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Build Status Maven Central Gradle Plugin


The modular assertion builder is a gradle plugin that can be used to build modular assertions for the CA API Gateway


In order to use this plugin to build a modular assertion add the following you your gradle file:

plugins {
    id "" version "<version>"

group ''
version '<assertion-version>'

repositories {
    maven {
        url "<repository-url>"

modularAssertionBuilder {
    gatewayBaseVersion = '<gateway-version>'
    revision='<source code revision id>' // optional property to id the source commit, e.g. git commit hash / svn revision number

dependencies {
    // These are libraries that are required to be packaged in the Modular Assertion

Building the Plugin

The build is done using gradle. The following targets are exposed:


This removes the build directory.


This target builds the Modular Assertion Builder. Once built it is available in the build/libs directory. This target uses the version property to set the version in the package file name.


This target publishes the built package to artifact repository.

The following properties are used in the publish target:

Property Description
mavenUser This is the name of the artifactory user to authenticate with
mavenPassword This is the password of the artifactory user to authenticate with
mavenUrl This is the artifact repository url to publish to.

publish to local

You can also publish the modular assertion builder to your local maven repository by running: gradle install

How You Can Contribute

Contributions are welcome and much appreciated. To learn more, see the Contribution Guidelines.


Copyright (c) 2017 CA. All rights reserved.

This software may be modified and distributed under the terms of the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for details.