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209 lines (167 loc) · 6.64 KB
.. module:: ldap_faker


Current version is |release|.

This package provides a fake python-ldap interface that can be used for automated testing of code that uses python-ldap. With python-ldap-faker you will be able to test your LDAP code without having to stand up an actual LDAP server, and also without having to use complicated :py:func:`unittest.mock.patch` and :py:class:`unittest.mock.Mock` setups.

When writing tests for code that talks to an LDAP server with python-ldap, we want to be able to control python-ldap interactions in our tests to ensure that our own code works properly. This may include populating the LDAP server with fixture data, monitoring if, when and how python-ldap calls are made by our code, and ensuring our code handles python-ldap exceptions properly.

Managing an actual LDAP server during our tests is usually out of the question, so typically we revert to patching the python-ldap code to use mock objects instead, but this is very verbose and can lead to test code errors in practice.

This package provides replacement :py:func:`ldap.initialize`, :py:func:`ldap.set_option` and :py:func:`ldap.get_option` functions, as well as a test-instrumented :py:class:`ldap.ldap.ldapobject.LDAPObject` replacement.


To install from PyPI:

pip install python-ldap-faker

If you want, you can run the tests:

python -m unittest discover


  • These python-ldap global functions are faked:

    • ldap.initialize
    • ldap.set_option
    • ldap.get_option
  • These ldap.ldapobject.LDAPObject methods are faked:

    • set_option
    • get_option
    • start_tls_s
    • simple_bind_s
    • unbind_s
    • search_s
    • search_ext
    • result3
    • compare_s
    • add_s
    • modify_s
    • rename_s
    • delete_s
  • For search_ext and search_s, your filter string will be validated as a valid LDAP filter, and your filter will be applied directly to your objects in our fake "server" to generate the result list. No canned searches!

  • Inspect your call history for all calls (name, arguments), and test the order in which they were made

  • Simulate multiple fake LDAP "servers" with different sets of objects that correspond to different LDAP URIs.

  • Ease your test setup with :py:class:`LDAPFakerMixin`, a mixin for :py:class:`unittest.TestCase`

    • Automatically manages patching python-ldap for the code under test

    • Populate objects into one or more LDAP "servers" with fixture files

    • Provides the following test instrumentation for inspecting state after the test:

      • Access to the full object store for each LDAP uri accessed
      • All connections made
      • All python-ldap API calls made
      • All python-ldap LDAP options set
    • Provides test isolation: object store changes, connections, call history, option changes are all reset between tests

    • Use handy LDAP specific asserts to ease your testing

  • Define your own hooks to change the behavior of your fake "servers"

  • Support behavior for specific LDAP implementations:

    • Redhat Directory Server/389 implementation support: have your test believe it's talking to an RHDS/389 server.


The easiest way to use python-ldap-faker in your :py:mod:`unittest` based tests is to use the :py:class:`LDAPFakerMixin` mixin for :py:class:`unittest.TestCase`.

This will patch :py:func:`ldap.initialize`, :py:func:`ldap.set_option` and :py:func:`ldap.get_option` to use our :py:class:`FakeLDAP` interface, and load fixtures in from JSON files to use as test data.

Let's say we have a class App in our myapp module that does LDAP work that we want to test.

First, prepare a file named data.json with the objects you want loaded into your fake LDAP server. Let's say you want your data to consist of some posixAccount objects. If we make data.json look like this:

            "uid": ["foo"],
            "cn": ["Foo Bar"],
            "uidNumber": ["123"],
            "gidNumber": ["123"],
            "homeDirectory": ["/home/foo"],
            "userPassword": ["the password"],
            "objectclass": [
            "uid": ["fred"],
            "cn": ["Fred Flintstone"],
            "uidNumber": ["124"],
            "gidNumber": ["124"],
            "homeDirectory": ["/home/fred"],
            "userPassword": ["the fredpassword"],
            "objectclass": [
            "uid": ["barney"],
            "cn": ["Barney Rubble"],
            "uidNumber": ["125"],
            "gidNumber": ["125"],
            "homeDirectory": ["/home/barney"],
            "userPassword": ["the barneypassword"],
            "objectclass": [

We can write our TestCase like so:

import unittest

import ldap
from ldap_faker import LDAPFakerMixin

from myapp import App

class YourTestCase(LDAPFakerMixin, unittest.TestCase):

    ldap_modules = ['myapp']
    ldap_fixtures = 'data.json'

    def test_auth_works(self):
        app = App()
        # A method that does a `simple_bind_s`
        app.auth('fred', 'the fredpassword')
        conn = self.get_connections()[0]
            conn, 'simple_bind_s',
            {'who': 'uid=fred,ou=bar,o=baz,c=country', 'cred': 'the fredpassword'}

    def test_correct_connection_options_were_set(self):
        app = App()
        app.auth('fred', 'the fredpassword')
        conn = self.get_connections()[0]
        self.assertLDAPConnectionOptionSet(conn, ldap.OPT_X_TLX_NEWCTX, 0)

    def test_tls_was_used_before_auth(self):
        app = App()
        app.auth('fred', 'the fredpassword')
        conn = self.get_connections()[0]
        self.assertLDAPConnectiontMethodCalled(conn, 'start_tls_s')
        self.assertLDAPConnectionMethodCalledAfter(conn, 'simple_bind_s', 'start_tls_s')
.. toctree::
   :maxdepth: 2
