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Function: sequence()

Ronald Smits edited this page Feb 9, 2021 · 3 revisions

sequence ( key_sequence )

key_sequence string of key events

This is useful to produce more than one character key with a shortcut.

Writing key sequences manually is tedious. It's usually best to record Macros and copy the result.


Keys are defined with their usual label.

Keys must be separated with _ underscore h_e_l_l_o

key => Key down, key up event
&key => Key down event
^key => Key up event

All key downs must be completed with key ups.

Creating uppercase requires explicit Shift action, like &LShf_a_^LShf

Virtual key SLEEP:{milliseconds} results in a pause between key events, like f_u_c_SLEEP:500_BSP_BSP_SLEEP:300_i_n_e

For very long sequences, SLEEP:1 every 10 or so keys may be needed, because capsicain by default may send too fast for the receiving app.

Virtual key CONFIGSWITCH:{config#} switches to the configuration with the given number, like CONFIGSWITCH:2_SCRLOCK.

Using this virtual key by itself in a sequence is equivalent to using Function: configSwitch(). Combining it with other key strokes, especially toggle keys like NUMLOCK or SCRLOCK (often with a LED on the keyboard), would be a reason to use theis virtual key in a sequence to change to another configuration.


MOD9+H results in key action that types Hello! (on a US keyboard)

`COMBO H [& .... ....] > sequence (&LSHF_H_^LSHF_E_L_L_O_&LSHF_1_^LSHF) #Hello!