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Buddy Compiler LLaMA Example

  1. Download LLaMA2 model

You should download llama model. You can get model from meta ai.

  1. Enter Python virtual environment

We recommend you to use anaconda3 to create python virtual environment. You should install python packages as buddy-mlir/requirements.

$ conda activate <your virtual environment name>
$ cd buddy-mlir
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. LLaMA2 model convert to HuggingFace format

You should convert LLaMA2 model which download from meta ai to HuggingFace format. Because we use HuggingFace api to get LLaMA2 model.

$ cd examples/BuddyLlama
$ python --input_dir path-to-llama2-model --model_size 7B --output_dir path-to-save-llama-hf-model

Such as you have a 7B LLaMA2 model, in your input_dir path-to-llama-model, you should have a tokenizer.model and a directory named "7B". You should put your 7B LLaMA2 model inside the "7B" directory.

In addition, set an environment variable for the generated LLaMA model.

$ export LLAMA_MODEL_PATH=/path-to-save-llama-hf-model/
  1. Build and check LLVM/MLIR
$ cd buddy-mlir
$ mkdir llvm/build
$ cd llvm/build
$ cmake -G Ninja ../llvm \
    -DLLVM_ENABLE_PROJECTS="mlir;clang;openmp" \
    -DPython3_EXECUTABLE=$(which python3)
$ ninja check-clang check-mlir omp
  1. Build and check buddy-mlir
$ cd buddy-mlir
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake -G Ninja .. \
    -DMLIR_DIR=$PWD/../llvm/build/lib/cmake/mlir \
    -DLLVM_DIR=$PWD/../llvm/build/lib/cmake/llvm \
    -DPython3_EXECUTABLE=$(which python3)
$ ninja
$ ninja check-buddy

Set the PYTHONPATH environment variable. Make sure that the PYTHONPATH variable includes the directory of LLVM/MLIR python bindings and the directory of Buddy MLIR python packages.

$ export PYTHONPATH=/path-to-buddy-mlir/llvm/build/tools/mlir/python_packages/mlir_core:/path-to-buddy-mlir/build/python_packages:${PYTHONPATH}

// For example:
// Navigate to your buddy-mlir/build directory
$ cd buddy-mlir/build
$ export LLVM_MLIR_BUILD_DIR=$PWD/../llvm/build
$ export PYTHONPATH=${LLVM_MLIR_BUILD_DIR}/tools/mlir/python_packages/mlir_core:${BUDDY_MLIR_BUILD_DIR}/python_packages:${PYTHONPATH}
  1. Build and run LLaMA example
$ ninja buddy-llama-run
$ cd bin
$ ./buddy-llama-run

This build will spend a few minutes. We recommend you to use better cpu such as server-level cpu to run buddy-llama-run.

If you wish to utilize mimalloc as a memory allocator, you need to set BUDDY_MLIR_USE_MIMALLOC and MIMALLOC_BUILD_DIR. For more details, please see here.