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File metadata and controls

132 lines (80 loc) · 3.12 KB

Quick Start


Install with pip:

$ pip install pyramid_es

Integrate with a Pyramid App

Include pyramid_es, by calling config.include('pyramid_es') or adding pyramid_es to pyramid.includes.

Configure the following settings:

  • elastic.servers
  • elastic.timeout
  • elastic.index
  • elastic.disable_indexing

Add the Mixin Class to a Model

Add ElasticMixin to a model class. For example:

from pyramid_es.mixin import ElasticMixin

class Article(Base, ElasticMixin):

Then implement the elastic_mapping() class method:

from pyramid_es.mixin import ElasticMixin, ESMapping, ESString, ESField

class Article(Base, ElasticMixin):

    def elastic_mapping(cls):
        return ESMapping(
            return ESMapping(
                    ESString('title', boost=5.0),

You can customize the exact behavior of the mapping and document creation by adjusting the elastic_mapping(cls) class method and the elastic_document(self) instance method.

Access the Client

To interact with the elasticsearch server, use the client instance maintained by pyramid_es. You can access it like:

from pyramid_es import get_client

client = get_client(registry)

All operations--index maintenance, diagnostics, indexing, and querying--are performed via methods on this instance.

Index a Document

After the model class is prepared, index a document with:


This call will create or update the elasticsearch backend state for this model object, so you can simply call it any time the object is created or updated. If the object is deleted, call:


Execute a Search Query

Search queries are formed generatively, much like SQLAlchemy. Here's an example:

q = client.query(Article)
q = q.filter_term('title', 'Introduction')
q = q.order_by('pubdate', desc=True)
results = q.execute()

for result in results:
    print result.title, result.pubdate

To make a keyword search, add the q argument to client.query():

q = client.query(Article, q='kittens')

Calling a query method like .filter_term() or .order_by() will create a totally new query instance, and not modify the original.

You can use query methods to:

  • Add filters on specific fields, range filters, or anything else supported by elasticsearch
  • Sort by fields
  • Add search facets

The Result Object

Calling .execute() on a query issues the query to the backend and returns a special result object. This object behaves similar to a dict, but supports iteration and a few special properties.