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File metadata and controls

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Technical background

CAN bus (Controller Area Network) is a bus frequently used in the automotive industry. Packets with up to eight bytes of data are sent. Each frame (packet) has a frame ID, which pretty much is a 'from' address. Typical speeds are 100 to 500 kbit/s.

In Linux the CAN protocol is implemented in SocketCan. It is modelled after network sockets, and in order to use a CAN interface a socket is opened to the Linux kernel. The CAN interface is often named something like 'can0'.

Each of the CAN frames contains a number of signals. In order to specify a signal, at least this must be known:

  • signal type (signed/unsigned integer, etc)
  • number of bits
  • startbit
  • bit numbering scheme
  • endianness: little endian or big endian

For more details, see .CanSignalDefinition.

Minimal examples

To use can4python in a project with the 'vcan0' CAN interface, and reading the CAN signal definitions from a KCD file:


The sent CAN frame is viewed using the 'candump' command line utility (described in a later section):

$ candump vcan0
vcan0  007   [8]  03 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

As our script will send out frames from the node "1", it will consider frame ID 7 (which holds testsignal2) as an outgoing frame. That is seen in the corresponding KCD file:


To receive CAN signals:


The bus.recv_next_signals() will recive one CAN frame, and unpack its signals. The received_signalvalues is a dictionary with the signal values (numerical), having the signal names (str) as keys. If a timeout is defined and no frame is received, a .CanTimeoutException is raised.

Test it by sending a CAN frame using the 'cansend' command line utility:

$ cansend vcan0 007#0F0000FF000000F1

The Python script will print:

{'testsignal1': 1.0, 'testsignal3': 255.0, 'testsignal2': 15.0, 'testsignal4': -2.0}

Alternatively, you can also set the CAN frame definitions and CAN signal definitions in your source code (instead of in a KCD file):


Broadcast Manager (BCM) usage example

The Broadcast Manager (BCM) can automatically do periodic CAN frame transmission, and it can filter incoming CAN frame on data changes. Periodic transmission is done like this:


The output resulting CAN frames are:

$ candump vcan0
vcan0  007   [8]  05 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
vcan0  007   [8]  05 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
vcan0  007   [8]  05 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
vcan0  007   [8]  05 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
vcan0  007   [8]  05 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
vcan0  007   [8]  05 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
vcan0  007   [8]  05 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

Usage recommendations

This CAN library is designed for experiments on sending and receiving CAN messages, and extracting the signals within. It main use case is to read a limited number of CAN messages from a CAN bus, and send a few messages now and then.

When running on embedded Linux hardware (for example the BeagleBone), the speed is sufficient to unpack around 500 CAN frames per second. As the can4python library will instruct the Linux kernel to filter incoming messages according to the available message IDs in the KCD configuration file (or corresponding settings made from code), it is recommended to edit your KDC file to only include the messages and signals you are interested in.

Show an overview of settings

To have an overview of the messages and signals on the bus:


It will print something like:

CAN bus 'Mainbus' on CAN interface: vcan0, having 1 frameIDs defined. Protocol RAW
    CAN configuration object. Busname 'Mainbus', having 1 frameIDs defined. Enacts these node IDs: 1
    Frame definitions:

    CAN frame definition. ID=7 (0x007, standard) 'testmessage', DLC=8, cycletime None ms, producers: ['1'], no throttling, contains 4 signals
        Signal details:

        Signal 'testsignal1' Startbit 56, bits 1 (min DLC 8) little endian, unsigned, scalingfactor 1, unit: 
             valoffset 0.0 (range 0 to 1) min None, max None, default 0.0.

             Startbit normal bit numbering, least significant bit: 56
             Startbit normal bit numbering, most significant bit: 56
             Startbit backward bit numbering, least significant bit: 0

                      111111   22221111 33222222 33333333 44444444 55555544 66665555
             76543210 54321098 32109876 10987654 98765432 76543210 54321098 32109876
             Byte0    Byte1    Byte2    Byte3    Byte4    Byte5    Byte6    Byte7
             66665555 55555544 44444444 33333333 33222222 22221111 111111
             32109876 54321098 76543210 98765432 10987654 32109876 54321098 76543210

        Signal 'testsignal2' Startbit 0, bits 16 (min DLC 2) little endian, unsigned, scalingfactor 1, unit: 
             valoffset 0.0 (range 0 to 7e+04) min None, max None, default 0.0.

             Startbit normal bit numbering, least significant bit: 0
             Startbit normal bit numbering, most significant bit: 15
             Startbit backward bit numbering, least significant bit: 56

                      111111   22221111 33222222 33333333 44444444 55555544 66665555
             76543210 54321098 32109876 10987654 98765432 76543210 54321098 32109876
             Byte0    Byte1    Byte2    Byte3    Byte4    Byte5    Byte6    Byte7
             XXXXXXXL MXXXXXXX                                                      
             66665555 55555544 44444444 33333333 33222222 22221111 111111
             32109876 54321098 76543210 98765432 10987654 32109876 54321098 76543210

        Signal 'testsignal3' Startbit 24, bits 16 (min DLC 5) little endian, unsigned, scalingfactor 1, unit: 
             valoffset 0.0 (range 0 to 7e+04) min None, max None, default 0.0.

             Startbit normal bit numbering, least significant bit: 24
             Startbit normal bit numbering, most significant bit: 39
             Startbit backward bit numbering, least significant bit: 32

                      111111   22221111 33222222 33333333 44444444 55555544 66665555
             76543210 54321098 32109876 10987654 98765432 76543210 54321098 32109876
             Byte0    Byte1    Byte2    Byte3    Byte4    Byte5    Byte6    Byte7
                                        XXXXXXXL MXXXXXXX                           
             66665555 55555544 44444444 33333333 33222222 22221111 111111
             32109876 54321098 76543210 98765432 10987654 32109876 54321098 76543210

        Signal 'testsignal4' Startbit 59, bits 4 (min DLC 8) big endian, signed, scalingfactor 1, unit: 
             valoffset 0.0 (range -8 to 7) min None, max None, default 0.0.

             Startbit normal bit numbering, least significant bit: 59
             Startbit normal bit numbering, most significant bit: 62
             Startbit backward bit numbering, least significant bit: 3

                      111111   22221111 33222222 33333333 44444444 55555544 66665555
             76543210 54321098 32109876 10987654 98765432 76543210 54321098 32109876
             Byte0    Byte1    Byte2    Byte3    Byte4    Byte5    Byte6    Byte7
             66665555 55555544 44444444 33333333 33222222 22221111 111111
             32109876 54321098 76543210 98765432 10987654 32109876 54321098 76543210

The numbers above "Byte0 Byte1 " etc are the bit numbers using the normal numbering scheme. The letters 'ML' indicate the most and least significant bits in the signal, respectively. The numbers at the bottom is the bit numbering in the backward numbering scheme.

Configuration file

This CAN library uses the KCD file format for defining CAN signals and CAN messages. It is an open-source file format for describing CAN bus relationships. See for details on the format, and example files.

This can4python CAN library implements a subset of the KCD file format. For example 'multiplex' signals are not supported.

One common file format for CAN information is the proprietary DBC file format. The CAN Babel is a tool for converting DBC files to KCD files. See

Configurations made in source code using can4python can be written to a KCD file:


Show the contents of a .KCD configuration file (possibly converted from a .DBC file)

It is easy to print an overview of a configuration file:

import can4python
config ="tests/testfile_input.kcd")

It will print:

CAN configuration object. Busname 'Mainbus', having 2 frameIDs defined. Enacts these node IDs: 
    Frame definitions:

    CAN frame definition. ID=1 (0x001, standard) 'testframedef1', DLC=8, cycletime None ms, producers: ['17'], no throttling, contains 4 signals
        Signal details:

        Signal 'testsignal11' Startbit 56, bits 1 (min DLC 8) little endian, unsigned, scalingfactor 1, unit: 
             valoffset 0.0 (range 0 to 1) min None, max None, default 0.0.

             Startbit normal bit numbering, least significant bit: 56
             Startbit normal bit numbering, most significant bit: 56
             Startbit backward bit numbering, least significant bit: 0

                      111111   22221111 33222222 33333333 44444444 55555544 66665555
             76543210 54321098 32109876 10987654 98765432 76543210 54321098 32109876
             Byte0    Byte1    Byte2    Byte3    Byte4    Byte5    Byte6    Byte7
             66665555 55555544 44444444 33333333 33222222 22221111 111111
             32109876 54321098 76543210 98765432 10987654 32109876 54321098 76543210

        Signal 'testsignal12' Startbit 8, bits 16 (min DLC 3) little endian, unsigned, scalingfactor 1, unit: m/s
             valoffset 0.0 (range 0 to 7e+04) min 0.0, max 100.0, default 0.0.
             Test signal number 2 
             Startbit normal bit numbering, least significant bit: 8


Show filtering of incoming frames

To see the CAN frame receive filters (for RAW interface) that are applied (in Ubuntu):

cat /proc/net/can/rcv*

See also .SocketCanRawInterface.set_receive_filters

Running tests

In order ro run the tests:

sudo make test

The tests are possible to run on a desktop Linux PC, as well as embedded Linux hardware.

Virtual (simulated) CAN interfaces for testing

The can4python library uses socketCAN type of CAN interface, for use under Linux. The CAN interfaces are typically named 'can0', 'can1' etc. It is also possible to setup virtual (simulated) CAN interfaces for testing purposes, and they act as loopback interfaces.

To enable the 'vcan0' virtual CAN interface on your desktop Ubuntu Linux machine:

sudo modprobe vcan
sudo ip link add dev vcan0 type vcan
sudo ip link set up vcan0

To see what is sent on the virtual CAN interface, use the 'candump' tool:

candump vcan0

Advanced usage

You can for example directly manipulate the CAN interface instance. If using the BCM CAN interface:


Architectural overview


We define these object types:


See .CanBus. Abstraction of the CAN bus, and uses a .SocketCanRawInterface or a .SocketCanBcmnterface. This is the main API object that developers will use.


See .SocketCanRawInterface. Abstraction of the SocketCAN interface hardware (or simulated=virtual hardware), using the RAW protocol to communicate with the Linux kernel. Requires Python 3.3 or later.


See .SocketCanBcmInterface. Abstraction of the SocketCAN interface hardware (or simulated=virtual hardware), using the Broadcast Manager in the Linux kernel. Requires Python 3.4 or later.


See .CanFrame. A (physical) package with data sent on the CanBus.


See .Configuration. An object holding configuration information about what is sent on the CAN bus. Has typically several .CanFrameDefinition (each having a number of .CanSignalDefinition).


See .CanFrameDefinition. Describes which signals that are sent in a frame with a specific ID. Has typically several .CanSignalDefinition objects. Note that a .CanFrameDefinition is a description of the different parts of the Can frame, but the .CanFrameDefinition itself does not hold any data.


See .CanSignalDefinition. Defines where in a message this signal is located, how it is scaled etc.


See .FilehandlerKcd. Reads and writes configurations to file, in the KCD file format.

Either .SocketCanRawInterface or .SocketCanBcmInterface is used, not both simultaneously. You select which to use in the constructor of the .CanBus.

It is possible to use only parts of the library. The architecture is such that it should be easy to write another CanInterface object.