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CARACal publication policy

Please notice that users that have been using CARACal/MeerKATHI before its release should instead adhere to the Caracal publication Policy - V2.

Acknowledging CARACal

We request the usage of CARACal to be acknowledged:

In journal papers:

  • using the following phrase:
    "(Part of) the data published here have been reduced using the CARACal pipeline, partially supported by ERC Starting grant number 679627 "FORNAX", MAECI Grant Number ZA18GR02, DST-NRF Grant Number 113121 as part of the ISARP Joint Research Scheme, and BMBF project 05A17PC2 for D-MeerKAT. Information about CARACal can be obtained online under the URL:"
  • and citing the following publication(s), bibtex see below:
    Józsa, G. I. G., White, S. V., Thorat, K. , Smirnov, O. M., Serra, P., Ramatsoku, M., Ramaila, A. J. T., Perkins, S. J., Molnár, D. Cs., Makhathini, S., Maccagni, F. M., Kleiner, D., Kamphuis, P., Hugo, B. V., de Blok, W. J. G., Andati, L. A. L. 2020, ASPC, 527, 635

In conference proceedings:

On posters and on talk slides:


We encourage users to send us a reference to their publication, to post pretty images and to share their data reduction strategies (a configuration file with an optional description) with other users. For that purpose we maintain the CARACal publications, pretty images, and data reduction strategies (PPD) table. Please submit any of the following, along with an expressive permission to make it publicly available on the internet, using the links below:

We will then make your contributions available to the community on the www in the PPD table.

BibTex entries:

Address = {San Francisco},
Author = {G.~I.~G.~J'ozsa, S.~V.~White, K.~Thorat, O.~M.~Smirnov, P.~Serra, M.~Ramatsoku, A.~J.~T.~Ramaila, S.~J.~Perkins, D.~C.~Moln'{a}r, S.~Makhathini, F.~M.~Maccagni, D.~Kleiner, P.~Kamphuis, B.~V.~Hugo, W.~J.~G.~de~Blok, and L.~A.~L.~Andati},
Booktitle = {ADASS XXIX},
booktitle = {ADASS XXIX},
year = 2020,
editor = {{Pizzo}, R. and {Deul}, E. and {Mol}, J.-D. and {de Plaa}, J. and {Verkouter}, H},
volume = {527},
series = {ASP Conf. Ser.},
Pages = {635-638},
Title = {MeerKATHI - an end-to-end data reduction pipeline for MeerKAT and other radio telescopes},