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File metadata and controls

53 lines (44 loc) · 3.27 KB

Release Process

Automatic release (preferred)

The release process consists of these steps:

  1. Create a pull request with:
    • Change the version in build.gradle to match the release version e.g. 0.20.0
    • Add an entry to CHANGELOG with changes since the last release
  2. Commit your CHANGELOG changes
  3. Create and push tag with the new version git tag v0.20.0 && git push origin v0.20.0
  4. Once the tag build finishes in Travis, the artifacts should have been uploaded to Sonatype staging, the staging repository closed, and the artifacts on the way to Maven Central (it takes 20min+ to get there). In case of failures it is safe to retry by restarting the maven-deploy job. If it keeps failing, sometimes it may be necessary to close the staging repository manually.
  5. Create a release on GitHub for the new tag. Use the changes from the CHANGELOG as the description.
  6. Once the artifacts are available on Maven

Local setup and release

The Travis build execute the uploadArchives task, and this task performs the signing of the artifacts. While the Travis build is ready for that, releasing locally requires the following steps:

  • install GPG: brew install gpg
  • generate keys: gpg --gen-key
  • see installed keys with gpg --list-keys or gpg --list-secret-keys
  • create an account with Sonatype, get repo permissions (e.g.
  • create $HOME/.gradle/ file or add parameters directly as it is shown at the last step.
    signing.keyId={key ID from gpg --list-secret-keys}
    signing.password={password you used to encrypt keys via gpg --gen-key}
    signing.secretKeyRingFile={e.g. [home path]/.gnupg/secring.gpg}

    ossrhUsername={your user name at Sonatype}
    ossrhPassword={your password at Sonatype}
  • upload your public key to Ubuntu servers, e.g.
    • gpg --keyserver --send-keys {pub key ID}
    • you can also use Web UI and upload plain test key that you can obtain via
      • gpg --armor --export {your email used for the keys}
  • Run gradle upload to Nexus. Note that it might be necessary to close and release via Nexus UI.
    • ./gradlew upload -Psigning.keyId=<key ID from gpg --list-secret-keys> -Psigning.password=<password you used to encrypt keys via gpg --gen-key> -Psigning.secretKeyRingFile=<home/user>/.gnupg/secring.gpg -PossrhUsername=<name> -PossrhPassword=<pas>

Closing Staging Repository Manually

  •, log in, go to Staging Repositories
  • In the top-right corner search box type uber, and find your uploaded repository
  • Hit Close button. Monitor status on Activity tab at the bottom, hitting Refresh.
  • Once Close is successful, the Release button will become available, so hit it
  • Keep hitting Refresh while sync to Maven is in progress. Once it's complete, the repository will disappear.