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Cribstone edited this page Dec 7, 2012 · 25 revisions

Welcome to the OpenTransit Project Wiki!

Original OpenTransit Project Proposal

Additional Project Documentation Can be found at


The OpenTransit Project is a grassroots campaign to address serious accessibility challenges confronting rural communities and small cities by applying the enormous transformative power of open networks to existing rural assets.

Open Standards


Bring regional transit providers in line with best practices of open data standards


  • Advocate for regional Open Data practices
  •            Work with Municipal Partners to Convert Data Into GTFS Format
  •            Organize and Assist Regional OpenStreetMap Campaign
  •            Compile Repository of Open Source Applications for GTFS, OpenStreetMap, Siri resources for small agencies

Open Hardware


Develop low-cost technologies customized for rural transportation needs using open hardware protocols.

Open Software


Optimize OneBusAway and OpenTripPlanner applications for rural transit use. Emphasis on Demand Response support.

Open Platforms


Create Application Programming Interface based on architecture established in previous initiatives

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