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executable file
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File metadata and controls

executable file
174 lines (115 loc) · 5.24 KB



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Makes easy release software.


  • Separates the processes of creating and publishing software.
  • Syncronizes, unifies and publishes different software versions into the different package managers.
  • Easy to integrate it with both with your current and new projects.
  • Associated actions before or after publishing your software (not yet, but soon!).

Bumped synchronizes your software version across different package manager configuration files (npm, bower,...) and controls, edits and releases each of its versions to ensure all the files have the same version.

Because writing software is hard enough, we must make the publishing process of software simple and effective.


npm install bumped -g



The first command that you need to run is bumped init. If you run it in a totally blank project, you'll see something like this:

$ bumped init

warn  : It has been impossible to detect files automatically.
warn  : Try to add manually with 'add' command.
warn  : There isn't version declared.
success : Config file created!.

The magic appears when running it in a project with common package manager configuration files, for instance, like package.json or bower.json:

$ bumped init

info	: Detected 'package.json' in the directory.
info	: Current version is '1.0.1'.
success	: Config file created!.

At this moment, Bumped creates a configuration file .bumpedrc, which is associated with the project folder. If you open this file, its content is a list made up of all the synchronized files:

files: [

The file format is CSON. You can also use JSON format, however, this file is auto-generated by Bumped.


If you're not sure what the current synchronized version across your configuration files, then run bumped version:

$ bumped version

info	: Current version is '1.0.0'.

The shared version is the major version detected in them. On the other hand, it will not be syncrhonized until the next release.


It's moment to release a new version of your sofware. You can do this in two different ways:

  • Providing the exact version that you want to release.

  • Providing the semantic semver version to release (using the keywords major, minor, patch,...

In both cases, the only requisite is that the version to be released has to be major than the current version.

For example, if your current version is 1.0.0 and you want to release to the version 1.1.0, you can do:

$ bumped release 1.1.0

success	: Releases version '1.1.0'.

Or, if you prefer a more semantic semver way to do the same, you simply can do:

$ bumped release minor

success	: Releases version '1.1.0'.


In the beginning, Bumped automatically detects common configuration files from the most popular packages managers, but you may need to add one manually.

For example, I want to add a new file called component.json that which version setted to 2.0.0:

  "version": "2.0.0"

I can be done typing bumped add:

$ bumped add component.json

info    : Detected 'component.json' in the directory.
success	: 'component.json' has been added.

If you check now the .bumpedrc file, the list of configuration files has been updated:

files: [

If you type now bumped version, you can check that the shared version has changed:

$ bumped version

info	: Current version is '2.0.0'.

The version is setted to 2.0.0 because it's the major version between all the configuration files.


If you decide to remove a file, just use the remove command:

bumped remove component.json

info	: 'component.json' has been removed.

What's next?

The most interesting aspect in Bumped is the posibility to associate hooks before or after a release action. Usually, every time you releases a new version of your software, you always have to accomplish several tasks:

  • Run a grunt/gulp task to generate a build.
  • Lint the code.
  • Create a tagged version using git.
  • Push the code to a git repository.
  • Check if you are using dependencies with vulnerabilities using NSP.

And, basically, whatever that you need.

Due to the core is stable and usable, I decided to release early without this new feature. I just need a little bit of time!


MIT © BumpedJS