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1384 lines (1151 loc) · 53.6 KB


Implement support for the WebAssembly garbage collection (GC) proposal in Wasmtime. Allow plugging different collectors into Wasmtime to support the requirements of different Wasmtime embeddings running different Wasm workloads.


The GC proposal will bring many new languages to Wasm. Current Wasm is not a feasible target for these languages because they operate on collector-managed objects, and would need to bundle a large runtime with the application code, which leads to code bloat and inefficiency. The Wasm GC proposal addresses this by building support for defining and allocating collector-managed objects into WebAssembly. The proposal is currently in phase 3, is beginning to reach maturity, and has in-progress implementations in V8 and SpiderMonkey. On the toolchain side, there is active work on compiling Dart, Kotlin, Java, Scheme, and OCaml to Wasm GC. I'm sure there are, or will soon be, many more toolchains targeting Wasm GC that I'm unaware of.

Why support pluggable collectors? Wasmtime is used to run a variety of different Wasm workloads from traditional long-running programs to extremely short-lived function-as-a-service programs. A traditional program will, in the limit, demand sophisticated features from its collector like a generational nursery, concurrent mutation and collection, and compaction to reduce heap fragmentation. A function-as-a-service environment will want to, on the other hand, simply delay triggering garbage collection as long as it can, since the program will probably terminate before garbage collection is truly necessary to avoid running out of memory. It also requires detailed accounting of heap space and allocations for tracking each guest's resource consumption, as well as tight integration with Wasmtime's pooling instance allocator.


Implementing the Standard

I expect that implementing everything in the Wasm GC proposal that is not the garbage collector itself and the user-facing wasmtime crate's API will be relatively straightforward. For the most part, implementation should follow from the specification. Therefore, this proposal will focus on the designing the public API to expose GC-managed objects and the collector interface and implementations.

The Public API


We will add a Ref variant of wasmtime::ValType that contains a wasmtime::RefType and move all existing reference type variants from wasmtime::ValType and into wasmtime::RefType:

pub enum ValType {

pub struct RefType {
    nullable: bool,
    heap_type: HeapType,

pub enum HeapType {
    /// Common types that appear in every Wasm module's type hierarchy.

    /// A reference to an array, function, or struct type defined inside a
    /// particular module's type section.

This refactoring has already begun a bit in the work-in-progress function references proposal implementation.

It is worth noting that we have a few options for exactly what {Array,Function,Struct}Type should be:

  1. They could essentially be a (Module, u32) pair, but this means that ValType can no longer be Copy and cloning it potentially has to do atomic reference counting operations inside Module::clone.

  2. Similarly, they could be an Arc<{Array,Function,Struct}TypeInner>, and skip the original type index. This would still do the atomic reference counting operations on clone. However, this would have problems dealing with cyclic types, as Rust's Arc is not cycle collected.

  3. Alternatively, it could be a new index type into some new type registry (in wasmtime::Engine, since it would need to be shared across modules) which we add and remove entries from as modules are loaded into the engine or dropped. This would allow ValType to remain Copy but it would mean that once the module that introduced a type is dropped from the registry due to dropping its module, any remaining ValTypes that reference that type get "nullified" and you could no longer inspect the now-dropped type.

Because of the issues with cyclic data, and the fact that passing GC objects between modules will need to canonicalize types across modules for type checking anyways, this RFC proposes option (3). Therefore, these types' constructors and accessors will have a wasmtime::Engine parameter:

pub struct ArrayType(u32);

impl ArrayType {
    pub fn new(engine: &Engine, element_type: FieldType) -> ArrayType { /* ... */ }

    pub fn element_type(&self, engine: &Engine) -> FieldType { /* ... */ }

pub struct FunctionType(u32);

impl FunctionType {
    pub fn new(
        engine: &Engine,
        params: impl IntoIterator<Item = ValType>,
        results: impl IntoIterator<Item = ValType>,
    ) -> FunctionType {
        // ...

    pub fn params<'engine>(&self, engine: &'engine Engine) -> &'engine [ValType] { /* ... */ }

    pub fn results<'engine>(&self, engine: &'engine Engine) -> &'engine [ValType] { /* ... */ }

pub struct StructType(u32);

impl StructType {
    pub fn new(
        engine: &Engine,
        fields: impl IntoIterator<Item = FieldType>,
    ) -> StructType {
        // ...

    pub fn fields<'engine>(&self, engine: &'engine Engine) -> &'engine [FieldType] { /* ... */ }

// (These types follow directly from the Wasm GC proposal, but are included for
// completeness since they are referenced above.)

pub enum PackedType {

pub enum StorageType {

pub struct FieldType {
    pub mutable: bool,
    pub storage: StorageType,

Note that this proposed FunctionType will replace the existing wasmtime::FuncType and will be an annoying (but mechanical) breaking API change.1


As for exposing reference values in the public API, we have three major goals, which are somewhat in conflict:

  1. Ergonomics
  2. Performance
  3. Safety

(3) is a hard requirement, at least for now. I think we need something working that is 100% safe, and if we need to add unsafe APIs on the side to release specific pressures (similar to ValRaw) then we can do that, but it would be a colossal failure for us to lose our API's safe-by-default property and force unsafety on all Wasmtime embedders.

Additionally, there are three disjoint type hierarchies in the Wasm GC proposal:

  1. Internal data types
  2. Function types
  3. Extern types

These have the following super-->sub type relationships:

This RFC proposes creating a Rust type that mirrors each of the types that are in every Wasm module, but not a Rust type for Wasm types that reference a type that is defined in the module's type section.

With those goals in mind, here is the proposed API for exposing reference values in the public API. Similar to wasmtime::ValType::Ref, we will add a new Ref variant of wasmtime::Val, which itself is an enum over the three different Wasm type hierarchies:

pub enum Val {
    // <existing variants>

    // Non-nullable references.
    // Nullable references.

pub enum Ref {

impl From<AnyRef> for Ref { /* ... */ }
impl From<EqRef> for Ref { /* ... */ }
impl From<StructRef> for Ref { /* ... */ }
impl From<ArrayRef> for Ref { /* ... */ }
impl From<Option<ExternRef>> for Ref { /* ... */ }
impl From<ExternRef> for Ref { /* ... */ }
impl From<Option<Func>> for Ref { /* ... */ }
impl From<Func> for Ref { /* ... */ }

impl TryFrom<Ref> for AnyRef { /* ... */ }
impl TryFrom<Ref> for EqRef { /* ... */ }
impl TryFrom<Ref> for StructRef { /* ... */ }
impl TryFrom<Ref> for ArrayRef { /* ... */ }
impl TryFrom<Ref> for Option<ExternRef> { /* ... */ }
impl TryFrom<Ref> for ExternRef { /* ... */ }
impl TryFrom<Ref> for Option<Func> { /* ... */ }
impl TryFrom<Ref> for Func { /* ... */ }

Function references will continue to be represented by wasmtime::Func and wasmtime::TypedFunc. External references will continue to be represented by wasmtime::ExternRef.

The new AnyRef Rust type represents the Wasm super type for all internal data. Below any is eq which is the super type for all Wasm types that can be compared for equality, which are currently i31s, structs, and arrays. The only things which are any but not eq are externs that have been "internalized". That is, while the any and extern type hierarchies are distinct, you can wrap one up as the other via the extern.internalize and extern.externalize instructions.

pub struct AnyRef {
    // ...

impl From<EqRef> for AnyRef { /* ... */ }

impl TryFrom<AnyRef> for EqRef { /* ... */ }

impl AnyRef {
    pub fn heap_type(&self) -> HeapType { /* ... */ }
    pub fn is_instance_of(&self, store: impl AsContext, ty: HeapType) -> bool { /* ... */ }

    pub fn is_eq_ref(&self) -> bool { */ ... */ }
    pub fn as_eq_ref(&self) -> Option<EqRef> { /* ... */ }
    pub fn into_eq_ref(self) -> Option<EqRef> { /* ... */ }

    pub fn externalize(self, store: impl AsContextMut) -> ExternRef { /* ... */ }

impl ExternRef {
    pub fn internalize(self, store: impl AsContextMut) -> AnyRef { /* ... */ }

pub struct EqRef {
    // ...

impl PartialEq for EqRef { /* ... */ }
impl Eq for EqRef { /* ... */ }

impl From<I31Ref> for EqRef { /* ... */ }
impl From<StructRef> for EqRef { /* ... */ }
impl From<ArrayRef> for EqRef { /* ... */ }

impl TryFrom<EqRef> for I31Ref { /* ... */ }
impl TryFrom<EqRef> for StructRef { /* ... */ }
impl TryFrom<EqRef> for ArrayRef { /* ... */ }

impl EqRef {
    pub fn heap_type(&self) -> HeapType { /* ... */ }
    pub fn is_instance_of(&self, store: impl AsContext, ty: HeapType) -> bool { /* ... */ }

    pub fn is_i31_ref(&self) -> bool { */ ... */ }
    pub fn as_i31_ref(&self) -> Option<I31Ref> { /* ... */ }
    pub fn into_i31_ref(self) -> Option<I31Ref> { /* ... */ }

    pub fn is_struct_ref(&self) -> bool { */ ... */ }
    pub fn as_struct_ref(&self) -> Option<StructRef> { /* ... */ }
    pub fn into_struct_ref(self) -> Option<StructRef> { /* ... */ }

    pub fn is_array_ref(&self) -> bool { */ ... */ }
    pub fn as_array_ref(&self) -> Option<ArrayRef> { /* ... */ }
    pub fn into_array_ref(self) -> Option<ArrayRef> { /* ... */ }

Note that the into_*_ref methods avoid reference counting operations. More one this below.

I31Ref allows getting its inner 31-bit value as either a signed i32 or unsigned u32 and creation from those types as well (optionally checking that the value fits in 31 bits or else masking the value to 31 bits):

pub struct I31Ref {
    // ...

impl PartialEq for I31Ref { /* ... */ }
impl Eq for I31Ref { /* ... */ }

impl I31Ref {
    pub fn signed(x: i32) -> Option<I31Ref> { /* ... */ }
    pub fn unsigned(x: u32) -> Option<I31Ref> { /* ... */ }

    pub fn signed_masked(x: i32) -> I31Ref { /* ... */ }
    pub fn unsigned_masked(x: u32) -> I31Ref { /* ... */ }

    pub fn get_signed(&self) -> i32 { /* ... */ }
    pub fn get_unsigned(&self) -> u32 { /* ... */ }

The StructRef Rust type represents the Wasm super type for all structs. It allows getting and setting fields.

pub struct StructRef {
    // ...

impl PartialEq for StructRef { /* ... */ }
impl Eq for StructRef { /* ... */ }

impl StructRef {
    pub fn new(
        store: impl AsContextMut,
        ty: StructType,
        fields: impl Iterator<Item = Val>,
    ) -> Result<StructRef> {
        // ...

    pub fn struct_type(&self) -> StructType { /* ... */ }
    pub fn is_instance_of(&self, store: impl AsContext, ty: StructType) -> bool { /* ... */ }

    pub fn get(&self, store: impl AsContextMut, field: u32) -> Result<Val> { /* ... */ }
    pub fn set(&self, store: impl AsContextMut, field: u32, value: Val) -> Result<()> { /* ... */ }

And the ArrayRef Rust type, representing the Wasm super type for all arrays, looks very similar to StructRef but additionally has a len method:

pub struct ArrayRef {
    // ...

impl PartialEq for ArrayRef { /* ... */ }
impl Eq for ArrayRef { /* ... */ }

impl ArrayRef {
    pub fn new(
        store: impl AsContextMut,
        ty: ArrayType,
        fill_value: Val,
    ) -> Result<ArrayRef> {
        // ...

    pub fn new_default(store: impl AsContextMut, ty: ArrayType) -> Result<ArrayRef> {
        // ...

    pub fn from_elements(
        store: impl AsContextMut,
        ty: ArrayType,
        elements: impl Iterator<Item = Val>,
    ) -> Result<ArrayRef> {
        // ...

    pub fn array_type(&self) -> ArrayType { /* ... */ }
    pub fn is_instance_of(&self, store: impl AsContext, ty: ArrayType) -> bool { /* ... */ }

    pub fn len(&self, store: impl AsContext) -> u32 { /* ... */ }
    pub fn get(&self, store: impl AsContextMut, elem: u32) -> Result<Val> { /* ... */ }
    pub fn set(&self, store: impl AsContextMut, elem: u32, value: Val) -> Result<()> { /* ... */ }

Note that the StructRef::{get,set} and ArrayRef::{get,set} methods require passing in a mutable wasmtime::Store context. This is because the GC objects are only valid while the store is live and the whole GC heap may be deallocated, reclaimed, or otherwise recycled for new instances once the store and its Wasm instances are dropped. Therefore, these methods cannot simply dereference pointers to their underlying objects, they need to assert that the given context is the same store that their object came from, which means the referenced object is still live, because wasmtime::Refs always root their referent.

With regards to performance, the biggest concern is synchronization, since stores can be sent between threads. We really want the minimum of synchronization and we really don't want to force Wasm to internally synchronize object accesses just because the public API has to. Therefore, wasmtime::{Struct,Array}Refs do not contain the actual pointers to the GC-managed objects, instead they are essentially an index into a root set in the wasmtime::Store. Each entry in the root set has (1) the raw GC pointer, and (2) an atomic reference count keeping track of how many wasmtime::{Struct,Array}Refs are currently pointing to it. Cloning a wasmtime::{Struct,Array}Ref bumps the count, while dropping it decrements the count. This needs to be an atomic reference count because wasmtime::Store must be Send to work with async. Altogether, this gives us the following desirable properties:

  • Updating pointers to GC objects (for moving GC) is easy. We don't need to figure out how to track wasmtime::{Struct,Array}Refs on the stack (which is hard without move constructors) or elsewhere in the native heap.

  • We do not need to protect every object field access with locks and atomics because the wasmtime::{Struct,Array}Ref accessors take a store argument and, because neither stores nor wasmtime::{Struct,Array}Refs are Sync, that is proof that they are on the same thread.

However, even with this scheme to avoid synchronization, manipulating GC objects from the host will be slower than from Wasm, since

  • the host accesses objects through an indirection, while Wasm has raw GC object pointers,

  • the host will be constantly rooting and unrooting GC objects as it traverses their fields and array elements while the Wasm instead has stack maps for identifying roots, and

  • the host doesn't have static type information while the Wasm does.

But this okay because I expect that performance of Wasm accessing GC objects is a much larger concern than that of the host accessing GC objects.

Similarly, the root set itself doesn't need a mutex because we only mutate it (other than its entries' ref counts, which have atomically-synchronized internal mutability) when we have mutable access to a store (e.g. when allocating new entries or when collecting garbage). Finally, because wasmtime::{Struct,Array}Refs don't internally hold a mutable store, when they decrement their associated root set entry's ref count and it reaches zero, they cannot remove the zero-ref-count entry from the set. That is delayed until either the next garbage collection or when the whole store is dropped.

Altogether, this design for exposing reference values in the public API allows us to keep performance-degrading synchronization to a minimum while still providing a fully safe and relatively ergonomic API and simultaneously keeping Wasm manipulation of GC objects as fast as possible.

Limitations of the Public API

Notably, this limited API is missing a few related things:

  1. Unrooted GC references

  2. A GcTrace trait to cooperate with the collector to find live objects

  3. A "typed" version of the API that lets you define a Rust struct that can be exposed to Wasm as a GC'd object or convert a Wasm GC object to a Rust struct.

Supporting the third requires the first two and also we would need to translate between Rust's object layout and however the GC backend decides to lay objects out.

Supporting custom GcTrace implementations would also open the door to use-after-free bugs when a struct gains a new GC-managed reference but forgets to update the corresponding GcTrace implementation.

The lack of a GcTrace trait and an unrooted reference type in the public API does, however, mean that any cycles between a host-created externref containing a wasmtime::{Struct,Array}Ref that (transitively) holds onto that externref will never be reclaimed. Because the wasmtime::{Struct,Array}Ref is always rooted, it keeps everything it can reach alive until dropped, and because there is a cycle it won't ever be dropped.

This RFC proposes that we do not initially support these features and not having them is acceptable for the time being. If and when there is sufficient demand and motivation, we can add a GcTrace trait and unrooted reference type later. There will be more design work to be done, but it won't fundamentally change any of the rest of this RFC's design.

Implementing extern.externalize and extern.internalize

As mentioned earlier, these instructions bridge the distinct any and extern type hierarchies, allowing wrapping an external reference into an internal reference and vice versa. The following identities must hold:

my_extern == externalize(internalize(my_extern))
my_intern == internalize(externalize(my_intern))

This means that when internalizing, we need to check whether the referent is a "regular" externref (in which case we need to wrap it) or a wrapped anyref masquerading as an externref (in which case we need to unwrap it). When externalizing we need to perform dual checks and operations.

We can initially implement these instructions as libcalls, performing this wrapping and unwrapping in VM code. This way we can continue to use dyn Any to represent an externref's inner data, and use std::any::Any::is and friends to check whether it is a wrapper around an internal reference or not. However, wrapping an externref into an internal reference will require a "hidden" type like (struct (field externref)) that doesn't have an associated type section index and is solely an implementation detail of wrapping and unwrapping.

In the fullness of time, we can emit inline code to implement these instructions. This will require a second "hidden" type to represent externref wrappers around an internal reference so that we don't rely on dyn Any which requires manipulation from Rust code.

Defining the Pluggable GC Interface

Plugging in different GC backends will require implementing two traits:

  1. wasmtime_environ::GcCompiler

  2. wasmtime_runtime::GcRuntime

These traits let the collector hook into the compiler and runtime respectively.

Note that these traits are not exposed from the main, user-facing wasmtime crate. We do not intend for these traits to have the same stability guarantees that the public wasmtime crate has. These traits are purely for internal factoring and running experiments with new collectors. The wasmtime crate will expose a small handful of built-in collectors to choose from; it won't let you bring your own collector. This is similar to the approach taken by the wasmtime_runtime::InstanceAllocator trait.

Note that the interface will fix some design decisions for GC implementations:

  1. GC roots on the Wasm stack will always be precisely traced in a stop-the-world phase. We won't do conservative stack scanning, nor will we reference count Wasm-stack roots, nor will we incrementally trace stack roots.

  2. GC roots held from Rust (either on the stack or some heap-allocated structure) will always be reference counted, as described above in the public API section.

In fact, the GC implementation will not interact with roots directly at all, it will just be handed the root set at the start of a collection.

The wasmtime_environ::GcCompiler Trait

The GcCompiler trait is used when compiling Wasm code. We will add a gc_compiler method to wasmtime_environ::FuncEnvironment to get the GcCompiler for the current function compilation:

trait FuncEnvironment {
    // <existing methods>

    type Gc: GcCompiler;
    fn gc_compiler(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Gc;

Fundamentally, the GcCompiler trait allows the collector to do three things:

  1. Define the layout for GC objects.

  2. Emit read and write barriers for struct field and array element accesses in Wasm code, if necessary.

  3. Emit code sequences to get the type id of an object. We will use this when implementing dynamic checks for downcasting references.

I've sketched the trait and related types below, but I fully expect this to change during implementation when faced with reality. I do not expect those three bits of functionality to fundamentally change, however, even if we completely change or remove GcStructLayout, for example.

/// The layout of a GC object.
pub enum GcObjectLayout {

/// The layout for a GC-managed struct type.
pub struct GcStructLayout {
    /// The size of this struct.
    pub size: u32,
    /// The alignment of this struct.
    pub align: u32,
    /// The fields of this struct. Each entry is the field's offset in the
    /// struct and its type.
    pub fields: Vec<(u32, wasm_types::WasmType)>,

/// The layout for a GC-managed array type.
pub struct GcArrayLayout {
    /// The alignment of this array and its header. Must be at least 4 bytes
    /// so that the `len: u32` field can be aligned, but may need to be
    /// larger if the GC requires that or if the element type requires it.
    pub align: u32,
    /// The size of the array header. Must be at least 4 bytes, as it must
    /// contain a `len: u32` field indicating how many array elements follow
    /// inline after this object.
    pub header_size: u32,
    /// The offset of the `len: u32` field. Must be aligned to 4 bytes.
    pub len_field: u32,
    /// The type of this array's elements.
    pub element_type: wasm_types::WasmType,

/// A trait for the collector to hook into compilation, emitting any
/// read/write barriers it requires.
pub trait GcCompiler {
    /// Define the object layouts for the types in a recursion group.
    /// Because the collector determines object layout, it can insert any
    /// object headers it requires.
    fn rec_group_layouts(&mut self, sub_types: &[wasm_types::SubType]) -> Vec<GcObjectLayout>;

    /// Return the CLIF type for GC references with this collector. Must be
    /// either `r32` or `r64`.
    fn reference_type(&mut self, isa: &dyn TargetIsa) -> ir::types::Type;

    /// The function builder type for this compiler (that is,
    /// `cranelift_frontend::FunctionBuilder` or the Winch equivalent).
    type FunctionBuilder;

    /// Emit code to get the precise type id of the given object.
    /// Parameters:
    /// * `builder`: A function builder, allowing implementors to insert
    ///   instructions and basic blocks.
    /// * `object`: A value of type `GcCompiler::reference_type`, pointing to
    ///   the object in question.
    /// * `object_type`: The statically-known super type of the object.
    /// Result:
    /// * The type id of the object, as an `i32` value.
    fn type_id(
        builder: &mut Self::FunctionBuilder,
        object: ir::Value,
        object_type: &wasm_types::WasmRefType,
    ) -> ir::Value;

    /// Emit code for `receiver.field = value`.
    /// This is an opportunity to implement any write barriers in Wasm code,
    /// if necessary.
    /// Parameters:
    /// * `builder`: A function builder, allowing implementors to insert
    ///   instructions and basic blocks.
    /// * `receiver`: A value of type `GcCompiler::reference_type`, pointing
    ///   to the receiver.
    /// * `receiver_layout`: The layout for the receiver's type, as
    ///   previously defined by `GcCompiler::rec_group_layouts`.
    /// * `field`: The index of the field being written to (note that this
    ///   is *not* the field's offset, that can be obtained via
    ///   `receiver_layout.fields[field]`).
    /// * `value`: The value being written to the given field.
    fn write_struct(
        &mut self,
        builder: &mut Self::FunctionBuilder,
        receiver: ir::Value,
        receiver_layout: &GcStructLayout,
        field: u32,
        value: ir::Value,

    /// Emit code for reading `receiver.field`.
    /// This is an opportunity to implement any read barriers in Wasm code,
    /// if necessary.
    /// Parameters:
    /// * `builder`: A function builder, allowing implementors to insert
    ///   instructions and basic blocks.
    /// * `receiver`: A value of type `GcCompiler::reference_type`, pointing
    ///   to the receiver.
    /// * `receiver_layout`: The layout for the receiver's type, as
    ///   previously defined by `GcCompiler::rec_group_layouts`.
    /// * `field`: The index of the field being written to (note that this
    ///   is *not* the field's offset, that can be obtained via
    ///   `receiver_layout.fields[field]`).
    /// Result:
    /// * The value read from the given field.
    fn read_struct(
        &mut self,
        builder: &mut Self::FunctionBuilder,
        receiver: ir::Value,
        receiver_layout: &GcStructLayout,
        field: u32,
    ) -> ir::Value;

    /// Emit code for writing `array[index] = value`.
    /// This is an opportunity to implement any write barriers in Wasm code,
    /// if necessary.
    /// Parameters:
    /// * `builder`: a function builder, allowing implementors to insert
    ///   instructions and basic blocks.
    /// * `array`: a value of type `GcCompiler::reference_type`, pointing to
    ///   the array.
    /// * `array_layout`: The layout for the array's type, as previously
    ///   defined by `GcCompiler::rec_group_layouts`.
    /// * `index`: The index being written to (note that this is *not* the
    ///   element's offset, that can be obtained via
    ///   `array_layout.header_size + index * sizeof(element)`).
    /// * `value`: The value being written to the given index.
    fn write_array(
        &mut self,
        builder: &mut Self::FunctionBuilder,
        array: ir::Value,
        array_layout: &GcArrayLayout,
        index: ir::Value,
        value: ir::Value,

    /// Emit code for reading `array[index]`.
    /// This is an opportunity to implement any read barriers in Wasm code,
    /// if necessary.
    /// Parameters:
    /// * `builder`: A function builder, allowing implementors to insert
    ///   instructions and basic blocks.
    /// * `array`: A value of type `GcCompiler::reference_type`, pointing to
    ///   the array.
    /// * `array_layout`: The layout for the array's type, as previously
    ///   defined by `GcCompiler::rec_group_layouts`.
    /// * `index`: The index being written to (note that this is *not* the
    ///   element's offset, that can be obtained via
    ///   `array_layout.header_size + index * sizeof(element)`).
    /// Result:
    /// * The value read from the array.
    fn read_array(
        &mut self,
        builder: &mut Self::FunctionBuilder,
        array: ir::Value,
        array_layout: &GcArrayLayout,
        index: ir::Value,
    ) -> ir::Value;

Note that, for now, the GcCompiler trait does not have a hook to customize allocation. For now, we will always call out into VM code via a libcall that will use the collector's corresponding GcRuntime trait implementation to allocate objects. It should be relatively straightforward to add a GcCompiler::allocate method in the future, but it will take some design work to determine how to best allow the GcCompiler to emit a libcall for the allocation slow path if the fast path is unavailable and it needs to fall back. This would be strictly additive, without changing any of the proposed design in this RFC, and so I've deferred it for now.

The wasmtime_runtime::GcRuntime Trait

The GcRuntime trait is how Wasmtime uses the collector to manage GC objects at runtime. It looks very similar to GcCompiler, except that instead of emitting code to perform various operations, it just performs the operations directly. It provides a few fundamental pieces of functionality:

  1. Performing garbage collections. (Optionally in an async manner, where the collector yields every X duration, to avoid blocking other work in a concurrent system.)

  2. Allocating new GC-managed objects.

  3. Implementing read and write barriers for objects manipulated by native code (from either the Wasmtime public API or VM code).

  4. Getting the type id of an object at runtime.

Again, the details are certainly up for grabs here, but I expect whatever version of the GcRuntime trait we end up actually building to support those bits of fundamental functionality.

The other key design choice is that the collector is given the GC heap on every method call. This is critical for tight pooling-allocator integration (more on that in a later section).

/// The bounds of a GC heap memory reservation for a Wasm instance.
pub struct GcHeap {
    pub ptr: NonNull<u8>,
    pub len: usize,

/// The set of roots for a garbage collection.
/// Intentionally left blank, but will have methods for iteration and updating
/// pointers to moved objects.
pub struct RootSet {
    // ...

/// Metadata about a `GcRuntime` instance.
pub struct GcMetadata {
    /// Does the GC require write barriers? If not, we can avoid virtual calls
    /// in `wasmtime::StructRef::set`, for example.
    pub needs_write_barriers: bool,
    /// Does the GC require read barriers?
    pub needs_read_barriers: bool,

pub trait GcRuntime {
    /// Get this collector's metadata.
    fn metadata(&self) -> GcMetadata;

    /// Perform a garbage collection on the given heap.
    /// Parameters:
    /// * `heap`: The heap to perform garbage collection on.
    /// * `roots`: The set of GC roots.
    unsafe fn gc(&self, heap: GcHeap, roots: RootSet);

    /// Like `GcRuntime::gc` but asynchronous.
    /// The mutator will not run during yields.
    unsafe fn async_gc(
        heap: GcHeap,
        roots: RootSet,
        yield_every: std::time::Duration,
    ) -> Box<dyn Future<Output = ()>>;

    /// Allocate a new object.
    /// Parameters:
    /// * `heap`: The heap to allocate the object within.
    /// * `layout`: The layout for the object to be allocated.
    /// * `type_id`: The type id for the object to be allocated.
    /// Result:
    /// * A pointer to the allocated object, or `None` if there isn't enough
    ///   heap space currently available.
    unsafe fn allocate(
        heap: GcHeap,
        layout: &wasmtime_environ::GcObjectLayout,
        type_id: u32,
    ) -> Option<NonNull<u8>>;

    /// Get the precise type id for the given object.
    /// Parameters:
    /// * `heap`: The heap to allocate the object within.
    /// * `object`: A pointer to the object whose type id we want.
    /// * `layout`: The layout of a statically-known super type of the
    ///   object.
    /// Result:
    /// * The type id of the given object.
    unsafe fn type_id(
        heap: GcHeap,
        object: NonNull<u8>,
        layout: &wasmtime_environ::GcObjectLayout,
    ) -> u32;

    /// Write barrier for struct fields: `receiver.field = value`.
    /// This is only called when `GcMetadata::needs_write_barriers == true`,
    /// otherwise Wasmtime will just do a raw write inline.
    /// Parameters:
    /// * `heap`: The heap that the object is within.
    /// * `recever_layout`: The layout of the receiver.
    /// * `receiver`: A pointer to the receiver struct.
    /// * `field`: The field being written to. (Note that `field` is *not*
    ///   the offset of the field, but an index of the `i`th field of the
    ///   object. The offset can be obtained via
    ///   `receiver_layout.fields[field].0`.)
    /// * `value`: The value being written into the field.
    unsafe fn write_struct(
        heap: GcHeap,
        receiver_layout: &wasmtime_environ::GcObjectLayout,
        receiver: NonNull<u8>,
        field: u32,
        value: ValRaw,

    /// Read barrier for struct elements: `receiver.element`.
    /// This is only called when `GcMetadata::needs_read_barriers == true`,
    /// otherwise Wasmtime will just do a raw read inline.
    /// Parameters:
    /// * `heap`: The heap that the object is within.
    /// * `recever_layout`: The layout of the receiver.
    /// * `receiver`: A pointer to the receiver struct.
    /// * `element`: The element being read from. (Note that `element` is *not*
    ///   the offset of the element, but an index of the `i`th element of the
    ///   object. The offset can be obtained via
    ///   `receiver_layout.elements[element].0`.)
    /// Result:
    /// * The value read from the element.
    fn read_struct(
        heap: GcHeap,
        receiver_layout: &wasmtime_environ::GcStructLayout,
        receiver: NonNull<u8>,
        element: u32,
    ) -> ValRaw;

    /// Write barrier for array elements: `array[index] = value`.
    /// This is only called when `GcMetadata::needs_write_barriers == true`,
    /// otherwise Wasmtime will just do a raw write inline.
    /// Parameters:
    /// * `heap`: The heap that the array is within.
    /// * `recever_layout`: The layout of the array.
    /// * `array`: A pointer to the array.
    /// * `index`: The index being written to (note that this is *not* the
    ///   element's offset, that can be obtained via
    ///   `array_layout.header_size + index * sizeof(element)`).
    /// * `value`: The value being written into the element.
    unsafe fn write_array(
        heap: GcHeap,
        array_layout: &wasmtime_environ::GcObjectLayout,
        array: NonNull<u8>,
        element: u32,
        value: ValRaw,

    /// Read barrier for array elements: `array[index]`.
    /// This is only called when `GcMetadata::needs_read_barriers == true`,
    /// otherwise Wasmtime will just do a raw read inline.
    /// Parameters:
    /// * `heap`: The heap that the array is within.
    /// * `recever_layout`: The layout of the array.
    /// * `array`: A pointer to the array.
    /// * `index`: The index being read from. (Note that `index` is *not*
    ///   the offset of the index, but an index of the `i`th index of the
    ///   object. The offset can be obtained via
    ///   `array_layout.indexs[index].0`.)
    /// Result:
    /// * The value read from the index.
    fn read_array(
        heap: GcHeap,
        array_layout: &wasmtime_environ::GcArrayLayout,
        array: NonNull<u8>,
        index: u32,
    ) -> ValRaw;

It isn't 100% clear to me that we want the whole GcMetadata::need_{read,write}_barriers mechanism. It is a space-time trade off: bloating StructRef and ArrayRef with a cached copy of those bools to avoid a virtual call. Inside wasmtime::StructRef::get would be something like this:

if !self.cached_need_read_barriers {
} else {

This is making the assumption that the well-predicted branch with an inline read is faster than a well-predicted virtual call with an out-of-line read. The scheme also imposes a little bit of extra complexity that isn't strictly functionally necessary. So I'm on the fence about it, we could easily remove it and always do the virtual call. Or we could start with always doing the virtual call and add this scheme later if performance becomes a concern.

GC Implementations

We will have two GC implementations:

  1. The null GC, which allocates until it runs out of heap space, at which point it triggers a trap in the guest.

  2. A collector designed for tight-integration with our pooling allocator and its particular requirements.

Each collector will have a Cargo feature to enable or disable its availability at compile time, so that wasmtime crate users don't have to pay for things they won't use in terms of compile time.

In the future, if there is demand for a general-purpose collector with a nursery, compaction, and all that, we can consider adding a third collector. The GcRuntime and GcCompiler traits should ensure that doing so will require minimal changes to the rest of Wasmtime. At that time we can evaluate whether we want to use an off-the-shelf library like MMTK or develop our own.

The Null GC

The null GC does not collect garbage. It allocates objects while it has available heap space and traps once it space runs out. Its implementation should be very straightforward and this should be enough to get the Wasm GC spec tests passing. It can also be useful for differentially measuring the overhead imposed by various other GC implementations, and can serve as a "speed of light" limit on how fast any GC implementation could ultimately be.

Note that while the null GC is "leaking" memory across a particular Wasm instance's lifetime, it should not leaking memory across the whole OS process's lifetime. When the instance's store is dropped, we will drop the null GC's heap along with it.

The Pooling Allocator-Integrated Collector

The pooling allocator is designed and optimized for multi-tenant function-as-a-service workloads where instances are frequently and concurrently allocated, have relatively short execution times, and then are deallocated. The pooling allocator allocates all space for linear memories and tables up front, and does not need to call malloc or perform additional virtual memory-related syscalls when memories and tables grow. It allows for easy and precise accounting of all of the memory used by an instance. With that in mind, we need a collector that integrates with the pooling allocator while maintaining these requirements:

  • The pooling allocator can pre-allocate memory for the whole GC heap and give it to the collector to manage. The collector does not allocate or mmap its own heap.

  • The collector uses the given memory reservation for all bookkeeping data (e.g. free lists and mark bits) and does not malloc additional space for metadata outside the given memory reservation.

  • The collector should ideally have minimal heap overhead. That is, it should maximize the number and total size of objects that fit within its given memory reservation, and minimize the size of its bookkeeping metadata. This is, however, less important than the requirement that its metadata be allocated within the given memory reservation, and we can be flexible if need be.

  • Allocation should be fast (ideally bump allocation).

  • Collection itself does not have to be fast or incremental, because it should be very rare, given the short lifetime of instances. That said, we do need to be able to collect garbage (i.e. the null GC is inappropriate here) because we would rather take a GC pause than outright kill the instance when given the choice.

  • Similarly, we do not need a compacting collector because instances don't live long enough for fragmentation to become a problem in practice.

  • The collector should not make any virtual memory-related syscalls. These syscalls take highly-contended locks in the kernel and trigger performance-destroying IPIs. We go to great lengths to avoid these syscalls when we can in the pooling allocator, and the collector shouldn't re-introduce them.

  • Running many independent instances of the collector concurrently in the same process should work correctly (i.e. the collector cannot assume it that is the only collector and it owns the whole process's memory) and it should transparently scale horizontally (i.e. there should be no global state shared across all collector instances that can become contended).

  • The collector should be single-threaded. We take advantage of concurrency and parallelism a layer above each individual instance's execution in systems using the pooling allocator.

The simplest way to satisfy these requirements is by implementing our own semi-space copying collector while keeping them in mind. This collector requires minimal bookkeeping metadata that is trivial to confine within the given memory reservation and provides fast bump allocation. Its weakness is its heap overhead: it can only utilize half of its given memory reservation for GC objects and the other half needs to be available for copying live GC objects into when a collection is triggered.

A non-compacting mark-region collector (like a much-simplified version of Immix) is tempting: it could give us similarly fast allocation but with better heap utilization than a semi-space copying collector. However, confining free lists and mark bits within the pre-allocated memory reservation, while possible, would be a very much larger engineering task.

It is tempting to reach for an off-the-shelf GC library but our above requirements are very specific and it is unlikely we will be able to use an off-the-shelf library for our needs without a lot of trouble and impedance mismatch.

What about the existing deferred reference-counting collector?

We implemented deferred reference counting (without cycle collection) for our existing externref support. Moving forward we have two options:

  1. Keep the deferred reference-counting collector and manage externrefs completely separately from anyref and its subtypes.
  2. Manage externrefs with the same collector as anyref and its subtypes.
    1. And port the deferred reference-counting collector to the proposed GC interface (and, presumably, also grow a cycle collector) and manage both externrefs and anyrefs with it.
    2. Remove the deferred reference-counting collector in favor of the other GC backends.

A perhaps-nonobvious implication of option (1) is that cycles between externrefs and anyrefs will always leak. The externref would be rooted in the externref-heap because it is referenced by an anyref and the anyref would be rooted in the anyref-heap because it is referenced by that externref. But nothing else is referencing either of them, so the cycle is garbage, but we cannot collect it. Collecting it requires identifying the cycle, which requires a collector that sees both externrefs and anyrefs. And because internal data can be "externalized" via the extern.externalize instruction, it is trivial for Wasm guests to create such cycles. So (1) is not a practical option.

In addition to the above issue with cycles, to pay down tech debt and ultimately end up with the fewest moving parts, we should choose some variation of (2). This RFC proposes (2.ii). Due to the pooling allocator's requirements we have to implement a GC that specifically fits its requirements either way, and ideally we wouldn't also maintain another, random collector that doesn't have obvious motivation for existing. Again, we end up with fewer moving parts this way, and the all the moving parts we do have are well-motivated.

Note that managing externrefs with the same collector as anyrefs does mean that accessing a wasmtime::ExternRef's inner data will require passing in a store. It doesn't today, which means this will be another small breaking change to the public API.

Fuzzing Wasm GC

There are two main things I'd like to fuzz:

  1. Our handling of different Wasm type definitions and checking subtyping between them.

  2. How the collector itself handles mutations to the heap graph.

The type definition half of (1) can be handled by adding Wasm GC support to wasm-smith, and given enough time the other half can be handled by it as well. We might want to augment wasm-smith with a little purpose-built fuzz target to generate Wasm types and check their subtyping relationships, but my gut feeling is that this isn't critical.

Given infinite time wasm-smith will also exercise (2) but given how critical the collector's correctness is to overall safety, we should have a dedicated fuzz target specifically for exercising heap graph mutations. Whether we build a new, from-scratch fuzz target or update our existing table_ops fuzz target that exercises externref GC and write barriers is an open question. Either way, we will want the fuzz target to:

  1. Allocate new objects
  2. Read fields/elements of those objects
  3. Write to fields/elements of those objects
  4. Make objects unreachable and allow the GC to reclaim them (should fall out from (3))
  5. Change the shape of the heap graph (should also fall out from (3))
  6. Trigger garbage collections (should fall out from (1) but we may want to explicitly trigger them as well)
  7. Store and load objects into and from globals and tables
  8. Receive objects as return values from calls
  9. Pass objects to calls as arguments
  10. Upcast and downcast references and then store them in other objects/tables/globals/etc.

And anything else you can do with an object that I am forgetting, at the moment.

Incremental Implementation Plan

This is the dependency graph of everything that's required to implement Wasm GC in Wasmtime. Round nodes are coarse-grained work items and rectangular nodes are milestones.

To get a spec-compliant, but experimental, implementation in Wasmtime we need:

  • To finish implementing the function references proposal, as Wasm GC builds on top of it.
  • Implement support for parsing and validating Wasm GC in wasmparser.
  • Implement support for Wasm GC in wat and wast. (Note: this is already done!)
  • Implement an initial version of the null GC. We can either block on the full pluggable GC interface, which would allow us to build the final version of the null GC, or we can just hard-code the null GC as the only GC implementation available for this milestone. The latter would allow us to reach the milestone faster, but we would have to go back and fix up this code when we actually implement the pluggable GC interface.
  • Implement Wasmtime's public API. This is necessary for getting the spec test suite running.
  • Actually get the spec tests passing in Wasmtime and everything that entails: compilation, runtime support, etc.

From there, to get a production-ready implementation we will need:

  • Wasm GC support in wasm-encoder
  • Wasm GC support in wasm-smith
  • The dedicated fuzzer for exercising Wasm GC
  • The pluggable GC interface
  • The semi-space copying collector with tight pooling-allocator integration

Rationale and Alternatives

  • We could make all of Wasmtime's public API managed by a global GC. That lets us avoid questions about cyclic type definitions and the lifetimes of canonicalized types in the registry in the engine and what happens when you try to get info about a type from a module that has since been dropped. However, this is a much bigger change to the public API, forces GC on all Wasmtime embedders even if they don't want the Wasm GC proposal, and requires a multi-threaded GC (which this proposal does not). The benefits do not outweight the drawbacks.

  • Instead of focusing on a 100% safe, "dynamic" public API, we could focus on getting a "typed" API working. By analogy, we have wasmtime::Func and wasmtime::TypedFunc<...>, but this proposal is focused only on the former version of exposing GC-managed objects in the public API. I think these two paths are largely orthogonal, but we only have so many engineers to throw at this problem, so I think we have to sequence them. Of the two paths, I think first implementing the "dynamic" version that works for all types we could be given at runtime is the best choice.

  • Instead of defining a pluggable GC interface, we could just choose a single implementation and try and make it general-purpose enough to work for all workloads and fit tightly within the pooling allocator's constraints. Doing both at the same time seems like an exceedingly hard engineering problem.

  • We could start with implementing a general-purpose GC (either our own, as considered in the previous bullet point, or with an off-the-shelf library like MMTK). But either way we need to additionally implement a collector that tightly integrates with the pooling allocator, and no stakeholder has been clamoring for a general-purpose collector right now, so we might as well slim down our initial work plans for now. This lets us avoid effectively unauditable dependencies, at least for the time being. Note that it should still be easy to add in the future, should we want to, since the design of the pluggable GC API separates the collector from the rest of the runtime and prevents entangling the runtime with any particular single collector.

Open Questions

  • When attempting to access information about an array, struct, or function type whose sole defining module has been dropped, should we

    • panic, or

    • return None (meaning that all these type accessors return Options)


  • What exactly should GcObjectLayout and friends look like? Should they carry type information in addition to field offsets (which is sort of what it is sketched out above like) or should these two things be separate and we pass both in to anything that happens to need both. Not clear to me, I expect it won't be clear until we actually start writing code.

  • Should we do the whole GcMetadata::needs_{read,write}_barriers thing? We can always not do it now and add it later.

  • Should we build a new, from-scratch fuzz target for heap mutations or update our existing table_ops fuzz target that exercises externref write barriers?


  1. In general, we can't avoid breaking changes to the public wasmtime crate's API while exposing GC references. At minimum we need to add new variants to enums.