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The SDK supports three types of authentication mechanisms:

  • apiKey
  • token
  • oauth (recommended method for production)


A Spark API key is a synthetic key that allows you to authenticate to the platform and access the following APIs:

If and when you need that API key to access additional APIs, you need to review and configure feature permissions in the Spark platform. Find out more on how to generate and manage API keys in the Spark documentation.

Keep in mind that API keys are sensitive and should be kept secure. Therefore, we strongly recommend reading this article by OpenAI on best practices for API key safety.

Setting the API Key in Node Environments

To create a SparkClient instance with an API key, you can provide the key directly or set it in the environment variable CSPARK_API_KEY:

const spark = new Spark({ apiKey: 'my-api-key' });

When accessing publicly available APIs, you do not require an API key or any other authentication mechanism. In fact, you can create a SparkClient instance without providing any authentication mechanism by setting the apiKey to open:

const spark = new Spark({ apiKey: 'open' });


You will not be able to read that API key later from the SparkClient instance if needed. It's masked for security reasons.

const spark = new Spark();

// the client options are available in the `config`uration property
console.log(spark.config.auth.apiKey); // '****-rest-of-key'

Setting the API Key in Browser Environments

By default, client-side use of this SDK is not recommended as it risks exposing your secret API credentials to attackers. However, the allowBrowser option can be used to bypass this restriction. When set to true, the SDK will assume you understand the risks and let you proceed.

const { SparkClient: Spark } = window['@cspark/sdk'];

const spark = new Spark({ apiKey: 'my-api-key', allowBrowser: true });


The allowBrowser option is unnecessary if you intend to access publicly available APIs (such as when apiKey is set to open).

Bearer Token

A bearer token (or simply token) is a short-lived JSON Web token (JWT) that allows you to authenticate to the Spark platform and access its APIs. Follow this guide to learn how to access your bearer token.

Keep in mind that a bearer token is usually prefixed with 'Bearer'. However, the SDK will automatically add the prefix if it is not provided. You can provide a bearer token directly or set it in the environment variable CSPARK_BEARER_TOKEN.

const spark = new Spark({ token: 'Bearer my-access-token' });

Client Credentials Grant

The OAuth2.0 client credentials grant is the preferred way to handle user authentication and authorization in the Spark platform. To use this grant, you need to provide the client ID and secret or the path to the JSON file containing the credentials.

Using the client ID and secret directly:

const oauth = { clientId: 'my-client-id', clientSecret: 'my-client-secret' };
const spark = new Spark({ oauth });

Alternatively, you can provide the path to the JSON file containing the client ID and secret:

const spark = new Spark({ oauth: 'path/to/my/credentials.json' });

Using Environment Variables (recommended)

As you already know, the SDK will attempt to read the API key, bearer token, and OAuth credentials from the environment variables. This is the recommended way to store your sensitive information.

export CSPARK_API_KEY='my-api-key'
# or
export CSPARK_BEARER_TOKEN='Bearer your access token'
# or
export CSPARK_CLIENT_ID='my-client-id'
export CSPARK_CLIENT_SECRET='my-client-secret'
# or
export CSPARK_OAUTH_PATH='path/to/my/client-credentials.json'

Creating a SparkClient instance now becomes as simple as:

const spark = new Spark();

Good to know

When using OAuth2.0 client credentials grant, the SDK will automatically refresh the token when it expires. However, you can also generate or refresh the token manually. Here's how you can do it:

const spark = new Spark({ oauth: 'path/to/my/credentials.json' });
await spark.config.auth.oauth?.retrieveToken(spark.config);

// the access token is now available in the configuration
console.log(`access token: ${spark.config.auth.oauth?.accessToken}`);

If more than one authentication mechanisms are provided, the SDK will prioritize in the following order: API key > Bearer token > and OAuth2.0 client credentials grant.