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Beta Reduction Bot

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@b_rdct <term> ... β-reduce given <term> and show the result

@b_rdct -ni|-noimage <term> ... β-reduce given <term> and show the result without detailed image

@b_rdct <name> := <term> ... assign given <term> to variable <name>

@b_rdct [-ni|-noimage] <name> :b= <term> ... β-reduce given <term> and assign the result to variable '<name>'

@b_rdct -sv|-showvars ... show declared variables


term := variable | application | abstraction | number | meta
variable := [ 'a'..'z' 'A'..'Z' ]
number := [ 0..9 ]+
meta := '&' [ 'a'..'z' 'A'..'Z' ]+
application := ( variable | abstraction | number | meta | '(' application ')' )2+
abstraction := '(' ( 'λ' | '\' | '^' ) variable+ '.' term ')'


you:    @b_rdct (\xyz.xz(yz))abc
b_rdct: @you ac(bc)


Integers larger than 0 will be converted to Church integers.

you:    @b_rdct 10
b_rdct: @you (λfx.f(f(f(f(f(f(f(f(f(fx))))))))))

Meta Variable Expressions

You can use variables declared by := by adding "&" to its head.

you:    @b_rdct x := &S &K &K
b_rdct: @you x := (&S)(&K)(&K) (will expire in 30 minutes)
you:    @b_rdct &x
b_rdct: @you (λz.z)

β-reduction result can be assigned to variable using :b= instead.

you:    @b_rdct x :b= &S &K &K
b_rdct: @you x := (λz.z)

You can use these variables without declaring them below:

s, S := (^xyz.xz(yz))
k, K := (^xy.x)
i, I := (^x.x)
b, B := (^xyz.x(yz))
c, C := (^xyz.xzy)
w, W := (^xy.xyy)
y, Y := (^f.(^x.f(xx))(^x.f(xx)))
z, Z := (^f.(^x.f(^y.xxy))(^x.f(^y.xxy)))
succ := (^nfx.f(nfx))
plus := (^
mult := (^mnf.m(nf))
pow := (^xy.yx)
pred := (^nfx.n(^gh.h(gf))(^u.x)(^u.u))
true := (^xy.x)
false := (^xy.y)
and := (^pq.pq(^xy.y))
or := (^pq.p(^xy.x)q)
not := (^p.p(^xy.y)(^xy.x))
ifthenelse := (^pxy.pxy)
iszero := (^n.n(^x.(^pq.q))(^pq.p))
cons := (^sbf.fsb)
car := (^p.p(^xy.x))
cdr := (^p.p(^xy.y))
nil := (^xy.y)
isnil := (^l.l(^htd.(^xy.y))(^xy.x))

Variables declared by users will expire in 30 minutes.


  • λ-variables are limited to 1 character, whereas meta variables can have long names.

  • The computation times out after 30 seconds.

  • Most of infinite loops will be detected and terminated.