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Python Simple Message Queue

Python Simple Message Queue


  • Configured to set up a daemonized Redis server with persistent storage
  • Sentinel process to monitor queues
  • creates queues
  • deletes queues


  • Each queue is independent within a single Redis instance.

  • The underlying queue is run by the pmsq_library.lua script.

  • Queue ops:

    • pop: Get the message with the highest score. The message is deleted from the queue table and the message table.

    • push: Add a message to the queue. The message is added to the message table and the queue table. Message data must be binary.

    • peek: Get a copy of the message with the highest score. The message is not deleted from the queue table or the message table.

    • delete: Delete a message from the queue. The message is deleted from the queue table and the message table.

    • get: Get the message with the highest score from the queue. The message is not deleted from the queue table or the message table. The "visibiltiy timeout" is added to the message_id's score in the queue table.

    • Messages retrieved with get must be deleted with delete or they will be returned to the queue after the visibility timeout expires.


The result of a pop, peek, or get operation is a Message object. The Message object has the following fields:

  • message_id: A unique identifier for the message. This is a sortable string based on the message's timestamp and a random string.
  • sent: The timestamp when the message was sent.
  • data: The message data. This is a binary string, unless the deserializer was set when getting the queue.
  • first_retrieved: the timestamp when the message was first retrieved by a client. Peek operations do not update this field.
  • retrieval_count: The number of times a client has retrieved the message. Peek operations do not update this field. This field is updated when the message is retrieved with get or pop.

Basic usage

Get or create a queue

from psmq import QueueManager
from pathlib import Path

file_queues = QueueManager(db_dir=Path("~./.config/pmsq").expanduser().resolve())
file_test_queue = file_queues.get_queue("test_queue")

Push a message to a queue

This example manually encodes the message to binary using msgpack and json. The message data must be binary.

from psmq import QueueManager
import umsgpack
import json

memory_queues = QueueManager()
test_queue = memory_queues.get_queue("test_queue")

msgpack_data = umsgpack.packb({"foo": "bar"})
json_data = json.dumps({"foo": "bar"}).encode("utf-8")

This example sets the default serializers and deserializers to msgpack and json. The message data can be any python object.

from psmq import QueueManager
import umsgpack
import json

json_serializer = lambda x: json.dumps(x).encode("utf-8")
json_deserializer = lambda x: json.loads(x.decode("utf-8"))

memory_queues = QueueManager()
msgpack_test_queue = memory_queues.get_queue(
json_test_queue = memory_queues.get_queue(

message_data = {"foo": "bar"}

Pop a message from a queue

This example receives and deletes a message from the queue. If the processing of this message fails, the message is lost.

from psmq import QueueManager
import umsgpack

memory_queues = QueueManager()
test_queue = memory_queues.get_queue(

message = test_queue.pop()
if message:
    print("No messages in queue.")

Get a message from a queue

This example receives a message from the queue. The message is not deleted from the queue. The message is deleted after successful processing. If this process crashes, the message appears in the queue after the visibility timeout expires.

from psmq import QueueManager
import umsgpack

memory_queues = QueueManager()
test_queue = memory_queues.get_queue(

message = test_queue.get()
if message:
    print("No messages in queue.")

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