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File metadata and controls

125 lines (90 loc) · 4.84 KB

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Verb Description Download a service's WebAssembly module. Download a Spark file.

Download a service's WebAssembly module

This method helps you download a service's WebAssembly module.

Roughly speaking, WebAssembly (or WASM) is a binary instruction format for a stack-based virtual machine. It's designed as a portable compilation target for programming languages, enabling deployment on the web for client and server applications.

In the context of Spark, a WebAssembly module refers to a cohesive bundle of files designed for portability and execution across web and Node.js environments. This bundle typically includes the WebAssembly representation of the Spark service's encapsulated logic along with associated JavaScript files. By bundling these components together, a Spark service becomes executable within both browser and Node environments.

Check out the API reference for more information.


You may pass in the service URI as string in the following format:

  • version/uuid (e.g., version/123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000) - preferred
  • service/uuid (e.g., service/123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000)
  • folder/service (e.g., my-folder/my-service)

Alternatively, you can pass in the following parameters as an object.

Property Type Description
folder string The folder name.
service string The service name.
versionId string The UUID of a particular version of the service.
serviceId string The service UUID.

NOTE: As of now, only the versionId can be used to download the WebAssembly module. The other properties are currently being tested. Otherwise, they'll throw an UnknownApiError.

await{ versionId: '123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000' });


When successful, this method returns a buffer containing the WebAssembly module. Here's an example in Node:

import { createWriteStream } from 'fs';
import Spark from '@cspark/sdk';

const spark = new Spark({ env: 'my-env', tenant: 'my-tenant', token: 'bearer token' });

  .then((response) => {
    // write downloaded file to disk
    const file = createWriteStream('path/to/');

The downloaded zip file should have the following files:

  • my-service.wasm: the WebAssembly module with the service's logic
  • my-service.js: the JavaScript glue code to interact with the WebAssembly module
  • the service's static data (binary file)
  • my-serviceDefaultValidations.json: the default or static validation schema
  • checksums.md5: the checksums of the files in the zip (.data, .wasm, .js)
  • my-service_Jsonformspec.json (optional): the service execution's JSON form specification (useful for generating UI elements such as input, select, etc.)

Download a Spark file

Some Spark APIs may generate temporary files upon execution. This method helps you download these files, which oftentimes require a valid token for access.


This method requires a valid URL as a string.


Some of the generated files carry a token for access in the URL. In such cases, you can use a static method to download the file since it doesn't require a Spark instance.

import Spark from '@cspark/sdk';


It should be noted that the download method is a static one and doesn't require any Spark configuration. It also accepts a second argument, Authorization, which can be used if user authorization is required to access and download a file.

import Spark, { Authorization } from '@cspark/sdk';

const auth = Authorization.from({ token: 'bearer token' });
await'https://my-spark-file-url', auth);


When successful, this method returns a buffer containing the file. You may then write this buffer to disk (as shown above) or process it further.