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Build & CI

Christian Weiss edited this page May 14, 2017 · 2 revisions

This project contains a build script that shows how to package "dotnet cli"-based NuGet libraries and how to create and deploy ASP.NET Core projects to a Service Fabric cluster.

The build script is psake-based and can easily be integrated into a build server.

The build script consists of the following files:

  • tools/psake: the psake library
  • build-definition.ps1: contains psake tasks for restoring, building and packaging the projects
  • build-helpers.ps1: helper methods to create the Service Fabric packages
  • build.ps1: can be used to start the build on the local machine
  • appveyor.yml: shows how to call the build script from AppVeyor

Build Script

the samples use the StatelessHost-project - refer to the documentation for further details. This means that all ServiceManifest.xml files have been modified.

build.ps1 starts the psake based build process. The build script contains the following steps:

  • init: validate parameters
  • clean: empty/create "artifacts" folder
  • dotnet-install: installs the latest ".NET Core SDK" if it is not yet installed (this is required if the build server (e.g. AppVeyor) does not have it installed)
  • dotnet-restore: runs dotnet restore on on the solution.
  • dotnet-build: runs dotnet build on the solution.
  • dotnet-test: just a placeholder in case I ever find the time to write some tests :-)
  • dotnet-pack: not required for running the Service Fabric samples. We need this to deploy our NuGet-packages. This just shows how you could use this in your own projects. It runs dotnet pack
  • packageServiceFabric: That's the important one! It creates the folder structure required by Service Fabric to do the deployment. (application folder which contains ApplicationManifest.xml, a folder for each service which contains the ServiceManifest.xml and the application in a "Code" folder)
    • it looks up the service fabric application (GatewaySample in this case) to get all referenced services (HttpGateway, HttpService in this case).
    • For every service, it runs dotnet publish to move the application to the Code folder in the service output folder
    • It's important that the folder name (e.g Code) and the CodePackage name in ServiceManifest.xml are the same!
  • It copies everything from the service's PackageRoot to the output folder of the service (this copies the ServiceManifest.xml)
  • it copies all necessary stuff from the Service Fabric application project into the output folder. (including the deploy-script and the publish profiles)
  • It appends the build number in all ServiceManifest.xml files and in the ApplicationManifest.xml - this allows for continuous integration/continuous delivery. If the build script is started locally, the build number suffix is "local-". A CI system should overwrite this (see appveyor.yml for an example).
  • The necessary scripts are in build-helpers.ps1

Deploying the Service Fabric application

After the build script succeeded, the Service Fabric application can be deployed to any configured cluster by executing the following commands in a PowerShell window. This example would be the script to build and deploy to your local cluster:

.\build.ps1 # if not yet called

cd .\artifacts\GatewaySample\

. .\Scripts\Deploy-FabricApplication.ps1 `
        -ApplicationPackagePath .\ApplicationPackage\ `
        -PublishProfileFile .\PublishProfiles\Local.xml `
        -OverwriteBehavior Always

Note the dot and space at the beginning of the last line. See this post for details about why this is required.