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File metadata and controls

100 lines (72 loc) · 3.32 KB


Table of Contents

The two basic classes are Tree and Iterator. Internally, they're generic structs parametrized by two comptime values K: u8 and Q: u32:

  • K is the size in bytes of the internal Blake3 hash digests.
  • Q is the target fanout degree. Nodes in a tree will have, on average, Q children.

The concrete structs exported from src/lib.zig use the recommended values K = 16 and Q = 32.

Trees expose a classical key/value store interface with get, set, and delete methods. Iterators are used to iterate over ranges of nodes within the tree. Ranges are always on a single level of the tree, and have optional upper/lower inclusive/exclusive key bounds.


const lmdb = @import("lmdb");

const Tree = struct {
    pub const Options = struct {
        log: ?std.fs.File.Writer = null,
        effects: ?*Effects = null,

    pub fn init(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, db: lmdb.Database, options: Options) !Tree
    pub fn deinit(self: *Tree) void

    pub fn get(self: *Tree, key: []const u8) !?[]const u8
    pub fn set(self: *Tree, key: []const u8, value: []const u8) !void
    pub fn delete(self: *Tree, key: []const u8) !void

    pub fn getRoot(self: *Tree) !Node
    pub fn getNode(self: *Tree, level: u8, key: ?[]const u8) !?Node

Trees are initialized with an LMDB database. They must be closed by calling tree.deinit() before the LMDB transaction is committed or aborted. See the zig-lmdb repo for documentation on LMDB environments, transactions, and databases.


pub const Node = struct {
    level: u8,
    key: ?[]const u8,
    hash: *const [K]u8,
    value: ?[]const u8,

    pub fn isBoundary(self: Self) bool
    pub fn isAnchor(self: Self) bool
    pub fn equal(self: Node, other: Node) bool

The iterator methods return Node structs, which represent internal nodes of the merkle tree. Leaf nodes have level 0. node.key is null for anchor nodes. node.value is null if node.key == null or node.level > 0 (anchor or non-leaf nodes), and points to the value of the leaf entry if node.key != null and node.level == 0 (non-anchor leaf nodes).


pub const Iterator = struct {
    pub const Bound = struct { key: ?[]const u8, inclusive: bool };
    pub const Range = struct {
        level: u8,
        lower_bound: ?Bound = null,
        upper_bound: ?Bound = null,
        reverse: bool = false,

    pub fn init(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, db: lmdb.Database, range: Range) !Iterator
    pub fn deinit(self: *Iterator) void

    pub fn next(self: *Self) !?Node
    pub fn reset(self: *Iterator, range: Range) !void
const env = try lmdb.Environment.init("path/to/db", .{});
defer env.deinit();

const txn = try env.transaction(.{ .mode = .ReadOnly });
defer txn.abort();

const db = try txn.database(null, .{});

var tree = try okra.Tree.init(db, .{});
defer tree.deinit();

var iterator = try Iterator.init(allocator, db, .{ .level = 0 });
defer iterator.deinit();

while (try |node| {
    // ...

Iterators must also be closed before its LMDB transaction is aborted or committed. The iterator yields Node values whose fields key, hash, and value are only valid until the next yield.