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File metadata and controls

325 lines (242 loc) · 11 KB

Experimenting with Relationship-based Access Control

The Google Drive app starts and a moment later your files appear. It's magic. But have you ever wondered what's your files actually? How do these services actually know, which files you are allowed to see?

Are you part of an Organization and you are allowed to view all their files? Have you been assigned to a Team, that's allowed to view or edit files? Has someone shared their files with you as a User?

So in 2019 Google has lifted the curtain and has published a paper on Google Zanzibar, which is Google's central solution for providing authorization among its many services:

The keyword here is Relationship-based Access Control, which is ...

[...] an authorization paradigm where a subject's permission to access a resource is defined by the presence of relationships between those subjects and resources.

I have previously written an article about the Google Zanzibar Data Model, and also wrote some pretty nice SQL statements to make sense of the it. This repository implements Relationship-based Access Control using ASP.NET Core, EntityFramework Core and Microsoft SQL Server.

The blog article for this repository can be found at:

Running the Example

We got everything in place. We can now start the application and use Swagger to query it. But Visual Studio 2022 now comes with the "Endpoints Explorer" to execute HTTP Requests against HTTP endpoints. Though it's not fully-fledged yet, I think it'll improve with time and it already covers a lot of use cases.

You can find the Endpoints Explorer at:

  • View -> Other Windows -> Endpoints Explorer

By clicking on RebacExperiments.Server.Api.http the HTTP script with the sample requests comes up.

The Example Setup

We have got 2 Tasks:

  • task_152: "Sign Document"
  • task 323: "Call Back Philipp Wagner"

And we have got two users:

  • user_philipp: "Philipp Wagner"
  • user_max: "Max Mustermann"

Both users are permitted to login, so they are allowed to query for data, given a permitted role and permissions.

There are two Organizations:

  • Organization 1: "Organization #1"
  • Organization 2: "Organization #2"

And 2 Roles:

  • role_user: "User" (Allowed to Query for UserTasks)
  • role_admin: "Administrator" (Allowed to Delete a UserTask)

The Relationships between the entities are the following:

The Relationship-Table is given below.

ObjectKey           |  ObjectNamespace  |   ObjectRelation  |   SubjectKey          |   SubjectNamespace    |   SubjectRelation
:task_323  :        |   UserTask        |       viewer      |   :organization_1:    |       Organization    |   member
:task_152  :        |   UserTask        |       viewer      |   :organization_1:    |       Organization    |   member
:task_152  :        |   UserTask        |       viewer      |   :organization_2:    |       Organization    |   member
:organization_1:    |   Organization    |       member      |   :user_philipp:      |       User            |   NULL
:organization_2:    |   Organization    |       member      |   :user_max:          |       User            |   NULL
:role_user:         |   Role            |       member      |   :user_philipp:      |       User            |   NULL
:role_admin:        |   Role            |       member      |   :user_philipp:      |       User            |   NULL
:role_user:         |   Role            |       member      |   :user_max:          |       User            |   NULL
:task_323:          |   UserTask        |       owner       |   :user_2:            |       User            |   member

We can draw the following conclusions here: A member of organization_1 is viewer of task_152 and task_323. A member of organization_2 is a viewer of task_152 only. user_philipp is member of organization_1, so the user is able to see both tasks as viewer. user_max is member of organization_2, so he is a viewer of task_152 only. user_philipp has the User and Administrator roles assigned, so he can create, query and delete a UserTask. user_max only has the User role assigned, so he is not authorized to delete a UserTask. Finally user_philipp is also the owner of task_323 so he is permitted to update the data of the UserTask.

HTTP Endpoints Explorer Script

We start by signing in

### Sign In ""

POST {{RebacExperiments.Server.Api_HostAddress}}/Authentication/sign-in
Content-Type: application/json

  "username": "",
  "password": "5!F25GbKwU3P",
  "rememberMe": true

Then we get all Tasks by querying /UserTasks endpoint:

### Get all UserTasks

GET {{RebacExperiments.Server.Api_HostAddress}}/UserTasks

As expected by the example setup, the result has the UserTask with ID 152 and ID 323 as body:

    "title": "Call Back",
    "description": "Call Back Philipp Wagner",
    "dueDateTime": null,
    "reminderDateTime": null,
    "completedDateTime": null,
    "assignedTo": null,
    "userTaskPriority": 1,
    "userTaskStatus": 1,
    "id": 152,
    "rowVersion": "AAAAAAAAB\u002Bw=",
    "lastEditedBy": 1,
    "validFrom": "2013-01-01T00:00:00",
    "validTo": "9999-12-31T23:59:59.9999999"
    "title": "Sign Document",
    "description": "You need to Sign a Document",
    "dueDateTime": null,
    "reminderDateTime": null,
    "completedDateTime": null,
    "assignedTo": null,
    "userTaskPriority": 2,
    "userTaskStatus": 2,
    "id": 323,
    "rowVersion": "AAAAAAAAB\u002B0=",
    "lastEditedBy": 1,
    "validFrom": "2013-01-01T00:00:00",
    "validTo": "9999-12-31T23:59:59.9999999"

We sign out the user

### Sign Out ""

POST {{RebacExperiments.Server.Api_HostAddress}}/Authentication/sign-out

And we query the /UserTasks endpoint to get the list of UserTask entities:

### Check for 401 Unauthorized when not Authenticated

GET {{RebacExperiments.Server.Api_HostAddress}}/UserTasks

The Backend correctly returns a 401 Status Code, because the user isn't authenticated:

Status: 401 UnauthorizedTime: 7,48 msSize: 0 bytes

Then we sign in the user max@mustermann.local:

### Sign In as "max@mustermann.local"

POST {{RebacExperiments.Server.Api_HostAddress}}/Authentication/sign-in
Content-Type: application/json

  "username": "max@mustermann.local",
  "password": "5!F25GbKwU3P",
  "rememberMe": true

And querying the /UserTasks endpoint:

### Get all UserTasks for "max@mustermann.local"

GET {{RebacExperiments.Server.Api_HostAddress}}/UserTasks

Returns only UserTask with ID 152, as expected:

    "title": "Call Back",
    "description": "Call Back Philipp Wagner",
    "dueDateTime": null,
    "reminderDateTime": null,
    "completedDateTime": null,
    "assignedTo": null,
    "userTaskPriority": 1,
    "userTaskStatus": 1,
    "id": 152,
    "rowVersion": "AAAAAAAAB\u002Bw=",
    "lastEditedBy": 1,
    "validFrom": "2013-01-01T00:00:00",
    "validTo": "9999-12-31T23:59:59.9999999"

Since we are not the owner of the Task 152, we shouldn't be able to delete it:

### Delete UserTask 152 as "max@mustermann.local" (he is not the owner)
DELETE {{RebacExperiments.Server.Api_HostAddress}}/UserTasks/152

And as expected, we are not permitted to delete the task:

Status: 403 ForbiddenTime: 190,91 msSize: 1154 bytes

application/problem+json; charset=utf-8, 1154 bytes

  "type": "EntityUnauthorizedAccessException",
  "title": "EntityUnauthorizedAccess (User = 7, Entity = UserTask, EntityID = 152)",
  "status": 403,
  "instance": "/UserTasks/152",
  "error-code": "Entity:000002",
  "trace-id": "0HMUJJ9QPSEE0:00000001",
  "exception": "RebacExperiments.Server.Api.Infrastructure.Exceptions.EntityUnauthorizedAccessException: Exception of type \u0027RebacExperiments.Server.Api.Infrastructure.Exceptions.EntityUnauthorizedAccessException\u0027 was thrown.\r\n   at RebacExperiments.Server.Api.Services.UserTaskService.DeleteUserTaskAsync(ApplicationDbContext context, Int32 userTaskId, Int32 currentUserId, CancellationToken cancellationToken) in C:\\Users\\philipp\\source\\repos\\bytefish\\RebacExperiments\\RebacExperiments\\RebacExperiments.Server.Api\\Services\\UserTaskService.cs:line 148\r\n   at RebacExperiments.Server.Api.Controllers.UserTasksController.DeleteUserTask(ApplicationDbContext context, IUserTaskService userTaskService, Int32 userTaskId, CancellationToken cancellationToken) in C:\\Users\\philipp\\source\\repos\\bytefish\\RebacExperiments\\RebacExperiments\\RebacExperiments.Server.Api\\Controllers\\UserTasksController.cs:line 141"

The user max@mustermann.local is allowed to create a UserTask though. We have seen, that the person creating a UserTask is automatically the owner of the task and the entire organization of the user can view it.

### Create a new UserTask "API HTTP File Example" as "max@mustermann.local"

POST {{RebacExperiments.Server.Api_HostAddress}}/UserTasks
Content-Type: application/json

    "title": "API HTTP File Example",
    "description": "API HTTP File Example",
    "dueDateTime": null,
    "reminderDateTime": null,
    "completedDateTime": null,
    "assignedTo": null,
    "userTaskPriority": 2,
    "userTaskStatus": 2

We get a successful response with the created task as the response payload:

Status: 200 OKTime: 264,41 msSize: 335 bytes

  "title": "API HTTP File Example",
  "description": "API HTTP File Example",
  "dueDateTime": null,
  "reminderDateTime": null,
  "completedDateTime": null,
  "assignedTo": null,
  "userTaskPriority": 2,
  "userTaskStatus": 2,
  "id": 38188,
  "rowVersion": "AAAAAAAAB/k=",
  "lastEditedBy": 7,
  "validFrom": "2023-10-23T08:02:41.8051703",
  "validTo": "9999-12-31T23:59:59.9999999"

If we now sign-in "":

### Sign In ""

POST {{RebacExperiments.Server.Api_HostAddress}}/Authentication/sign-in
Content-Type: application/json

  "username": "",
  "password": "5!F25GbKwU3P",
  "rememberMe": true

And query for the UserTasks:

### Get all UserTasks for ""

GET {{RebacExperiments.Server.Api_HostAddress}}/UserTasks

We cannot see the "API HTTP File Example" Task created by the other user, because isn't part of the Organization and has no relationship to the task.

And this is where our example ends.

Feel free to play around with the example as much as you like!

Further Reading