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Run options

// TypeScript:
import {RunOptions} from 'github-action-ts-run-api';

Every target (function, JS file, Docker action) accepts a uniform RunOptions object. You can use the same options to pass to the several targets.


Use defaults, setup the object later:

const options = RunOptions.create();

Pass init values and still can be modified later:

const options = RunOptions.create({
    inputs: {a: 'val'},
    // Result outputOptions will be: 
    // { 
    //     parseStdoutCommands: true,  // stays default
    //     parseStderrCommands: true,  // stays default
    //     printStderr: false, 
    //     printStdout: true,          // stays default
    //     stdoutTransform: undefined  // stays default
    //     stderrTransform: undefined  // stays default
    //     printRunnerDebug: false     // stays default
    //     printRunnerWarnings: true   // stays default
    // }
    outputOptions: { printStderr: false }

You can share partially prepared common options between tests and add/replace some options for each test by calling clone() method on a shared object:

const commonOptions = RunOptions().create()
    .setInputs({a: 'a_val'});

const options = commonOptions
    // Deep clone
    // Result inputs: {a: 'a_val', b: 'b_val'}
    .setInputs({b: 'b_val'});
    // commonOptions still has only {a: 'a_val'}


🔸 setInputs(...)

Specify a set of string inputs that will be mapped to the correspondent INPUT_ env variables at the time of action execution. It's an analog of with section in a workflow.

If your want to have default input values from action.yml, pass its path to the target factory.

const options = RunOptions.create() // {}
    .setInputs({a: 'A'}) // {a: 'A'}
    // modify
    .setInputs({b: 'B'}) // {a: 'A', b: 'B'}
    // modify
    .setInputs({a: undefined, b: 'X'}) // {b: 'X'}
    // replace
    .setInputs({c: 'C'}, false) // {c: 'C'}

🔸 setEnv(...)

Specify a set of string environment variables that will be set for action run. It's an analog of env section in a workflow. Doesn't override setGithubContext() and setGithubServiceEnv() in options object, but will be merged with other service env variables at action run.

const options = RunOptions.create() // {}
    .setEnv({A: 'a'}) // {A: 'a'}
    // modify
    .setEnv({B: 'b'}) // {A: 'a', B: 'b'}
    // modify
    .setEnv({A: undefined, B: 'x'}) // {B: 'x'}
    // replace
    .setEnv({C: 'c'}, false) // {C: 'c'}

🔸 setShouldAddProcessEnv(...)

true: add current process env variables to action env
false: do not add

undefined (default): do not add, except the case of JS file target if debugger is attached (to enable you debugging a child proc).

⚠️ Special GitHub env variables (GITHUB_ENV, GITHUB_PATH) will not be passed to a target action. They will point to fake file commands anyway. Even if you call setFakeFsOptions({fakeCommandFiles: false}), they will be empty in action. It's done this way so as not to accidentally write to actual file commands of GitHub runner if your tests run on CI.

Doesn't override env variables in options object, but will be merged with all service env variables at action run.

🔸 setState(...)

Specify a set of saved state values that will be mapped to STATE_ env variables at action run.

Can be used to pass values from result.commands.savedState of main script run to post scripts run.

const options = RunOptions.create() // {}
    .setState({A: 'a'}) // {A: 'a'}
    // modify
    .setState({B: 'b'}) // {A: 'a', B: 'b'}
    // modify
    .setState({A: undefined, B: 'x'}) // {B: 'x'}
    // replace
    .setState({C: 'c'}, false) // {C: 'c'}

🔸 setGithubContext(...)

Specify properties of GitHub context that will be mapped to corresponding env variables. In an action it's normally accessible by require('@actions/github').context.

Doesn't override setEnv() in options object, but will be merged with other service env variables at action run.

If you set a payload property, at action run it will be serialized to a temp file, its path will be set to GITHUB_EVENT_PATH env variable, so that @actions/github context can read it correctly.

const options = RunOptions.create() // {}
    // {repository: 'owner/repo'}
    .setGithubContext({repository: 'owner/repo'}) 
    // modify. {repository: 'owner/repo', ref: 'tag/x'}
    .setGithubContext({ref: 'tag/x'})
    // modify. {ref: 'refs/heads/b'}
    .setGithubContext({repository: undefined, ref: 'refs/heads/b'})
    // replace. {actor: 'me'}
    .setGithubContext({actor: 'me'}, false)


A separate method (for convenience) to set GitHub service env variables. Doesn't override setEnv() in options object, but will be merged with other service env variables at action run.

const options = RunOptions.create() // {}
    // {CI: 'true'}
    .setGithubServiceEnv({CI: 'true'}) 
    // modify. {CI: 'true', GITHUB_ACTIONS: 'true'}
    .setGithubServiceEnv({GITHUB_ACTIONS: 'true'})
    // modify. {GITHUB_ACTIONS: 'false'}
    .setGithubServiceEnv({CI: undefined, GITHUB_ACTIONS: 'false'})
    // replace. {GITHUB_REF_NAME: 'myTag'}
    .setGithubServiceEnv({GITHUB_REF_NAME: 'myTag'}, false)

🔸 setShouldFakeMinimalGithubRunnerEnv(...)

false: do not set any default values
true (default): emulate GitHub runner environment as possible by faking GitHub service and context envs.

The following env variables will be set:

Env variable Value
GITHUB_WORKFLOW test_workflow
GITHUB_RUN_ID random number
GITHUB_JOB test_job
GITHUB_ACTION name from action.yml file, if set in target
GITHUB_EVENT_NAME workflow_dispatch
CI true
RUNNER_NAME test-runner
RUNNER_OS os, taken from the host
RUNNER_ARCH arch, taken from the host

If set to true, it doesn't override env variables in options object, but will be merged at action run. Explicitly set variables will have higher priority during the merge.

🔸 setOutputOptions(...)

Set or modify action output handling options. Receives an object with optional properties if you want to update only some properties.

Property Type Description Default
parseStdoutCommands boolean If false commands will not be parsed from stdout true
parseStderrCommands boolean If false commands will not be parsed from stderr true
printStdout boolean Print action stdout to process stdout. true
stdoutTransform OutputTransform | undefined; The way stdout will be transformed before printing. If undefined, behavior depends on process.env.GITHUB_ACTIONS undefined
printStderr boolean Print action stderr to process stderr true
stderrTransform OutputTransform | undefined; The way stderr will be transformed before printing. If undefined, behavior depends on process.env.GITHUB_ACTIONS undefined
printRunnerDebug boolean Print additional debug information false
printRunnerWarnings boolean Print runner warnings to stderr (similar to GitHub Runner) at the end of an action run true

stdoutTransform and stderrTransform options

The options have effect only if corresponding printStdout or printStderr option is true.

Value Description
OutputTransform.NONE "none" Print action's stdout/stderr directly to the process stdout/stderr
OutputTransform.SANITIZE_COMMANDS "sanitize_cmds" Detect commands start "::" and replace with "⦂⦂" so as not to accidentally interfere with github commands if run in GitHub CI
(default) undefined If process.env.GITHUB_ACTIONS is true then "sanitize_cmds", else "none"

⚠️ If you use printStdout === true and stdoutTransform == "none" on GitHub Actions runner, it will lead to passing all commands of a tested action directly to the GitHub runner, which is probably an undesired behavior. The same is true (although not documented by GitHub) for stderr.

// has defaults as in table above
const options = RunOptions.create() 
    // modify only parseStdoutCommands
    .setOutputOptions({parseStdoutCommands: false})
    // replace all output options
        parseStdoutCommands: true,
        parseStderrCommands: true,
        printStdout: true,
        stdoutTransform: OutputTransform.SANITIZE_COMMANDS,      
        printStderr: true,
        stderrTransform: OutputTransform.SANITIZE_COMMANDS,
        printRunnerDebug: true, 
        printRunnerWarnings: false
    }, false);

🔸 setWorkingDir(...)

Change a working dir path for an action. If you run Docker action, it should point to the path inside container.


  • For JavaScript actions: working dir of a current process
  • For Docker actions: /github/workspace

🔸 setWorkspaceDir(...)

Set path of an existing dir to GITHUB_WORKSPACE env variable. If you run a docker action, it will be mounted as volume to /github/workspace and GITHUB_WORKSPACE will point to it.

undefined (default): create a temporary dir that will be deleted after run. To prevent it from deleting, use setFakeFsOptions({rmFakedWorkspaceDirAfterRun: false}).

🔸 setTempDir(...)

Set path of an existing dir to RUNNER_TEMP env variable. If you run a docker action, it will be mounted as volume to /home/runner/work/_temp and RUNNER_TEMP will point to it.

undefined (default): create a temporary dir that will be deleted after run. To prevent it from deleting, use setFakeFsOptions({rmFakedTempDirAfterRun: false}).

🔸 setFakeFsOptions(...)

Set or update options related to faking dirs and files for an action. Receives an object with optional properties if you want to update only some properties.

Property Type Description Default
tmpRootDir string | undefined Root temp dir to create faked dirs and files in. undefined (system temp dir will be used)
fakeCommandFiles boolean Create faked files and set their paths to GITHUB_ENV and GITHUB_PATH env variables. true
rmFakedTempDirAfterRun boolean Remove a RUNNER_TEMP dir at the end of a run if it wasn't set explicitly by setTempDir() true
rmFakedWorkspaceDirAfterRun boolean Remove a GITHUB_WORKSPACE dir at the end of a run if it wasn't set explicitly by setWorkspaceDir() true

🔸 setTimeoutMs(...)

Set timeout in milliseconds for an action run. It works differently depending on a target:

  • Docker and JS file targets (docker, jsFile, mainJsScript, preJsScript, postJsScript): limits the maximum execution time interrupting a spawned process.
  • Function targets (syncFn, asyncFn): doesn't limit an execution time, just sets isTimedOut property in a run result.

If action exceeds the specified timeout, isTimedOut property of a run result will be set to true.

Default: undefined - no timeout.