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Ashley Kolodziej edited this page Oct 20, 2015 · 10 revisions



Action fires after slideshow is fully enqueued, before rendering.



Allows modification of available positions. Passes array of current options.

// default
$caption_positions = array(
    'Top Right' => 'caption-top-right', 
    'Top Center' => 'caption-top-center', 
    'Top Left' => 'caption-top-left', 
    'Middle Center' => 'caption-center-center', 
    'Bottom Right' => 'caption-bottom-right', 
    'Bottom Center' => 'caption-bottom-center', 
    'Bottom Left' => 'caption-bottom-left'


Allows modification of available templates. Passes array of current template IDs. Array of template details must (minimally) include a label value. Additional attributes can be added to the array & will be returned with the bu_slideshow_slide_html filter.

add_filter('bu_slideshow_slide_templates', 'slideshow_add_templates' );

function slideshow_add_templates( $templates ){ 
    $templates['test-template'] = array( 'name' => 'testing 1234' );
    $templates['test-template1'] = array( 'name' => 'testing1 1234' );
    $templates['haz-fields'] = array( 
        'name' => 'Template Haz Fields', 
        'custom_fields' => array( 
            'ticket_url' => array(
                    'type' => 'text', 
                    'label' => 'Ticket URL', 
            'special_message' => array(
                    'type' => 'text', 
                    'label' => 'Special Message', 
    return $templates; 


Allows customization of output slide HTML. Use in combination with bu_slideshow_slide_templates for a full-featured templating system.

add_filter( 'bu_slideshow_slide_html', 'slideshow_slide_apply_template', 10, 2 );
function slideshow_slide_apply_template( $html, $slide ){ 
	return $html; 
BU_Slide Object
    [additional_styles] => ''
    [caption] => Array
            [html] => '<div class="bu-slide-caption caption-bottom-right"><p class="bu-slide-caption-title"><a href="">Desktop Repair Services</a></p><p class="bu-slide-caption-text">Expert, manufacturer-authorized installation, configuration, or repair services on your personal or University-owned computers. <a href="">Learn more &raquo;</a></p></div>'
            [link] => ''
            [title] => 'Desktop Repair Services'
            [text] => 'Expert, manufacturer-authorized installation, configuration, or repair services on your personal or University-owned computers. <a href="">Learn more &raquo;</a>'
            [position] => 'caption-bottom-right'
    [image_id] => 79452
    [image_html] => '<a href=""><img src="/tech/files/2014/05/desktop-repair-slide1.jpg" alt="desktop-repair-slide1" /></a>'
    [image_size] => 'full'
    [template_id] => 'test-template'
    [template_options] => Array
            [name] => 'testing 1234'
    [order] => 5
    [view] => 'public'


Controls visibility of the "Add Slideshow" button on the post edit screen. Passes array of supported post types.

// default
$supported_post_types = array('page', 'post');


add_filter('bu_slideshow_supported_post_types', 'THEMENAME_bu_slideshow_supported_post_types');

function THEMENAME_bu_slideshow_supported_post_types() {
        $supported_post_types = array('page', 'post','CUSTOM-POST-TYPE-NAME');
        return $supported_post_types;

Note: This filter is called with a priority of 99 in the plugin. If you're having trouble getting this to work, try setting this to a priority higher than that.


Allows the "Add Slideshow" button to be placed on other editor screens. Passes an array of screen_id values, as pulled from $current_screen->id.

// default
$editor_screens = array();