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URL Shortener

This is a simple URL shortener API built using Go and Gin framework. It uses GORM as the ORM and a SQLite database to store the shortened URLs.

Running the API using Docker


  • Docker


  1. Clone the repository and navigate to the project directory.

    git clone
    cd url_shortner
  2. Build the Docker image using the provided Dockerfile.

    docker build -t url-shortener .
  3. Run the Docker container using the provided docker-compose.yml file.

    docker-compose up -d


The API provides three endpoints:

  • POST /user/register - Registers a new user.
  • POST /token - Generates an auth token.
  • POST /create - Creates a new shortened URL.
  • GET /:shortenedUrl - Redirects to the original URL associated with the given shortened URL.

POST /user/register

To register a new user, send a JSON POST request to the /user/register endpoint with the following format:


POST /sec/create

To create a new shortened URL, send a JSON POST request to the /create endpoint with the following format:

  "original_url": ""

GET /:shortenedUrl

To redirect to the original URL associated with a shortened URL, send a GET request to the /:shortenedUrl endpoint with the shortened URL as a parameter. For example, if the shortened URL is abc123, the request URL would be http://localhost:8000/abc123.

Code Overview

The main Go code is contained in main.go. It creates a database connection and defines the endpoints for the API.

The services package contains the code for creating the database connection.

The ShortLink struct represents a shortened URL and is defined in main.go. The generateShortenedURL function generates a random 8-character string to use as the shortened URL.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.


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