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cabalex edited this page Nov 22, 2021 · 7 revisions

Welcome to the fnf-song-converter wiki!

Here, you'll find relatively in-depth information about how to mod Cabalex's Scratch remake of Friday Night Funkin', and any other remixes that derive from it.

If you don't have the project already, you can remix the original project or download the .sb3 from the website.

Custom Stages (coming soon)


Custom note types (e.g. Tricky mod?)

  • I'm not implementing these, nor will I show you how to do it- it's outside the scope of the project due to how inconsistent extra note types can be. You'll have to make them yourself or get it from a project that already has it.

What about hurt notes?

  • See above (it's not built into the original game, mods handle it inconsistently). If you're building these into your project (or using someone that has already built this feature in), make sure you set the "Extended note handling" to "allow all notes" to prevent truncation.

What is the format of the converted Scratch beatmaps?

  • ? = notes ?_<timing>_<note type 0-7>_<length> (Note that the sides are constant, 0-3 will always go to one side and 4-7 the other, regardless of mustHitSection)
  • # = sections #<mustHitSection true/false>_<timing>

How can I get the assets for my character from the game files? I'm making a mod.

  • You can use my XML Unpacker. You'll need Python with os, PIL, BeautifulSoup, lxml, and re installed. Install these with pip after installing Python with pip install os pillow bs4 lxml re (or you can use Google Colab).

Need help and can't find a clear answer in any guide? Ask on my profile. Found a bug with the converter? Report it!

Please ask clear and concise questions (I won't make your entire mod for you). I've moved onto other projects, so support may be sparse.

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