
                                displayField : 'absenceType',
                                editable     : false,
                                listItemTpl  : (item) => {
                                    return `<div><div style="font-size: 80%">${item.absenceCategory}</div><div>${item.absenceType}</div></div>`;
                                listeners : {
                                    change({ value }) {
                                        const { eventStore } = this.up('menu').owner;
                                        if (value) {
                                            eventStore.filter('absenceCategory', value);
                                        } else {
                        } as Partial<MenuItemConfig> // <---- This explicit cast is necessary otherwise I get a TS2322 error in Visual Studio
                dateRange: {
                    menu: {
                        items: {
                            startDateField: {
                                format: this.dateFormat
                            endDateField: {
                                format: this.dateFormat
                        } as Partial<MenuItemConfig>
    columns: [
            field: 'name', text: 'Resource', minWidth: 135, hidden: false, enableCellContextMenu: false, htmlEncode: false, editor: false, renderer: (e) => {
                const surname = this.getSurnameFromFullname(;
                const firstInitial = this.getFirstNameInitialFromFullname(;

                return `<div>
                    <div style="float:left;padding-right:3px;"><img class="b-resource-avatar"src="${this.imgFolderPath}${e.record.rankIcon?.toLowerCase() || 'none.png'}"></div>
					<div>${surname}, ${firstInitial}<div>
					<div style="font-size:0.8em">${e.record.employeeId}</div>
            tooltipRenderer: (e) => {
                const item = e.record;

                return `
				<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="b-gantt-task-tooltip resource-tooltip" style="width:100%">
						<td colspan=2>
							<div class="avatar-container"><img title="${item.rank}" class="b-resource-avatar-lg" src="${this.imgFolderPath}${e.record.rankIcon?.toLowerCase() || 'none.png'}"></div>

							<div class="resource-name">${}</div>
							<div class="emp-id">${item.employeeId}</div>
    crudManager: {
        supportShortSyncResponse: false,
        resourceStore: {
            fields: [
                { name: 'id', dataSource: 'id' },
                { name: 'name', dataSource: 'name' },
                { name: 'employeeId', dataSource: 'employeeId' },
        eventStore: {
            modelClass: AbsenceModel,
        stores: [this._eventTypeStore],
        transport: {
            load: {
                url: `${this.baseUrl}load`,
                method: 'GET',
                paramName: 'q',
                // get rid of cache-buster parametero
                disableCaching: false,
                params: additionalRequestParams
            sync: {
                requestConfig: {
                    url: `${this.baseUrl}sync`,
                    method: 'POST',
                    // get rid of cache-buster parameter
                    disableCaching: false,
        listeners: {
            beforeloadapply: (e) => {
            beforesync: (e) => {
            loadFail: (e) => {
      { html: `Failed to load, please try again. <br/> if problem persist call IMPPACT Support Team and quote: ${e.response.requestId}`, timeout: 5000 });
            sync: () => {
                this._absenceGrid.instance.onDataChange(this._scheduler.crudManager.eventStore, this._scheduler.crudManager.resourceStore);
      'Saved successfully');
            syncFail: (e) => {
      { html: `Failed to save changes, please try again. <br/> if problem persist call IMPPACT Support Team and quote: ${e.response.requestId}`, timeout: 5000 });
            syncCanceled: () => {'Saving changes was canceled'); }
        autoSync: true
    eventRenderer({ renderData, eventRecord }) {
        renderData.iconCls = eventRecord.isRecurring ? 'b-fa b-fa-star' : (eventRecord.isOccurrence ? 'b-fa b-fa-sync' : 'b-fa b-fa-calendar');
    listeners: {
        beforeEventEdit: e => {
            console.log(" before event edit");
            const record = e.eventRecord;

            if (!record.eventStore) {
                record.setDuration(null, 'hour');

            return !;
        beforeEventEditShow: ({ eventRecord, editor, eventEdit }) => {
            console.log("before event edit show");
            const defaultDurationUnit = "hour";
            let duration = DateHelper.getDurationInUnit(eventRecord.startDate, eventRecord.endDate, defaultDurationUnit);
            if (eventRecord.absenceType !== "New event" && eventRecord.absenceType !== "") {
                editor.title = "Modify Absence Details";
                eventEdit.items.durationField.unit = defaultDurationUnit;
                eventEdit.durationField.defaultUnit = defaultDurationUnit;
                eventEdit.endDateField.value = eventRecord.endDate = ( !== undefined ? new Date( : eventRecord.endDate);
                editor.widgetMap.endDateField.value = eventRecord.endDate;
                editor.widgetMap.endTimeField.value = eventRecord.endDate;
                duration = this.calculateDuration(eventRecord.startDate, eventRecord.startDate, eventRecord.endDate, eventRecord.endDate, defaultDurationUnit);
                eventEdit.durationField.value = { magnitude: duration, unit: defaultDurationUnit };
            } else {
                editor.title = "New Absence Details";
                eventEdit.items.durationField.unit = defaultDurationUnit;
                eventEdit.durationField.value = { magnitude: duration, unit: defaultDurationUnit };
                eventEdit.startDateField.value = eventRecord.startDate = DateHelper.clearTime(eventRecord.startDate);
                eventEdit.endDateField.value = eventRecord.endDate = DateHelper.clearTime(eventRecord.endDate);
            eventEdit.items.durationField.disabled = true;
            //remove the "YEARLY" option #250
            eventEdit.recurrenceCombo.items = eventEdit.recurrenceCombo.items.filter(i => !== "YEARLY");
        beforeEventSave: e => {

            // duration validation...
            if (e.values.duration <= 0) {
      { html: `Duration must be greater than zero`, color: 'b-red', style: 'overflow-y: auto;' });
                return false;

            // do validation on comment and start / end dates here.
            if ((e.values && e.values.absenceTypeId === 20 && e.values.comment.length === 0) || e.values.comment === null) {
      { html: `Comment is required`, color: 'b-red', style: 'overflow-y: auto;' });
                return false;

            if (e.values.comment.length > 0 && e.values.comment.length < this.minimumCommentLength) {
      { html: `Please provide a more detailed comment (minimum ${this.minimumCommentLength} characters)`, color: 'b-red', style: 'overflow-y: auto;' });
                return false;

            if (e.values.endDate <= e.values.startDate || e.values.duration === 0) {
      { html: `Please provide valid dates, start and end times CANNOT be the same`, color: 'b-red', style: 'overflow-y: auto;' });
                return false;

            if (e.values && e.values.absenceTypeId) {
                e.eventRecord.absenceType = (this._eventTypeStore.getById(e.values.absenceTypeId) as any).absenceType;
       = e.eventRecord.absenceType;

Let me know if you still need anything else and thanks again! :-)

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bug Something isn't working forum Issues from forum invalid This doesn't seem right
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