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[Python/examples] Suggestions from code review.
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- don't make it look like unit tests
- print some output
- keep under 88 characters
- always create one solution, then save it in several formats
  • Loading branch information
rwest authored and ischoegl committed Jun 9, 2022
1 parent aa375b4 commit b77b8ee
Showing 1 changed file with 76 additions and 66 deletions.
142 changes: 76 additions & 66 deletions interfaces/cython/cantera/examples/onedim/
Expand Up @@ -32,113 +32,123 @@
# and may not be suitable for a publication-quality flame speed calculation
refine_criteria = {"ratio": 3, "slope": 0.1, "curve": 0.2}

# Try to speed things up by loading the solution
yaml_filepath = os.path.join(data_directory, "flame.yaml")
f.restore(yaml_filepath, name="solution", loglevel=0)
print("Couldn't load yaml solution, so starting from scratch")

f.solve(loglevel=1, auto=True)
print("mixture-averaged flame speed = {:7f} m/s\n".format(f.velocity[0]))

def describe(flame):
"Print a short description of the flame, with a few properties."
print(f"Flame speed = {flame.velocity[0] * 100 :.2f} cm/s")
print(f"Maximum temperature = {flame.T.max() :.0f} K")
# Find the location of the peak OH mole fraction
oh_index = flame.gas.species_index("OH")
grid_index = flame.X[oh_index].argmax()
oh_peak = flame.grid[grid_index]
print(f"Peak OH mole fraction location = {oh_peak * 100 :.2f} cm")
print(f"Solved with {flame.grid.size} grid points")

def compare_flames(f1, f2):
Compare two flame solutions f1 and f2 and check that they're the same.

Expects the grids to be exactly the same, as if you have restored
the solution.
assert np.allclose(f1.grid, f2.grid), "Grid is different"
assert np.allclose(f1.T, f2.T), "Temperature profile is different"
assert np.allclose(f1.X[f.gas.species_index("CH4")], f2.X[f2.gas.species_index("CH4")] ), "Methane profile is different"

print("Save YAML and restore solution")
# Save the flame in a few different formats
print("Save YAML")
yaml_filepath = os.path.join(data_directory, "flame.yaml"), name="solution", description="Initial methane flame")

print("Save CSV")
csv_filepath = os.path.join(data_directory, "flame.csv")

print("Save HDF")
hdf_filepath = os.path.join(data_directory, "flame.h5")
description=("Initial methane flame"),

print("\nRestore solution from YAML")
gas.TPX = Tin, p, reactants
f2 = ct.FreeFlame(gas, width=width)
f2.restore(yaml_filepath, name="solution", loglevel=0)
compare_flames(f, f2)

print("Save HDF and restore solution")
hdf_filepath = os.path.join(data_directory, "flame.h5")
f.write_hdf(hdf_filepath, group="flame", mode="w", quiet=False,
description=("Initial methane flame"))
print("\nRestore solution from HDF")
gas.TPX = Tin, p, reactants
f2 = ct.FreeFlame(gas, width=width)
f2.read_hdf(hdf_filepath, group="flame")
compare_flames(f, f2)

print("Save CSV then load initial guess via Pandas and SolutionArray")
# In Cantera v2.6.0 passing set_initial_guess a Pandas DataFrame crashes so you
# must use this work-around to create a SolutionArray from your DataFrame
# and then pass the SolutionArray to the set_initial_guess method.
print("\nLoad initial guess from CSV file directly")
csv_filepath = os.path.join(data_directory, "flame.csv")
df = pd.read_csv(csv_filepath)
arr2 = ct.SolutionArray(gas)
gas.TPX = Tin, p, reactants # must set the gas T back to the inlet before making new flame
gas.TPX = Tin, p, reactants # set the gas T back to the inlet before making new flame
f2 = ct.FreeFlame(gas, width=width)
compare_flames(f, f2)

print("Save CSV then load initial guess via Pandas")
print("\nLoad initial guess from CSV file via Pandas")
csv_filepath = os.path.join(data_directory, "flame.csv")
df = pd.read_csv(csv_filepath)
gas.TPX = Tin, p, reactants # must set the gas T back to the inlet before making new flame
gas.TPX = Tin, p, reactants # set the gas T back to the inlet before making new flame
f2 = ct.FreeFlame(gas, width=width)
compare_flames(f, f2)

print("Save CSV and load initial guess directly")
# This one fails
csv_filepath = os.path.join(data_directory, "flame.csv")
gas.TPX = Tin, p, reactants # must set the gas T back to the inlet before making new flame

print("\nLoad initial guess from CSV file via Pandas and SolutionArray")
# In Cantera v2.6.0 passing set_initial_guess a Pandas DataFrame crashed so you
# must use this work-around to create a SolutionArray from your DataFrame
# and then pass the SolutionArray to the set_initial_guess method.
df = pd.read_csv(csv_filepath)
arr2 = ct.SolutionArray(gas)
gas.TPX = Tin, p, reactants
# set the gas T back to the inlet before making new flame
f2 = ct.FreeFlame(gas, width=width)
compare_flames(f, f2)

print("Save CSV then load initial guess via Pandas, with modifications")
csv_filepath = os.path.join(data_directory, "flame.csv")

print("\nLoad initial guess from CSV file via Pandas, with modifications.")
df = pd.read_csv(csv_filepath)
print("Modify the Pandas dataframe, removing half the grid points")
df_pruned = df[::2] # remove half of the grid points
gas.TPX = Tin, p, reactants # must set the gas T back to the inlet before making new flame
print("\nModify the Pandas dataframe, removing half the grid points")
df_pruned = df[::2] # remove half of the grid points
gas.TPX = Tin, p, reactants # set the gas T back to the inlet before making new flame
f2 = ct.FreeFlame(gas, width=width)
# We wouldn't expect the flame solutions to be exactly the same, so we just check a few other properties
assert np.isclose(f.velocity[0], f2.velocity[0], 1e-2 ), "Flame speeds not within 1%"
assert np.allclose(f.X.max(axis=1), f2.X.max(axis=1), rtol=0.2, atol=1e-20), "Max mole fractions not within 20%"

print("Modify the Pandas dataframe, removing half the grid points and all but the first 20 species")
df_pruned = df.iloc[::2,:24]
gas.TPX = Tin, p, reactants # must set the gas T back to the inlet before making new flame
# We wouldn't expect the flame solutions to be exactly the same

"\nModify the Pandas dataframe, removing half the grid points "
"and all but the first 20 species"
df_pruned = df.iloc[::2, :24]
gas.TPX = Tin, p, reactants # set the gas T back to the inlet before making new flame
f2 = ct.FreeFlame(gas, width=width)
# We wouldn't expect the flame solutions to be exactly the same, so we just check a few other properties
assert np.isclose(f.velocity[0], f2.velocity[0], 1e-2 ), "Flame speeds not within 1%"
assert np.allclose(f.X.max(axis=1), f2.X.max(axis=1), rtol=0.2, atol=1e-20), "Max mole fractions not within 20%"
# We wouldn't expect the flame solutions to be exactly the same

print("Modify the Pandas dataframe, removing half the grid points, and raise the T by 50 K")
"\nModify the Pandas dataframe, removing half the grid points, "
"and raise the T by 50 K"
df_pruned = df.iloc[::2]
gas.TPX = Tin + 50, p, reactants # must set the gas T back to the (new) inlet before making new flame
# set the gas T back to the (new) inlet before making new flame
gas.TPX = (Tin + 50, p, reactants)
f2 = ct.FreeFlame(gas, width=width)
# We expect thees flames to be different because we raised the temperature.
assert f2.velocity[0] / f.velocity[0] > 1.1, "Flame speed hasn't increased by more than 10%"

print("All done")
print("\nAll done")

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