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This plugin provide assert in table.

Install from store

Execute following command in web console:

!plugin app add - "mlsql-assert-2.4";

Install Manually

Firstly, build shade jar in your terminal:

pip install mlsql_plugin_tool
mlsql_plugin_tool build --module_name mlsql-assert --spark spark243

then change start script of MLSQL Engine,

Add Jar:


Register Class:


If there are more than one class, use comma to seperate them. For example:

-streaming.plugin.clzznames classA,classB,classC


-- !plugin app remove "mlsql-assert-2.4";
-- !plugin app add - "mlsql-assert-2.4";
-- create test data
set jsonStr='''
load jsonStr.`jsonStr` as data;
select vec_dense(features) as features ,label as label from data
as data1;

-- use RandomForest
train data1 as RandomForest.`/tmp/model` where

-- once set true,every time you run this script, MLSQL will generate new directory for you model

-- specicy the test dataset which will be used to feed evaluator to generate some metrics e.g. F1, Accurate
and evaluateTable="data1"

-- specify group 0 parameters
and `fitParam.0.labelCol`="features"
and `fitParam.0.featuresCol`="label"
and `fitParam.0.maxDepth`="2"

-- specify group 1 parameters
and `fitParam.1.featuresCol`="features"
and `fitParam.1.labelCol`="label"
and `fitParam.1.maxDepth`="10"
as model_result;

select name,value from model_result where name="status" as result;
-- make sure status of  all models are success.  
!assert result ''':value=="success"'''  "all model status should be success";