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File metadata and controls

302 lines (202 loc) · 11.1 KB
.. module:: ldap_faker

Hooks: modifying ObjectStore behavior

python-ldap-faker provides a hook system to allow you to arbitrarily modify behavior of :py:class:`ObjectStore`. Primarily this is provided so that you can emulate the behavior of the various LDAP implementations (Redhat Directory Server, Active Directory, openldap, etc.).

You can also use hooks in your test code to produce behavior that may not be available out of the box from python-ldap-faker.

Rules about hooks:

  • Hooks are run in the order they are registered
  • Each hook needs a callable with a particular signature
  • Hooks are global -- they apply to all :py:class:`ObjectStore` instances and instances instantiated (unless they are tagged hooks)

Registering hooks

Hooks have a name and a callable signature. Here is an example of registering a hook to the pre_set hook, which will be run in :py:meth:`ObjectStore.set` before the object is saved to the internal storage, and requires the callable signature Callable[[ObjectStore, LDAPRecord, Optional[str]], None]:

from ldap_faker import hooks, ObjectStore, LDAPRecord

def pre_set_do_something_special(store: ObjectStore, record: LDAPRecord, bind_dn: str = None) -> None:

hooks.register('pre_set', pre_set_do_something_special)

Thereafter, whenever any code calls :py:meth:`ObjectStore.set`, this function will be called with the store as the first argument, the record to be written as the second argument and the bind_dn of the binding user as the third argument.

Tagged hooks

Using tags, you can register a hook that will only apply to :py:class:`ObjectStore` instances which are themselves tagged with one of those tags:

from ldap_faker import hooks, ObjectStore, LDAPRecord

def pre_set_do_something_special(store: ObjectStore, record: LDAPRecord, bind_dn: str = None) -> None:
    print(f'{bind_dn} ran pre_set_do_something_sepcial')

hooks.register('pre_set', pre_set_do_something_special, tags=['special'])

This hook will only be executed for :py:meth:`ObjectStore` instances whose tags include special:

>>> store = ObjectStore(tags=['special'])
>>> obj = ('mydn', {'objectclass': [b'top']))
>>> store.set(obj, bind_dn='auser')
auser ran pre_set_do_something_special

It will not be executed for :py:meth:`ObjectStore` instances whose tags do not include special:

>>> store = ObjectStore(tags=['other'])
>>> obj = ('mydn', {'objectclass': [b'top']))
>>> store.set(obj, bind_dn='auser')

Tagging ObjectClass instances in LDAPFakerMixin

When using :py:class:`LDAPFakerMixin`, you can tag ldap_fixtures with particular tags.

To tag the default "server", specify the fixture as a 2-tuple, where the first element is the filename of the fixture file, and the second element is a list of tags:

import unittest
from ldap_faker import LDAPFakerMixin

class TestDefaultTaggedServer(LDAPFakerMixin, unittest.TestCase):

    ldap_modules = ['myapp']
    ldap_fixtures = ('data.json', ['special'])

To tag named "servers", you can tag individual servers by providing a 3-tuple instad of a 2-tuple, where the third element is the list of tags:

import unittest
from ldap_faker import LDAPFakerMixin

class TestDefaultTaggedServer(LDAPFakerMixin, unittest.TestCase):

    ldap_modules = ['myapp']
    ldap_fixtures = [
        ('server1.json', 'ldap://server1', ['special']),
        ('server2.json', 'ldap://server2')

Above, ldap://server1 will use all hooks tagged with special in addition to any untagged hooks, while ldap://server2 will use only the untagged hooks.

Available hooks


Signature: Callable[[store: ObjectStore], None]

Where store is the :py:class:`ObjectStore` object.

This will be at the end of :py:meth:`ObjectStore.__init__`.

You can use this to set up any state you might need for later hooks by adding keys to :py:attr:`ObjectStore.controls`, or to add attributes to :py:attr:`ObjectStore.operational_attributes`.


Signature: Callable[[store: ObjectStore, record: LDAPRecord, bind_dn: Optional[str] = None], None]

Where store is the :py:class:`ObjectStore` object, record is the record to be set and bind_dn is the dn of the user doing the set (possibly None)

This will be executed on :py:meth:`ObjectStore.set` before the object actually gets saved.

:py:meth:`ObjectStore.set` is called for every write operation:


Signature: Callable[[store: ObjectStore, record: LDAPRecord, bind_dn: Optional[str] = None], None]

Where store is the :py:class:`ObjectStore` object, record is the record to be set and bind_dn is the dn of the user doing the set (possibly None).

This will be executed on :py:meth:`ObjectStore.set` after the object gets saved.


Signature: Callable[[store: ObjectStore, dn: str], None]

Where store is the :py:class:`ObjectStore` object, and dn is the DN of the object to copy.

This will be executed on :py:meth:`ObjectStore.copy` before the object actually gets retrieved from the store to be copied.


Signature: Callable[[store: ObjectStore, data: LDAPData], LDAPData]

Where store is the :py:class:`ObjectStore` object, and dn is the DN of the object to copy. It should return the modified LDAPData dict.

This will be executed on :py:meth:`ObjectStore.copy` after the object is retrieved from the store and :py:func:copy.deepcopy has run, but before returning the data to the caller.


Signature: Callable[[store: ObjectStore, dn: str, modlist: AddModlist, bind_dn: str = None], None]

Where store is the :py:class:`ObjectStore` object, dn is the record to be created, modlist is modlist to be used for creating the record, and bind_dn is the dn of the user doing the create (possibly None).

This will be executed on :py:meth:`ObjectStore.create` before the modlist gets processed.

:py:meth:`ObjectStore.create` is what actually does the work when :py:meth:`FakeLDAPObject.add_s` is called.


Signature: Callable[[store: ObjectStore, record: LDAPRecord, bind_dn: Optional[str] = None], None]

Where store is the :py:class:`ObjectStore` object, record is the record to be created, and bind_dn is the dn of the user doing the create (possibly None).

This will be executed on :py:meth:`ObjectStore.create` after the modlist has processed to build the object, but before it has been writen to the data store.


Signature: Callable[[store: ObjectStore, dn: str, modlist: Modlist, bind_dn: str = None], None]

Where store is the :py:class:`ObjectStore` object, dn is the record to be modified`, modlist is modlist to be applied to the record, and bind_dn is the dn of the user doing the update (possibly None).

This will be executed on :py:meth:`ObjectStore.update` before the object actually gets saved.

:py:meth:`ObjectStore.update` is what actually does the work when :py:meth:`FakeLDAPObject.modify_s` is called.


Signature: Callable[[store: ObjectStore, record: LDAPRecord, bind_dn: Optional[str] = None], None]

Where store is the :py:class:`ObjectStore` object, record is the updated record and bind_dn is the dn of the user doing the update (possibly None)

This will be executed on :py:meth:`ObjectStore.update` after the modlist has been applied to the object, but before it has been writen to the data store.


Signature: Callable[[store: ObjectStore, record: LDAPRecord, bind_dn: Optional[str] = None], None]

Where store is the :py:class:`ObjectStore` object, record is the record to deleted, and bind_dn is the dn of the user doing the set (possibly None).

This will be executed on :py:meth:`ObjectStore.delete` before the object actually gets deleted from the data store.

:py:meth:`ObjectStore.delete` is what actually does the work when :py:meth:`FakeLDAPObject.delete_s` is called, and is also called during :py:meth:`FakeLDAPObject.rename_s` to delete the old object.


Signature: Callable[[store: ObjectStore, record: LDAPRecord, bind_dn: Optional[str] = None], None]

Where store is the :py:class:`ObjectStore` object, record is the record deleted, and bind_dn is the dn of the user doing the set (possibly None).

This will be executed on :py:meth:`ObjectStore.delete` after the object actually gets deleted from the data store.


Signature: Callable[[store: ObjectStore, record: LDAPRecord], None]

Where store is the :py:class:`ObjectStore` object and record is the record to be registered.

This will be executed on :py:meth:`ObjectStore.register_object` before the object actually gets saved.


Signature: Callable[[store: ObjectStore, record: LDAPRecord], None]

Where store is the :py:class:`ObjectStore` object and record is the record that was registered.

This will be executed on :py:meth:`ObjectStore.register_object` after the object gets saved.


Signature: Callable[[store: ObjectStore, records: List[LDAPRecord]], None]

Where store is the :py:class:`ObjectStore` object and records is the list of records to be registered.

This will be executed on :py:meth:`ObjectStore.register_objects` before the objects actually get saved.


Signature: Callable[[store: ObjectStore, records: List[LDAPRecord]], None]

Where store is the :py:class:`ObjectStore` object and records are the records that were registered.

This will be executed on :py:meth:`ObjectStore.register_objects` after the objects get saved.


Signature: Callable[[store: ObjectStore, filename: str], None]

Where store is the :py:class:`ObjectStore` object and filename is the name of the data file to load.

This will be executed on :py:meth:`ObjectStore.load_objects` before the file gets loaded.


Signature: Callable[[store: ObjectStore, records: List[LDAPRecord]], None]

Where store is the :py:class:`ObjectStore` object and records are the records that were loaded from the file.

This will be executed on :py:meth:`ObjectStore.load_objects` after the objects loaded from the file get saved.