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Failure notification WebHooks


HealthCheckUI replace automatically [[LIVENESS]], [[FAILURE]] and [[DESCRIPTIONS]] bookmarks.

Webhooks can be configured using configuration providers or by code.

If you are using json file configuration. you must escape the json before setting the Payload property in the configuration file:

  "BeatPulse-UI": {
    "HealthChecks": [
        "Name": "HTTP-Api-Basic",
        "Uri": "http://localhost:6457/health"
    "Webhooks": [
        "Name": "Teams",
        "Uri": "",
        "Payload": "{\r\n  \"@context\": \"\",\r\n  \"@type\": \"MessageCard\",\r\n  \"themeColor\": \"0072C6\",\r\n  \"title\": \"[[LIVENESS]] has failed!\",\r\n  \"text\": \"[[FAILURE]] Click **Learn More** to go to BeatPulseUI Portal\",\r\n  \"potentialAction\": [\r\n    {\r\n      \"@type\": \"OpenUri\",\r\n      \"name\": \"Lear More\",\r\n      \"targets\": [\r\n        { \"os\": \"default\", \"uri\": \"http://localhost:52665/beatpulse-ui\" }\r\n      ]\r\n    }\r\n  ]\r\n}",
        "RestoredPayload": "{\"text\":\"The HealthCheck [[LIVENESS]] is recovered. All is up and running\",\"channel\":\"#general\",\"link_names\": 1,\"username\":\"monkey-bot\",\"icon_emoji\":\":monkey_face\" }"
    "EvaluationTimeInSeconds": 10

Configuring Webhooks by code

You can also configure webhooks by using code. This scenario allows greater customization as you can use your own user functions to configure if a payload should be notified and customize [[FAILURE]] and [[DESCRIPTIONS]] bookmarks.

Sample with default failure message and descriptions:

setup.AddWebhookNotification("webhook1", uri: "",
            payload: "{ message: \"Webhook report for [[LIVENESS]]: [[FAILURE]] - Description: [[DESCRIPTIONS]]\"}",
            restorePayload: "{ message: \"[[LIVENESS]] is back to life\"}");

Sample with custom user functions:

    uri: "status/200?code=ax3rt56s", payload: "{ message: \"Webhook report for [[LIVENESS]]: [[FAILURE]] - Description: [[DESCRIPTIONS]]\"}",
    restorePayload: "{ message: \"[[LIVENESS]] is back to life\"}",
    shouldNotifyFunc: report => DateTime.UtcNow.Hour >= 8 && DateTime.UtcNow.Hour <= 23
    customMessageFunc: (report) =>
        var failing = report.Entries.Where(e => e.Value.Status == UIHealthStatus.Unhealthy);
        return $"{failing.Count()} healthchecks are failing";
    customDescriptionFunc: report =>
        var failing = report.Entries.Where(e => e.Value.Status == UIHealthStatus.Unhealthy);
        return $"HealthChecks with names {string.Join("/", failing.Select(f => f.Key))} are failing";

Microsoft Teams

If you want to send failure notifications to Microsoft Teams the payload to be used is:

  "@context": "",
  "@type": "MessageCard",
  "themeColor": "0072C6",
  "title": "[[LIVENESS]] has failed!",
  "text": "[[FAILURE]]. Click **Learn More** to go to BeatPulseUI!",
  "potentialAction": [
      "@type": "OpenUri",
      "name": "Learn More",
      "targets": [
        { "os": "default", "uri": "http://localhost:52665/beatpulse-ui" }

Azure Functions

You can use Azure Functions to receive HealthCheckUI notifications and perform any action.

Next samples show AF integration with Twilio to send SMS / SendGrid for HealthCheckUI failure notifications.

#r "Twilio.API"
#r "Newtonsoft.Json"

using System;
using System.Net;
using Twilio;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;

public static async Task Run(HttpRequestMessage req, IAsyncCollector<SMSMessage> message, TraceWriter log)

    string jsonContent = await req.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
    dynamic payload = JObject.Parse(jsonContent);

    log.Info($"Notifying a new failure notification to configured phone number");

    var sms = new SMSMessage();
    sms.Body = $"The healthcheck {payload.liveness} is failing with message {payload.message}";
    await message.AddAsync(sms);
#r "SendGrid"
using System;
using SendGrid.Helpers.Mail;

public static async Task Run(HttpRequestMessage req, IAsyncCollector<Mail> message, TraceWriter log)
    const string targetEmail = "";

    string jsonContent = await req.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
    dynamic payload = JObject.Parse(jsonContent);

    log.Info($"Notifying a new failure notification to configured phone number");

    var mail = new Mail
        Subject = "Beatpulse Failure Notification"

    var personalization = new Personalization();
    personalization.AddTo(new Email(targetEmail));

    Content content = new Content
        Type = "text/plain",
        Value = $"The HealthCheck {payload.liveness} is failing with message {payload.message}"


    await message.AddAsync(mail);
  "HealthChecksUI": {
    "HealthChecks": [
        "Name": "HTTP-Api-Basic",
        "Uri": "http://localhost:6457/health"
    "Webhooks": [
        "Name": "AzureFunctions",
        "Uri": "",
        "Payload": "{\"HealthCheck\": \"[[LIVENESS]]\",\"message\": \"[[FAILURE]]\"}"
    "EvaluationTimeInSeconds": 10


If you want to send HealthCheck failure notifications to Slack channel the payload to be used follow the rules described here.

Next json is a payload sample for Slack web hook integration:

  "text": "The HealthCheck [[LIVENESS]] is failing with the error message [[FAILURE]]. <http://yourappstatus|Click here> to get more details",
  "channel": "#general",
  "link_names": 1,
  "username": "monkey-bot",
  "icon_emoji": ":monkey_face:"

And the HealthChecksUI configuration:

  "HealthChecksUI": {
    "HealthChecks": [
        "Name": "HTTP-Api-Basic",
        "Uri": "http://localhost:6457/health"
    "Webhooks": [
        "Name": "Slack",
        "Uri": "",
        "Payload": "{\"text\":\"The HealthCheck [[LIVENESS]] is failing with the error message [[FAILURE]]. <http://yourappstatus|Click here> to get more details.\",\"channel\":\"#general\",\"link_names\": 1,\"username\":\"monkey-bot\",\"icon_emoji\":\":monkey_face:\"}",
        "RestoredPayload": "{\"text\":\"The HealthCheck [[LIVENESS]] is recovered. All is up and running\",\"channel\":\"#general\",\"link_names\": 1,\"username\":\"monkey-bot\",\"icon_emoji\":\":monkey_face\" }"
    "EvaluationTimeInSeconds": 10

Review Slack Documentation to get more information about creating incoming web hook integrations.