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File metadata and controls

75 lines (51 loc) · 2.01 KB

Microformats Helper

Microformats Helper is a plugin for generating content-rich tags in HTML files, following Microformats standards. For more information about Microformats, check its website (

Currently only the hCard microformat is available.


All fields are optional but the name, you are required to provide at least one of the names below.


  • fn - Formal Name: should be used when no other name is provided

  • given - Given Name

  • family - Family Name

  • additional - Additional Name: goes between given and family names

  • prefix - Honorific Prefix: for titles like Dr. or Sir

  • suffix - Honorific Suffix: for titles like M.D. or Jr

  • org - Organization name


  • street - Street Address

  • locality - The city or similar

  • region - The state, county or similar

  • postal_code - ZIP number

  • country - The country


  • tel - Provide a hash with the phone types and numbers

  • url - Add a link to a site in the name

  • email - Add a link to a mailto: address


In your views:

<%= hcard :fn => "Ricardo Yasuda" %>

The output is:

<span class="vcard">

<span class=“fn n”>Ricardo Yasuda</span>


A more complicated example:

<%= hcard :given => "Ricardo", :family => "Yasuda", :url => "", :country => "Brazil" %>

The output is:

<span class="vcard">

<a href=“” class=“fn n url”> <span class=“given-name”>Ricardo</span> <span class=“family-name”>Yasuda</span> </a> <span class=“adr”> <span class=“country-name”>Brazil</span> </span>


An example with telephone numbers:

<%= hcard(:fn => "John Doe", :tel => { "fax" => "544-5544", "home" => "555-5555" }) %>

The output is:

<span class="vcard">
  <span class="fn n">John Doe</span>
  <span class="tel">
    <span class="tel-label-fax type">Fax: </span><span class="value">544-5544</span>
    <span class="tel-label-home type">Home: </span><span class="value">555-5555</span>