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Advent of Code 2016

Spoiler Warning: If you want to solve the challenges by yourself, don't read the code.

This directory contains the code I used to solve the challenges from Advent of Code 2016.


The following table lists the available solutions by day and language. I also added a short summary for each day. I marked the solutions which I consider especially valuable or pretty with a star (☆).

Day Ruby Haskell Description Letter Language*
01 x x Manhattan turtle walking AWK
02 x Bathroom code pad walking Brainfuck and Ook!
03 x (Im)possible triangles CoffeeScript
04 x Room checksums and encryption C++
05 MD5 door code search C
06 x x Jammed Santa repetition code D
07 x Swedish palindrome IPV7 Elixir
08 x 2FA display commands Erlang
09 x Decompress by multiply Flow.js
10 x Balance Bot Network Go
11 Radiation in elevators Hack
12 x x Leonardo's Monorail machine Java
13 x Cubicles Maze Shortest Path Kotlin
14 x MD5 Key search Lisp
15 x Kinetic disc modulus sculpture Matlab
16 x x Generate Binary disk checksum Objective-C
17 x MD5 doors in 4x4 rooms vault Python
18 x Cellular tiled floor Processing
19 x Elves stealing White Elephants PHP
20 x IP range block list Rust
21 x Password scrambling Scala
22 x 15-puzzle grid computing moves TypeScipt
23 x Safe cracking machine Visual Basic
24 x Duct round trips Wolfram Language
25 x Clock signal in assembunny Zsh
Σ 23 4 * coming soon


In addition to having a lot of fun solving the puzzles, I also learned some interesting programming techniques:


This year I sometimes tried to get on the daily leaderboard. And indeed I managed to get there on 4 days 1, 6, 8 and 11 scoring a total of 184 points. If the overall leaderboard was longer I'd have position 272 of about 1300 people who completed the puzzle or 13k who started it.

Other solutions

I enjoy looking at how other coder solved the riddles. This year I followed (A-Z):