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All About Hygieia API
Learn how to install and configure Hygieia API

Docker Stars Docker Stars

Hygieia API layer contains all the typical REST API services that work with the source system data (collected by service tasks). The Hygieia API layer is an abstraction of the local and source system data layer. All API REST controllers are generic to their purpose - they are not specific to any given source system.

For detailed information on APIs, see the Swagger documentation available at http://[your-domain].com/api/swagger/index.html#.

Hygieia uses Spring Boot to package the API as an executable JAR file with dependencies.

Setup Instructions

To configure the Hygieia API layer, first fork and clone the api repo. Then, execute the following steps:

  • Step 1: Run Maven Build

    To package the API source code into an executable JAR file, run the Maven build from the \api directory of your source code installation:

    mvn install

    The output file api.jar is generated in the \api\target folder.

  • Step 2: Set Parameters in the API Properties File

    Set the configurable parameters in the file to connect to the Dashboard MongoDB database instance, including properties required by the API module. To configure the parameters, refer to the API properties file.

    For more information about the server configuration, see the Spring Boot documentation.

  • Step 3: Run the API

    To run the executable file, change directory to 'api\target' and then execute the following command from the command prompt:

    java -jar api.jar --spring.config.location=C:\[path to file] -Djasypt.encryptor.password=hygieiasecret

    Verify API access from the web browser using the url: http://localhost:8080/api/ping.

    By default, the server starts at port 8080 and uses the context path \api. You can configure these values in the file for the following properties:


    Note: The 'jasypt.encryptor.password' system property is used to decrypt the database password. For more information, refer to Encrypted Properties.

API Properties File

The sample file lists parameters with sample values to configure the API layer. Set the parameters based on your environment setup.

dbusername=dashboarduser[MogoDB Database Username, defaults to empty]
dbpassword=dbpassword[MongoDB Database Password, defaults to empty]
dbhost=[Host on which MongoDB is running, defaults to localhost]
dbport=[Port on which MongoDB is listening, defaults to 27017]
dbreplicaset=[false if you are not using MongoDB replicaset]
server.contextPath=[Web Context path, if any]
server.port=[Web server port - default is 8080]

auth.expirationTime=[JWT expiration time in milliseconds]
auth.secret=[Secret Key used to validate the JWT tokens]
auth.authenticationProviders=[Authentication types you would like to enable, defaults to STANDARD, ex: STANDARD,LDAP]
auth.ldapServerUrl=[LDAP Server URL, including port of your LDAP server]
auth.ldapUserDnPattern=[LDAP User Dn Pattern, where the username is replaced with '{0}']

# LDAP Server URL, including port of your LDAP server

# If using standard LDAP
# LDAP User Dn Pattern, where the username is replaced with '{0}'

# If using ActiveDirectory
# This will be the domain part of your userPrincipalName
# This will be your root dn
# This will be your active directory URL (required for AD)
auth.adUrl=[Need an example][hostname of proxy server]
monitor.proxy.port=[port enabled on proxy server]
monitor.proxy.username=[proxy username]
monitor.proxy.password=[proxy password]

# This will be the page size for pagination on Hygieia landing page. If this property is not set, the default value is set to 10.
pageSize=[Integer value]

# API token generated for basic authentication to secure APIs.
key=[api token]

# SSO properties with header values from UI layer
auth.userEid=[name of the header containing EID]
auth.userEmail=[name of the header containing user's email]
auth.userFirstName=[name of the header containing user's first name]
auth.userLastName=[name of the header containing user's last name]
auth.userMiddelInitials=[name of the header containing user's middle name]
auth.userDisplayName=[name of the header containing user's display name]

# Github sync api settings 

# List of not built commits

# Maximum history of days to sync from current time. Default to 60 days

# Offset time from last updated // 10 mins default

# Total fetch count // Default to 100

# Commits and pull sync time // Default to 86400000ms - 1 day in milliseconds

All values in the file are optional. For instance, if you have MongoDB installed with no authorization, you must be able to run the API even without the properties file.

Note the following:

  • in the file, if you do not define the value of dbusername, then Hygieia skips the MongoDB authorization process.
  • Specify the Expiration Time to see content on your dashboard. If you do not specify a value for Expiration Time, then the token permanently expires, and users will not be able to see any content on the dashboard. However, the application start-up is not impacted by this action.
  • If you do not enter a value for the secret password, then the system generates a random key. To allow multiple instances of the API to validate the same JWT token, provide the same key for each running instance of the API.
  • If you do not provide values for the LDAP parameters, then LDAP is not available as an authentication provider for your application.
  • When enabling proxy support for the monitor widget, if you do not specify, then system ignores the rest of the monitor.proxy arguments. If you are using Docker, then by default, the port is 80 and the type is HTTP. When you run the application locally, you must specify the values for these properties (i.e., for the port and the type).

Docker Image for API

You can install Hygieia by creating a Docker image. This section gives detailed instructions to create a Docker image for the API layer.

For instructions on installing all components of Hygieia, see Build Docker.

To create a Docker image for Hygieia's API layer, execute the following steps:

  • Step 1: Run Maven Build

    To package the API source code into an executable JAR file, run the maven build from the \Hygieia directory of your source code installation:

    mvn clean package -pl api docker:build
  • Step 2: Start MongoDB Docker Container

    Execute the following commands to start MongoDB, switch to dashbaord with name dashboarddb, and then add dashboard user:

    docker run -d -p 27017:27017 --name mongodb -v ./mongo:/data/db mongo:latest  mongod --smallfiles
    # Connect to MongoDB
    docker exec -t -i mongodb bash
    # Switch to db dashbaord
    use dashboarddb
    # Create dashboard user
    db.createUser({user: "dashboarduser", pwd: "dbpassword", roles: [{role: "readWrite", db: "dashboarddb"}]})
    # To execute from CLI:
    mongo --eval 'db.getSiblingDB("dashboarddb").createUser({user: "dashboarduser", pwd: "dbpassword", roles: [{role: "readWrite", db: "dashboarddb"}]})'

    For more information on creating docker image for MongoDB, refer to the Docker Hub Document.

  • Step 3: Set Environment Variables

    Specify the Environment Variables for dashboard properties:

    docker run -t -p 8080:8080 -v ./logs:/hygieia/logs -e "SPRING_DATA_MONGODB_HOST=" -i hygieia-api:latest

    To define more properties, refer to the Dockerfile.

  • Step 4: Run the API

    To run the API from Docker, execute the following command from the command prompt:

    docker run -t -p 8080:8080 --link mongodb:mongo -v ./logs:/hygieia/logs -i hygieia-api:latest

    To verify API access from the web browser, take the port mapping and the IP for your docker-machine ip and then verify using url: http://<docker-machine env ip>:<docker port for hygieia_api>/api/dashboard

    To list the running containers in the local repository, execute the following command:

    docker ps

Basic Authentication for Secure APIs

To carry out basic authentication for secure APIs, execute the following steps:

  1. From the admin menu, generate an 'apiToken' for an 'apiUser'.

  2. Create a POST request with the following two headers and make a REST call for secured API.

    • Add Authorization header
    String passwordIsAuthToken = "PasswordIsAuthToken:{\"apiKey\":\"" + <generated apitoken> + "\"}";
    byte[] encodedAuth = Base64.encodeBase64(passwordIsAuthToken.getBytes(StandardCharsets.US_ASCII));
    String authHeader = "apiToken " + new String(encodedAuth);
    Authorization: <authHeader>
    • Add apiUser header
    apiUser <apiuser>

Rundeck Webhook Integration

Hygieia supports registering deployments using the Rundeck webhook. In the Rundeck job configuration, select Send Notification? and check the on success and on failure webhook checkboxes. Configure the URL as http://<apihost>:<apiport>/api/deploy/rundeck. To provide configurability, a few additional features can be added to the webhook URL to locate the proper data for registering the deployment.

You can add additional request parameters to the webhook URL to provide input on locating this data. You can specify these parameters as optionName=<value> or optionNameParam=<value>. When the webhook URL provides a parameter in the form optionName=<value>, it will use the value provided in the parameter for the field in Hygieia. When the webhook URL provides a request parameter in the form optionNameParam=<value>, the option named <value> is queried and the value of that option in the job is used to populate that field. Otherwise, the default values are used.

You can add additional request parameters for the following options:

  • appName
  • envName (required)
  • artifactName (required)
  • artifactGroup
  • artifactVersion
  • niceName - Name that appears for the collector in Hygieia UI.

For example, to set the artifactName based on the deploymentUnit option in the Rundeck job, the webhook URL is: http://<apihost>:<apiport>/api/deploy/rundeck?artifactNameParam=deploymentUnit. To set the envName to be QA every time this job runs, the webhook URL is: http://<apihost>:<apiport>/api/deploy/rundeck?envName=QA.

If these values are not provided, the webhook first queries the job to see if it has an option that matches the name of the field. If not, it will look through the following possibilities:

  • appName
    • hygieiaAppName
  • envName
    • environment
    • env
    • hygieiaEnvName
  • artifactName
    • artifactId
    • hygieiaArtifactName
  • artfactGroup
    • group
    • hygieiaArtifactGroup
  • niceName
    • hygieiaNiceName

For the required fields, if the methods to locate values is exhausted, the webhook endpoint fails and deployment is not registered. An exception appears in the Hygieia API log with the field name that is missing from the job. If appName is not set, it is set based on the Rundeck project name.

Troubleshooting Instructions

Scenario 1

The API module fails to launch with the following error:

Error creating bean with name 'dashboardRepository': Invocation of init method failed; nested exception is org.springframework.dao.DuplicateKeyException: Write failed with error code 11000 and error message 'null'

In this case, execute the following steps:

  • Step 1 : Save the following lines to a file called fixdups.js:

    var dupsExist = false;
      { $group: {
    	_id: { firstField: "$title"},
    	uniqueIds: { $addToSet: "$_id" },
    	count: { $sum: 1 }
      { $match: {
    	count: { $gt: 1 }
    	function(myDoc) {
    		dupsExist = true;
    		print(myDoc.count + " dashboards have the same title " + myDoc._id.firstField);
    		var arr = myDoc.uniqueIds;
    		for(i=0; i<arr.length; i++) {
    			var oneDash = db.dashboards.findOne({_id: arr[i]});
    			var newTitle = oneDash.title + "_" + oneDash.owner + "_" + i;
    			print("Rename " + oneDash.title + " to " + newTitle);
    			db.dashboards.update({_id: arr[i]},{$set:{title: newTitle}});
    if (!dupsExist) {
    	print("No duplicate title dashboards found.");
  • Step 2 : Run the following in the command line:

    mongo <dbhost>:<dbport>/<dbname> fixdups.js

Scenario 2

The Hygieia dashboard does not show up for a specific login type you created, before introducing Auth type as 'STANDARD' or 'LDAP'.

In this case, execute the following steps:

  • Step 1 : Save the following lines to a file called fixAuths.js

    var count = 0;
    db.dashboards.aggregate([{$match:{"owners.authType": {$exists : false}}}]).forEach(
    	function(myDoc) {
    		var ownerName = myDoc.owner;
    		print("Updating owner information for dashboard title --"+ myDoc.title+ "  owner name --"+myDoc.owner);
    			{ _id: myDoc._id},
    				$push: {
    					owners: {
    						$each: [{username: ownerName, authType: "STANDARD"}]
    		db.dashboards.update({_id: myDoc._id},{$unset: {owner:1}},{multi: true});
    print(count+" dashboards updated successfully");
  • Step 2 : Run the following in command line:

    mongo <dbhost>:<dbport>/<dbname> fixAuths.js