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To install the docker image with cuda support you need:

Docker and Nvidia-Docker 2. You need cuda compatible GPU (from Nvidia), make sure you follow the install procedure for both carefully, this guide should provide all of the required steps


To build the image run

make gaan_base

If needed CPU support only can be added!


If you are running for the first time do the following:

xhost +si:localuser:root
XAUTH = /tmp/.docker.xauth-n
touch $XAUTH
xauth nlist :0 | sed -e 's/^..../ffff/' | xauth -f $XAUTH nmerge -
chmod a+r $XAUTH


Once this is run once you can run the image with ./dev.bash found in the docker folder. This will launch the image and mount your catkin workspace from your file system to /gaan-ws

To have additional terminals inside the docker environment you can re run ./dev.bash from the new terminal.

When you run the container for the first time you will have to run catkin_make, this builds the gaan packages which are unavailable to docker until the checkout of the repo is mounted in ./dev-first.bash.

Add dependencies

To add new dependencies just instert the terminal command in the right dockerfile.

  • Anything related to Nvidia/cuda/cudnn etc in the gaan/nvidia/* package.
  • Anything related to ros in gaan/melodic/
  • Anything related to tiago in gaan/tiago/
  • Anything related to our solution in .


  • Not tested on anything else than ubuntu. Need to look at how to forward Xserver equivalent in macos and Windows, or use other tools to launch the image.

  • The camera/webcam device is located in /dev/video0 in ubuntu, need to edit dev.bash to give it the correct camera name.


Commit to changes on a docker image, should be used to save last compilation but the code should be stored on disk by correctly mounting the file system.

To Commit:

1. Apply all the changes on the image. Write the code, Compile etc.

    sudo docker ps -a
    Will print the docker images running. Check for the CONTAINER ID
3. Run
    sudo docker commit [CONTAINER ID] [new_image_name]
4. You can check the new image with
    sudo docker images

5. After that just run image with new name.
    docker run [new_image_name]

To remove docker images: docker rmi -f $(docker images --filter "dangling=true" -q --no-trunc)

To have GUI run in host : xhost +si:local

Cmake for dlib worked when adding

if (NOT CUDA_CUBLAS_LIBRARIES) set(CUDA_CUBLAS_LIBRARIES /usr/local/cuda/lib64/ endif()