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Building a Stateful Chatbot in Python with Streamlit, NATS, GPT3 and Bytewax

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  • Time to complete

    Approx. 25 min


We are going to build a Bytewax dataflow that will facilitate receiving prompts via NATS, maintaining the conversation between the user and the AI as well as facilitate responding to the prompt via NATS. The overall architecture of our application is included for reference.


NATS Included in our docker-compose, you can also install NATS via their website

Docker/Docker Compose We will use Docker to escape the subtleties in different OS and environments. Docker Compose will facilitate running multiple services that need to communicate with each other.

OpenAI API Key Follow the instructions on the OpenAI website

Python modules bytewax streamlit backoff pynats openai

NATS Input

To start, let's cover the input mechanism. We are going to construct a custom input with the Bytewax manualInputConfig. This is going to subscribe to a NATS subject called prompts and when a new NATSmessage is received, it will pass the required information downstream. The way that NATS works, we will get a unique INBOX identifier and a payload. We need the INBOX identifier information to respond with that information since our frontend will be waiting for it. This is the way the NATS request loop works.

from pynats import NATSClient
nats_client = NATSClient()

def input_builder(worker_index, worker_count, state):
    # Ignore state recovery here
    state = None
    messages = []

    def callback(message):

    nats_client.subscribe(subject="prompts", callback=callback)

    while True:
        yield None, messages.pop()
flow = Dataflow()
flow.input("input", ManualInputConfig(input_builder))

Chatbot Response & Conversation

If you recall above, we mentioned stateful processors and how in a distributed application we need to route data to the right worker if the state is maintained locally. We will pull the user_id information out of the NATS message payload and use this as a key. Bytewax will then route the data based on this key so that it lands on the right worker for our stateful operator. This is handled in a map operator.

import json

def key_on_user(msg):
    user_id = json.loads(msg.payload.decode())['user_id']
    return(user_id, msg)

Once the data has been keyed on the user we can use the stateful operator, stateful_map, which will allow us to make a request to OpenAI for a response to the prompt included in the NATS message and also maintain the state of our conversation. stateful_map expects the name of the step, a builder function and a mapper function.

The way that stateful_map works is that before the step, the data is exchanged across workers as needed based on the key. Then, if the key is seen for the first time the builder function is called, then the mapper function will be called.

class Conversation:

    def __init__(self) -> None:
        self.session_responses = []
        self.session_prompts = []
        self.session_start = time.time()
        self.elapsed_time = 0

    def generate_response(self, msg):
        if len(self.session_responses) >= 1:
            chat_log = "\n".join([f"Human: {x[0]}\nAI:{x[1]}" for x in zip(self.session_prompts, self.session_responses)])
            chat_log = ""
        prompt = f"{chat_log}\nHuman: {msg.payload.decode()}\nAI:"
        response = completions_with_backoff(
        return self, (msg, response.choices[0].text)
    step_id = "conversation",
    builder = lambda: Conversation(),
    mapper = Conversation.generate_response,

To help with rate limiting in the openAI API, we add a backoff/retry functionality.

@backoff.on_exception(backoff.expo, openai.error.RateLimitError)
def completions_with_backoff(**kwargs):
    return openai.Completion.create(**kwargs)

NATS Output

To respond back to NATS in a way that our waiting client will get the message, we use the information from the NATS message we received initially and run the response code inside of an custom capture operator.

def output_builder(worker_index, worker_count):
    def publish(key__msg__response):
        key, (msg, response) = key__msg__response
        nats_client.publish(msg.reply, payload=response)
    return publish


Running NATS

Now that we have our dataflow written, let's run NATS and our dataflow via docker compose so that we can have them easily communicate with each other.

version: "3.5"
    image: nats:latest
    restart: always
      - "8222:8222"
      - "6222:6222"
      - "4222:4222"
    image: bytewax-chatbot
    container_name: bytewax-1
      - NATS_URL=nats://nats-server:4222
      - nats

We can start these with the commands in a simple run script. It is important that you have your API key stored as an environment variable first. export OPENAI_API_KEY=<your key here>

# build docker image
docker build . -t bytewax-chatbot 

# run dataflow
docker compose up -e OPENAI_API_KEY=`$OPENAI_API_KEY`

Building the Streamlit Frontend

Now we have NATS acting as our broker and our dataflow waiting for prompts and ready to provide a response, we can add a little interactive widget to write and send our prompts. Streamlit is a good tool for building apps like this.

import streamlit as st
from pynats import NATSClient

import json

# set up page details
    page_title="Bytewax ChatGPT",

st.title("Bytewax ChatGPT")

if __name__ == "__main__":
    user_id = st.text_input('Enter your user id')
    prompt = st.text_input('Enter your question here')
    if st.button("Submit"):
        print("querying for {prompt}")
        with NATSClient() as client:
            payload = json.dumps({
            msg = client.request("prompts", payload=payload.encode())

And we can run our streamlit application with the streamlit commandline tool.

streamlit run

Scaling Out

The nice thing with our architecture is that scaling out the bytewax dataflow backend is pretty straightforward. Just scale the worker_count_per_proc and/or proc_count in your execution.

if __name__ == "__main__":
    spawn_cluster(flow, proc_count = 1, worker_count_per_proc = 1,)


Go forth and play with your new ChatGPT clone! You can now build stateful applications with Bytewax and NATS 🙂!

The next steps could include:

  1. Adding a second capture to the dataflow to write out the prompts and responses to a database for further fine-tuning.
  2. Adding in a summarize step that will summarize the conversation when we run out of tokens passing all the responses back.
  3. Moving away from OpenAI with a huggingface transformer model to save $$.
  4. Taking it to the next level and fine-tuning your own model for a certain application.

See our full gallery of tutorials →


Clone of chatgpt built with Bytewax, Streamlit and NATS







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