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173 lines (122 loc) · 6.81 KB


A REST API maded by using the .NET 5 framework with Test Driven Development. Deployed alongside MongoDB to Kubernetes(Docker).

Technologies that used on project

C#, .NET 5 Framework, Test Driven Development(xunit), Git, Dependency Injection, Postman, SwaggerUI, CRUD (GET/POST/PUT/DELETE), MongoDB, REST API, Docker, Kubernetes

Stages of project based to commits

I. Getting started

This is beginning of project.

This commit create after dotnet new webapi -n catalog, dotnet dev-certs https --trust apply then add ".gitignore" for git ignored list.

Remove WeatherForecast template from project

Also "group" section added to tasks.json for build tasks easier.

II. Entity, Repository, Controller(GET)

Add Entities/Item properties

Add Repositories/InMemItemsRepository.cs

Some items added to repository manually and "GetItem" methods defined.

Add Controllers/ItemsController.cs

Configured GET routes for return all items and return one items based of id

III. Dependency Injection and Data Tranfer Objects(DTOs)

Add IItemsRepository.cs and register service

IItemsRepository interface extracted from InMemItemsRepository for dependency injection for ItemsController and registered as singleton service to Startup. For more info check command lines.

Add Dtos/ItemDto and Extensions/AsDto extension

Prevent whenever we modify, remove, add "item" it can potencially break client's "contract". For that case we using ItemDto instead of Item for client's "contract".


Add Dtos/CreateItemDto and POST(CREATE) route

First we add "CreateItem" method in InMemItemsRepository then also add to our IItemsRepository dependecy beacause it is an "Item". Add CreateItemDto for taking informartion about "item" that client posting to server. Then finally adding POST route for creating new item from client in ItemsController.

Add Dtos/UpdateItemDto and PUT(UPDATE) route

First add UpdateItem method to IItemsRepository then apply it to InMemItemsRepository. Our UpdateItemDto pretty much same as CreateItemDto but this case may

V. Persisting Entities with MongoDB

Add CRUD operations in MongoDbItemsRepository

First we changed our old InMemItemsRepository dependecy to MongoDbItemsRepository in "Startup.cs". Then declared filterBuilder n MongoDbItemsRepository.cs for filtering our CRUD operations. Now our routes works with MongoDB. can change so we create another file to that.

VI. Task-based asynchronous model => Tasks, Async and Await

Apply "Task-based asynchronous model" to REST api

First we modified IItemsRepository.cs to Task-based type. Then applied task asynchronous to methods in MongoDbItemsRepository.cs and InMemItemsRepository for learning exercise purpose but we no longer use InMemItemsRepository dependency. And last changes in ItemsController CRUD operations and add one option to ItemsController service in "Startup.cs". We define UpdateItem in ItemsController with HttpPut(id) attritibute.

Add Repositories/MongoDbItemsRepository

Now we are starting to use Database for our REST api. Firsly add nuget package dotnet add package MongoDb.driver for MongoDb. Then create new file in Repositories to use MongoDb dependency. Finally implement IItemsRepository in MongoDbItemsRepository and declare MongoDb Client.

VII. Secret Manager and Health Checks

Add .NET Secret Manager for authentication

For preventing security issues while connecting MongoDB. ".Net Secret Manager" store our passwords and not showing in .json files. First our docker run command now includes user and password option => docker run -d --rm -p 27017:27017 -v mongodbdata:/data/db -e MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_USERNAME=erayadmin -e MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_PASSWORD=eray#Admin1 mongo Then add "User", "Password" properties in MongoDbSettings and also add syntax to ConnectionString method that MongoDB requires. Further informations are in comment lines.

Add "Health Check" to REST api

First thing to do is run this command in terminal specificly for MongoDb HealthChecks "dotnet add package AspNetCore.HealthChecks.MongoDb". Then go Startup.cs and add HealthChecks services. Atfer that, add endpoints for HealthChecks services.

VIII. Docker-Kubernetes

Add kubernetes/catalog.yaml deployment

Create kubernetes folder for deployment files. Create catalog.yaml and follow comment lines on file that we created.

Add kubernetes/mongodb.yaml and finish kubernetes

Create new yaml file in kubernetes folder with name mongodb. Then create statefulSet and it's service. After that apply changes in terminal to kubernetes. There is much more information at comment lines that how to do it as like in previous commits. Finally our REST api and mongodb runs perfectly but now in kubernetes.

IX. Test Driven Development with xUnit

Move REST API into new folder before TDD

At this stage, before creating new project for Unit Tests. We move our REST API to new "Catalog.Api" folder because we also want "xunit" project belongs to same level as "Catalog.Api". Then replace following names with new ones.

  • (Rename File) catalog.csproj => Catalog.Api.csproj
  • catalog.csproj => Catalog.Api.csproj
  • catalog.dll => Catalog.Api.dll
  • namespace catalog => namespace Catalog.Api
  • using catalog => using Catalog.Api
  • At both .vscode/launch.json and .vscode/tasks.json changes like "${workspaceFolder}/" => "${workspaceFolder}/Catalog.Api/"
After all of that switch to new folder then build ```docker build -t candem16/catalog:v2 .``` because this is new version of REST API.

Add more UnitTests to ItemsControllerTests

Added all necessary UnitTests inside ItemsControllerTests and "Fluent Assertion" package to Catalog.UnitTests project. Read the comment lines to further informations.

Polishing REST API to it's final version

First we changed "item entity"s type to Class and added Description property. Then make Dtos much simple than old version of itself. After that modify ItemsControllerTests based to "Entities/Item.cs". Add GetItemsAsync_WithMatchingItems_ReturnsMatchingItems to ItemsControllerTests. Build final version of REST API's image to push DockerHub.

Testing via Docker

Run Docker Desktop then enter following two commands on terminal. After that Catalog-REST-API will be ready to use => http://localhost:8080/

docker run -d --rm --name mongoNet5 -p 27017:27017 -v mongodbdata:/data/db -e MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_USERNAME=erayadmin -e MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_PASSWORD=eray#Admin1 --network=erayNet5 mongo
docker run -it --rm --name rest_net5 -p 8080:80 -e MongoDbSettings:Host=mongo -e MongoDbSettings:Password=eray#Admin1 --network=erayNet5 candem16/catalog:v3

Folder Structure (VScode)

folder structure