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🔌 🔥 Redux firebase middleware for React and React-native

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Redux middleware for firebase, support native web API or react-native-firebase API.

NOTE: Only support for Firebase realtime database at this moment, welcome PRs for supporting Firestore


Firebase SDK is hard to achieve strict unidirectional data flow in Redux. If you have a hard time manage your Redux states from Firebase realtime database to your Redux store. This middleware help you seamlessly integrate Firebase with Redux workflow.


$ npm install --save redux-firebase-middleware



Setting up in your redux store

/** firebase web api **/
const {applyMiddleware, createStore, compose} = require('redux');
const {firMiddleware} = require('redux-firebase-middleware');

const config = {
  apiKey: 'xxxxxxxxxxx',
  authDomain: 'xxxxxxxxxxx',
  databaseURL: 'xxxxxxxxxxx',
  projectId: 'xxxxxxxxxxx',
  storageBucket: 'xxxxxxxxxxx',
  messagingSenderId: 'xxxxxxxxxxx',


const finalCreateStore = compose(
  applyMiddleware(firMiddleware(firebase)) // -----> apply fir middleware in redux store
/** react-native-firebase native api **/
import RNFirebase from 'react-native-firebase';

const configOpts = {
  debug: true,
  persistence: true,


const finalCreateStore = compose(
  applyMiddleware(firMiddleware(RNFirebase)) // -----> apply fir middleware in redux store


Basic operations (Read, and write data)

dispatching a firMiddleware action.

const {CALL_FIR_API} = require('redux-firebase-middleware');

export const GET_MY_REF = [
  'GET_MY_REF_REQUEST', // -------> first, must be request type
  'GET_MY_REF_SUCCESS', // -------> second, must be success type
  'GET_MY_REF_FAILURE', // -------> third, must be failure type

function callAnAction() {
  return dispatch({[CALL_FIR_API]: {
    types: GET_MY_REF, // -----> normally this should put in constants, see `constants`(next seciton) for more info
    ref: (db) => db.ref('test/path1'), // ----> your firebase reference path
    method: 'once_value',


export default function reducer(state: calcState = initialState, action: FSA) {
  const {type, payload} = action;

  switch (type) {
    case 'GET_MY_REF_REQUEST':
      // update request state

    case 'GET_MY_REF_SUCCESS':
      // update success state
      // you can get data from payload.

    case 'GET_MY_REF_FAILURE':
      // update failure state

Listener events (Reading and writing lists)

dispatching a firMiddleware listener actions.

  • types (Array<request, success, failure>) : action constants types
  • ref ((firebase.database) => firebase.database.Reference | firebase.database.Query): Instance of firebase reference or firebase query
  • method: could be one of, please reference to:
    • on_value
    • on_child_added
    • on_child_changed
    • on_child_removed
    • on_child_moved
const {CALL_FIR_API} = require('redux-firebase-middleware');

export const GET_MY_REF = [
  'GET_MY_REF_REQUEST', // -------> first, must be request type
  'GET_MY_REF_SUCCESS', // -------> second, must be success type
  'GET_MY_REF_FAILURE', // -------> third, must be failure type

function callAnAction() {
  return dispatch({[CALL_FIR_API]: {
    types: GET_MY_REF, // -----> normally this should put in constants, see `constants`(next seciton) for more info
    ref: (db) => db.ref('test/path1'), // ----> your firebase reference path
    method: 'on_value',

To remove the listener, you'll get off method in actions' reducer.


When the state is successful it'll received data as payload, payload's value is slightly different in different methods.

Payload in methods:

  • on_value: dataSnapshot
  • on_child_added: {childSnapshot, prevChildKey}
  • on_child_changed: {childSnapshot, prevChildKey}
  • on_child_removed: oldChildSnapshot
  • on_child_moved: {childSnapshot, prevChildKey}
export default function reducer(state: calcState = initialState, action: FSA) {
  // or if you're using event listeners you'll get additional `off` method to remove the listening event by calling `off()` 
  const {type, payload, off} = action

  switch (type) {
    case 'GET_MY_REF_REQUEST':
      // update request state

    case 'GET_MY_REF_SUCCESS':
      // update success state
      // you can get data from payload.

    case 'GET_MY_REF_FAILURE':
      // update failure state

      // call off method to unlisten the event

Customized payload

export const GET_CALC_CAR_CATEGORY = [
  'GET_MY_REF_REQUEST', // -------> first, must be request type
    type: 'GET_MY_REF_SUCCESS', // ------> second, must be success type
    payload: (action: FirAPI, state: GetState, data: any) => {
      // you can do what ever you want, transforming data or manipulating data .... etc
      // get firebase data called `data.val()`
      return data.val();
  'GET_MY_REF_FAILURE', // -------> third, must be failure type


Inspired by redux-api-middleware


MIT © chilijung


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