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Brute-Force Backtracking Approach (Depth First Search)

In this approach the first step is to find an empty Sudoku cell and fill it with a digit from one to nine. The algorithm verifies which digits are safe to use whenever it finds an empty cell; if a digit is already present in that cell’s row, column, or square, it will not be inserted. Once a digit has been placed, the algorithm will use recursion to run the solving function again, this time finding the next empty cell and repeating the process until there are no empty cells, the problem has been solved. If a cell cannot be filled with a number, the algorithm will return to the previous cell and change the digit to another valid option, a process known as backtracking.


CSP Approach with Backtracking ( Depth First Search with MRV)

When approaching Sudoku solving as a CSP it’s required to define and identify the problem’s components. The components include the variables, the domain and the problem’s constraints.

  • Variables = {Cell1 . . . Cell81}.
  • Domain = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
  • Constraint 1 = {Rows must have unique values}
  • Constraint 2 = {Columns must have unique values}
  • Constraint 3 = {Squares must have unique values}

The main objective of this approach is to reduce the search space of the problem before we implement recursion and backtracking. The first step is to attribute to each cell in the Sudoku a list of its peers, a cell’s peers are the cells present in the corresponding row, column and square. This will greatly improve the search time when the algorithm needs to check if a digit is already present on that cell’s peers. The second step consists in filling every single empty cell with all the digits in the domain, which are digits from one to nine, shown in the next figure.

The elements inside the list of every cell can be removed if any of those digits are already present in that cell’s peers, this is the third step. It will improve the algorithms speed considering that this reduces the amount of digits that it needs to test. In the simple backtracking approach every digit from the domain is tested even though it might not be unique in that cell’s peer list. With this technique it’s also possible to find the solution for a cell if there is a single suitable digit after removing the duplicate digits, this is called single possibility or naked single, a common Sudoku strategy.

The fourth step is to implement the hidden single strategy this is another technique used to further reduce the search space before the algorithm commits to recursion and backtracking to solve the rest of the puzzle. The term ”hidden single” refers to a single candidate cell remaining for a specific digit in a row, column or square, even if the cell has multiple possible digits if a digit is unique in that cell’s peer row, column or square then that specific digit must be placed there.

After eliminating duplicate values from the possible digits and checking the puzzle for hidden singles, shown inthe previous figure , if any number of cells are solved with these techniques the algorithm will repeat them, otherwise the algorithm starts utilizing recursion.

The fifth step is where recursion takes place. Here, the algorithm will choose a cell with the fewest number of possibilities and place the first digit on that list in that cell. This heuristic is called minimum remaining values (MRV) and it was chosen because it helps in discovering inconsistencies earlier. Then the algorithm will repeat the third and fourth step until it either finishes solving the Sudoku or until a cell is left with no possible digits, this means that the digit we chose for the cell, with the fewest possibilities, was incorrect forcing the algorithm to backtrack and try another digit. After multiple iterations of these steps the Sudoku puzzle will finally be solved.

Experimental Results and Analyses

In order to measure the efficiency of the algorithms, during the solving of each puzzle, it was taken into account the solving time, the number of recursions and backtracks that were needed to reach the final solution. In table I it’s possible to see that the backtracking-only method was actually faster than the CSP. This was because the CSP algorithm spends more time trying to reduce the search space, like creating each variable’s peer list. Meanwhile the backtrack brute-force approach can just start solving the puzzle. The brute-force approach only solves faster because this Sudoku already has a large amount of its cells filled from the get-go, so the backtracking algorithm doesn’t have to brute-force test that many possibilities.

Table I - Easy BT only CSP with BT
Solve time (ms) 1.5 3.3
Recursions 166 0
Backtracks 120 0
Table II - Intermediate BT only CSP with BT
Solve time (ms) 430.5 272.7
Recursions 49 498 186
Backtracks 49 558 90
Table III - Hard BT only CSP with BT
Solve time (ms) 17 179 6
Recursions 1 904 479 0
Backtracks 1 904 540 0

From table II and III, it’s possible to observe a huge difference in speed, mainly because the Sudoku puzzles have less cells filled from the get-go, so the CSP method takes advantage of being able to highly reduce the search space, while the brute-force has to test out an astonishing number of possibilities.