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A collection of reading questions and exercises to help check for understanding.

Blockchain mechanics


  • What's a cryptographic hash? What are its important properties?
  • What's a digital signature? Properties?
  • They both seem to take some input and scramble it to some output. Can we reuse the same function for both?
  • How does public-key cryptography relate?
  • Given a cryptographic hash function h, can you define an associative hash function H using another function f?
    • You pick f
    • H(a, b) = f(h(a), h(b))
    • H should generally satisfy H(a, H(b, c)) <=> H(H(a, b), c)

Can we reuse the same function?

The answer is no, we can't. To start, a cryptographic hash function should be irreversible, whereas a digital signature has to be reversible (otherwise how would you determine what was "signed"?)

That's a bit literal, so a higher-level answer is that cryptographic hash functions and digital signature have different requirements, which in turn requires the mathematical functions they use to have different properties.

Reversibility happens to be one property directly in conflict.

Associative hash function H

The intuition is to pick an f you already know is associative.

Let f be the associative string concatenation operator (||):

H(a, H(b, c))
<=> f(h(a), f(h(b), h(c)))
<=> h(a) || (h(b) || h(c))
<=> h((a) || h(b)) || h(c)  # by the associative property of `||`
<=> f((h(a), h(b)), h(c))
<=> H(H(a, b), c)

There may be other f: concatenation is used here because it is simple and intuitive. It is also directly relevant to the exercise below on Merkle Trees. Merkle trees hash the concatenation itself, so `h(h(a) || h(b)).

Follow-up: is concatenating two hashes cryptographically secure? Can H be a cryptographic hash function?

One way to answer is to revisit the above question "important properties of a cryptographic hash function" and think about whether concatenation would violate any of them.

Data structures

Describe a blockchain (data structure). What's the use-case?

A blockchain is a linked list with hash pointers. Its components:

  • .prev pointer
  • .prev_hash pointer (cryptographic hash of the previous node aka "block")

The use-case is tamper detection. If any node in the blockchain is altered, we'll know because the hash will no longer match. Therefore, you can always check the blockchain is valid by iterating from the head of the list

Pseudocode: for every node curr, hash prev and check that result hash equals curr.prev_hash

What's a Merkle tree? Use-case?

Merkle tree is a clever data structure to reduce time complexity by leveraging the fact hashes are composable. You can combine two hashes H(h1, h2) to produce a third hash h3. If either h1 or h2 change, h3 changes.

The use-case is efficient verification. It takes O(n) time to verify a block is part of a blockchain, where n is the number of blocks. This is because you have to start from the head and check the hashes until you get to that given block.

With a Merkle tree, you overlay a tree on the blockchain such that all the leaves of the tree correspond to the original blocks. Each parent is a composite hash, and the parent's parent is a composite of composite hashes, and so on. Diagram.

Now, to verify a block is part of the chain, you only need a path through the tree. This is O(h), where h is the height of the tree. Then, by keeping the tree balanced, the complexity is logarithmic.

Design a crypto protocol

Doxxcoin / Anoncoin

You are the designer of a currency Doxxcoin, and you want to implement a protocol Anoncoin that allows Doxxcoin holders to "anonymize" their coins.


  • The definition of anonymize is to disassociate a given Doxxcoin from all its prior transactions and addresses.
  • Doxxcoin works like Bitcoin, so you can trace all a given coin's addresses using the transaction ledger.
  • You have the ability to mint and burn Doxxcoin and Anoncoin.
  • Users should still be able to transact with Doxxcoin after anonymization.
  • For the sake of simplicity, disregard units or amounts.

Assume also you have the means to construct a zero-knowledge proof that satisfies the predicate Zk(f, x): ∃x, f(x) ∈ {s1, s2, ... , sn}

  • Predicate: "There exists an x such that f(x) is in the set S = {s1, s2, ..., sn}"
  • Zero-knowledge proof: "I know x such that f(x) is in S, without giving away x"
  • You can pick what f and x are.
  • The Zk-proof can be treated as a black-box and used anywhere in the scheme.

Can you come up with a cryptographic scheme Anoncoin that anonymizes Doxxcoin?


commitment, escrow pool, burn to mint, trust-less

Hint 2

  • What if you pooled money together?
  • How can you leverage your treasury superpowers? You can issue (mint) or remove (burn) currency from circulation.
  • Can this scheme be completely trust-less? How might the Zk-proof help?


The key idea is to anonymize by pooling Doxxcoin together into a collective Anoncoin escrow pool then redeeming Doxxcoin from that pool. The coin you get out is not the same coin you put in. More importantly, the coin you get out cannot be associated in any way with the coin you put in.

Imagine you put physical cash in an envelope along with some proof of ownership (identity / public key), and add it to a pool of envelopes. This physical cash has your fingerprints, as well as those of everyone before you (analogous to public keys and tx input / output addresses).

The safest way to ensure anonymity is to put the envelopes in a vault, taking that money out of circulation ("burning") and minting new money to replace it. You can't just shuffle the envelopes and give back someone else's cash, because that still leaks information about history.

Now you have some freshly-minted money which has no transaction history. It's still Doxxcoin so you can spend it just like you otherwise would.

In order for this to work, the owner / custodian of the pool needs some way to determine whether you have added money before handing out new Doxxcoin.

The obvious solution is that the custodian opens the envelope when you ask to redeem Doxxcoin from the pool (recall you stored your identity in the envelope to indicate that it belongs to you). They do this to verify your ownership before crediting you with newly-minted Doxxcoin. The problem is this requires trust: that owner now has linked the newly-minted Doxxcoin with your original, and it's no longer anonymous. Centralization and trust is what we want to avoid!

This is where ZK-proofs come in. The ZK-proof allows you to prove you own one of the envelopes without ever opening it.

The other thing we need to do is model this notion of an "envelope" with cryptography. We can do this using a commitment. Indeed, a commitment is often explained using this envelope analogy.

The Anoncoin scheme is as follows:

  1. Anonymize:
    1. Create a transaction with two inputs commit(identity) and Doxxcoin.
    2. Mint an Anoncoin which represents the commitment commit(identity) and add it to a pool of Anoncoin.
    3. The input Doxxcoin is burned.
  2. Redeem:
    1. Construct a Zk-proof Zk(f, x), where f = commit and x = identity
    2. Then, the proof shows "I know x, where f(x) = commit(identity) and f(x) is in the pool of commitments {s1, s2, ...}" (see problem statement)
    3. Here the commitment pool is in fact a pool of Anoncoin. The Zk-proof proves you minted one of the Anoncoin without revealing your identity (x).
    4. The protocol (pool custodian) verifies Zk(f, x).
    5. The protocol then outputs newly-minted Doxxcoin. Because it's zero-knowledge, the protocol does not learn what your identity (x) is at any point, thus anonymizing.

The beauty of Zk-proofs is everything can be done with pure cryptography. No trusted third-party needed.

This scheme is based on the Zerocoin protocol, with details omitted for simplicity.


There is a problem with the scheme described in the solution above. Can you spot it?




There's a double-spend problem. I can keep constructing Zk-proofs, and getting newly-minted Doxxcoin.

This is because the Zk-proof makes it such that my envelope is never opened: in fact the protocol doesn't even know which envelope is mine. I could have multiple envelopes, so it can't just restrict me to redeem / spend once.

The solution is to include as part of the commitment a unique mint_id.

  • Anonymize: the mint_id parameter is added to commit so commit(mint_id, identity)
  • Redeem: the mint_id is also included with the Zk-proof. Anoncoin protocol keeps track mint_id has never been used in a prior redeem operation