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File metadata and controls

21 lines (13 loc) · 1.02 KB


The energy conversion device type IfcCoolingTowerType defines commonly shared information for occurrences of cooling towers. The set of shared information may include:

  • common properties with shared property sets
  • common representations
  • common materials
  • common composition of elements
  • common ports

It is used to define a cooling tower type specification indicating the specific product information that is common to all occurrences of that product type. The IfcCoolingTowerType may be declared within IfcProject or IfcProjectLibrary using IfcRelDeclares and may be exchanged with or without occurrences of the type. Occurrences of IfcCoolingTowerType are represented by instances of IfcCoolingTower. Refer to the documentation at IfcCoolingTower for supported property sets, materials, composition, and ports.



Defines the typical types of cooling towers (e.g., OpenTower, ClosedTower, CrossFlow, etc.).

Formal Propositions
