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slit - sequential lit


slit, or sequential lit, is a literate programming tool for creating compelling, accurate software tutorials with minimal effort.

slit borrows from the school of literate programming, where programs are generated from their own documentation. However, where other tools focus on what a program is, slit focuses on how a program is written, and provides a richer syntax for expressing the sequence of a program's creation from start to finish.

In doing so, slit turns literate programming into an unstoppable tool for creating compelling, provably accurate programming tutorials.


  • Total control of code and documentation structure in time

  • Carefully document every single step, including wrong turns, backtracking, and extending existing code

  • Generate working, complex, multi-file, multi-language program examples from a single tutorial

  • Output shell commands directly into your documentation to show the progression of a program

Who uses slit?


slit is a single python script and has been tested with Python 2.7.


While trying to keep new syntax to a minimum, slit adds some extremely useful features that are hard to find.


slit uses markdown for its documentation format, but works with any programming language.

slit files should be marked with with .lit extension, appended to the regular file extension.


slit works by allow you to assemble code into separate containers, then building your document from them.

Code containers are marked with the << blockname >>= syntax on a line by itself. They must be indented to be accepted as code macros.

Here is our hello world example!

    << main >=
    int main (void)
        printf("hello world!\n");

The code block will end when the indent level returns to 0.

        printf("hello world!\n");

The code block is over!

Basic macros

There are three core elements that make up slit syntax.

  • Macro assignment - << NAME >>=

  • Macro append - << NAME >>+=

  • Macro value - << NAME >>

append macro

The append macro (<< NAME >>+=) allows you to add code to the end of a new or existing container, where NAME is the container name.

assignment macro

The assignment macro (<< NAME >>=) will add code to a new or existing container, overwriting what was already in it, where NAME is the container name.

container names

Contain names can be one of the following

  • Named containers, containing alphanumeric characters and underscores, like codeblock1, main_function.

  • File containers, containing a single-word filename with extension, like filename.txt (files with spaces or that reside in a different path are not currently supported)

  • The * container, which will create a file named after the top-level slit file with the .lit extension removed. So for hello_world.c.lit, the * container will generate the hello_world.c code file.

The top-level documentation file is always generated at the source file name with a .md extension, so hello_world.c.lit will generate

Include directive

Use the #include directive to organize a single tutorial into multiple files.

#include "part1.spin"
#include "part1.diagram"
#include "part2.spin"
#include "part2.diagram"
#include "gfx_cave.lit"
#include ""

Shell commands

WARNING: this WILL allow tutorials to execute commands directly on your system. Use with caution.

Use the shell macro (<<#! command >>) to dump the output of shell commands into your tutorial.

Watch the output of the <<#! tree test/ >> command.

$ tree test/
├── bacon
├── chicken
└── turkey

0 directories, 3 files

This feature is inherently platform and build environment dependent and will make your tutorial build less portable. Use wisely!

This feature is disabled by default. Enable with -s.

More info

For a complete listing of slit parameters, use --help:

$ ./slit --help
usage: slit [-h] [-s] [-c] PATH [PATH ...]

A sequential literate processor.

positional arguments:
  PATH           path to lit file to process (dir or file)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help     show this help message and exit
  -s, --shell    enable shell code execution
  -c, --convert  create lit file from source


slit is created by Brett Weir, and inspired by Connor Osborne's lit tool and Donald Knuth, for coming up with literate programming in the first place.

Bug Reporting

Please report all bugs to the slit issue tracker.